比安卡(Larisa Oleynik饰)是全校公认的甜心宝贝,可事实上,她甚至未有过一次约会——比安卡的老爸对女儿的管教极尽苛刻,男生们只能对她望而却步。
在女儿的不断抗议下,老爸终于做了“让步”,他声明,比安卡可以约会,只要她的姐姐凯特(Julia Stiles饰)也去。听到这个消息,暗恋比安卡的喀麦隆(Joseph Gordon-Levitt饰)决心无论如何都要找到能和凯特约会的人。千挑万选之下,他找到派特里克(Heath Ledger饰)帮忙。
从大概高中升大学那个暑假看了这部片子就对这部片子产生了无比浓厚的兴趣 该片里所有出现的歌曲,包括根本没有收录进入原声大碟的歌曲都统统的统计出来并且下载,还买了电影原声 2020年6月,我制作了一张QQ音乐歌单。 QQ 音乐里搜: ten things I hate about you 原声,歌单里就是我加的。28首。
电影原声大碟如下 "One Week (Remix)" Written by Ed Robertson Performed by Barenaked Ladies Courtesy of Reprise Records "Bad Reputation" Written by Joan Jett Performed by Joan Jett Courtesy of Blackheart Records "All My Life (Ignorants Remix)" Written by Rory Bennett, Joel Hailey Performed by K-el & Jojo Courtesy of MCA Records "Calypso" Written by Janet English, Damien Whitty, Mark Maher Performed by Spiderbait Courtesy of Polydor Records Australia "Sexy Boy" Written by Nicholas Godin, Jean Benoit Dunckel Performed by Air French Band Courtesy of Caroline Records "Get Em Outaa Here" Written by Steve Summers, Sprung Monkey Performed by Sprung Monkey Courtesy of Surfdog Records/Hollywood Records "C'mon" Written by Greg McKenna, Kay Hanley, Scott Riebling, Michael Eisenstein, Stacy Jones Performed by Letters To Cleo "Soar" Written by Ralph Sall Performed by ATM Courtesy of Bullet Proof Recording Company, Inc "Rondo Vivace. Piano Concerto #1" Written by Fredric Chopin Courtesy of Associated Production Music "Co-Pilot" Written by Greg McKenna, Scott Riebling, Kay Hanley, Michael Eisenstein Performed by Letters To Cleo "Dazz" Written by Ray Ransom, Edward Irons, Reginald Hargis Performed by Brick Courtesy of Epic Records "Word Up" Written by Larry Blackman, Tomi Jenkins Performed by Cameo Courtesy of Mercury Records "Atomic Dog" Written by George Clinton, Jr., Gary M. Shider, David L. Spradley Performed by George Clinton Courtesy of Capitol Records "Push It" Written by Herbie Azor Performed by Salt 'n' Pepa Courtesy of London Records USA "Just Be Good To Me" Written by Terry Lewis, James Harris III Performed by The Sos. Band Courtesy of Avant Garde Enterprises, Inc. "Hypnotize" Written by Sean "Puffy" Combs, Notorious B.I.G., Deric Angelettie, Ron Lawrence, Randy Badazz, Andy Armer Performed by The Notorious B.I.G. Courtesy of Bad Boy Entertainment/Arista Records, Inc. "Hold Me Now" Written by Alannah Currie, Joseph Leway, Thomas Bailey Performed by Thompson Twins Courtesy of BMG Eurodisc Limited/Arista Records, Inc. "War" Written by Peter Svensson, Nina Persson Performed by The Cardigans Courtesy of Stockholm Records "Cruel To Be Kind" Written by Ian Gomm, Nicholas Drain Lowe Performed by Letters To Cleo "Saturday Night" Written by Marti Sharron, Danny Sembello, Rodney Jerkins Performed by Ta-Gana Courtesy of Third Rail/Hollywood Records "Can't Get Enough Of You Baby" Written by Denny Randall, Sandy Linzer Performed by The Colourfield Courtesy of Chrysalis Records "Wings Of A Dove" Written by Carl Smyth, Graham McPherson Performed by Madness Courtesy of Virgin Records Ltd. "The Weakness In Me" Written by Joan Armatrading Performed by Joan Armatrading Courtesy of A&M Records, Inc. "New World" Written by LeRoy Performed by LeRoy Courtesy of Hollywood Records "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" Written by Bob Crewe, Bob Gaudio "FNT" Written by Dan Wilson, Jacob Slichter Performed by Semisonic Courtesy of MCA Records "Your Winter" Written by Ken Block, Andrew Copeland, Ryan Newell, Jeff Beres, Mark Trojanowski Performed by Sister Hazel Courtesy of Universal Records "I Know" Written by Michael Bolton, Mire Molnar, Brian Mashburn, Ronald Isley, Rudolph Isley, O'Kelly Isley Performed by Save Ferris Courtesy of Epic Records "Can't Stop" Written by Brian Mashburn Performed by Save Ferris Courtesy of Epic Records "Even Angels Fall" Written by Tom Whitlock, Jessica Riddle, Kim Bullard, Penny Framstead Performed by Jessica Riddle Courtesy of Hollywood Records "I Want You To Want Me" Written by Rick Nielsen Performed by Letters To Cleo "One More Thing" Performed by Richard Gibbs 没有收录的歌曲如下 The song playing in Club Skunk is "Come On" by Letters To Cleo (only available on Napster and maybe on their website) Kat's table dance song is "Hypnotize" by Notorious BIG. The song playing near the beginning that goes "Sunshine on my window, makes me happy, like I should be..." is "Calypso" by Spiderbait. The song that goes "I don't give a **** bout my reputation" is "Bad Reputation" by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. The song playing when Cameron and Michael are watching the flyers for the party fall down the stairs is "Sexy Boy" by Air French Band. 另外个人觉得经典的台词如下 Bianca: There's a difference between like and love. I mean I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack. Chastity: But I love my Skechers. Bianca: That's because you don't have a Prada backpack. Walter Stratford: Hello, Katarina. Make anybody cry today? Kat Stratford: Sadly, no. But it's only 4:30. 哈哈 对了,另外附上我个人对该片演员的追踪关注 Heath Ledger 这个不用我说了吧,他饰演Patrick这个小子居然因为拍摄断壁山而找到了现在的女朋友。而现在的女朋友居然就是如果墙壁可以说话第2个里面的那个p,倒也算个夫妻档,哈哈,都演过同志咯 虽然生了娃,但是还是分手了,然后分手不久后 他永久了离开了我们,默哀ing Julia Stiles 饰演kate的那位,我的梦中情人,此人念了哥伦比亚大学之后就傻了,净跟黑人配戏咯,而且还是跟我最讨厌的黑人,就是Mekhi Phifer,奶奶的此人老是跟我心目中的美女配戏,在o里面跟julia,在honey里面跟alba,如果翻起老帐来,那么他还在i still know waht u did last summer 里面跟Brandy Norwood……我都快疯了,巨黑巨难看!我恨他,一点不假! Andrew Keegan 剧中他是个傻乎乎的帅哥,而且是个坏人,就是joey咯,可是我还是觉得他可爱。但可爱的他似乎没有美女缘,在电影里老是喜欢上一个完全不好看得姑娘,还主演了一部Extreme Dating,是ten things里面的一个非常好笑的游戏,人生如此,真是不如意啊! David Krumholtz 形成对比的一个人,剧中他扮相极傻(Michael),可是非常地聪明,一切都按照他的计划发展,现在长得比以前好看许多,跟我亲爱的米拉 乔沃维奇(没错就是出演圣女贞德,第五元素的大美女)有过合作,米拉在一部电影里单相思他(上帝,怎么会有这样的事?)最后终于米拉如愿(靠!) 他如今成为电视剧明星了 Susan May Pratt 一个美女,剧中扮演一个傻乎乎的美女,最后跟同样傻乎乎的David也就是剧中的Michael配对,出演过我非常喜欢的一部青春片centre stage,我喜欢这个姑娘。 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 这个亚裔(修改下,他是犹太人)水瓶座帅哥是彻底废的了,那么可爱的他现在跟大叔一样,我发疯咯!对了2003年他出演过一部神秘皮肤,上帝,饰演一个从小被自己的男教练性骚扰长大的孩子!!我倒 风水轮流转哇 小犹太最近火了嘛~~相当的火~~
“你一直这么自私吗?你知道,并不能因为你的美丽,就可以让你不顾别人的感受。” I hate you, but I can't take my eyes off you.
好喜欢的青春片!西斯莱杰帅得催人泪下啊。。。555 念那首诗的时候我竟然眼含热泪
Heath Ledger已经那么帅了的时候,Joseph还没太长开,但也还是很萌,哈哈。 唱歌表白还有逃课可以说是青春片两大经典桥段。整个片感觉特L.A,原声也很在点儿上啊!
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me
一部有点平淡的校园爱情片因为Heath的一首早期“快闪”--Can't Take My Eyes Off You完全有逆转~这类校园傻白甜外加无脑金发妹看太多,使得看到与众不同气质的Julia Stiles也有继续加分。除此还喜欢片子最后乐队站在楼顶上唱歌的感觉。
Julia17岁,Heath18岁,Joe17岁,David20岁,Andrew17岁,Larisa16岁。can't take my eyes off you 很好听,囧瑟夫还像个小鸡崽子。。。
就像看哥哥的电影一样,每次看到希斯的微笑心里都微痛。他蹦跳着在操场上唱着can't take my eyes off you的时候,最后女主一边念着赌气一样的十四行诗一边流泪的时候,当然还有青涩的JGL都让这部电影有了让人爱上的理由。(很喜欢古堡一样的校园、片尾伴字幕的花絮笑喷
Heath Ledger在台阶上献歌传情那段很经典,看了很多遍,Julia Stiles比在The Prince and Me里美多了。i hate you because i love you~【i can't take my eyes off you】ost值得收藏
stupid but sweet, I like it
Can't take my eyes off you:)当年Julia17岁,Heath18岁,Joe17岁,David20岁,Andrew17岁,Larisa16岁,Susan24岁
想看了很久 终于看哭了But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Heath唱歌那段好有爱~~ 唉 真怀念他。。。
是的,我承认我很无聊...呵呵,喜欢一个演员就要从最原始的地方开始,嘿嘿嘿,不过GOD,为什么我喜欢的演员长的都一个样,汗,Joseph Gordon-Levitt 的有些照片看起来跟Heath完全是一个样的,我倒,不过在这部里。。。哈哈哈,Joseph好土,幸亏他不是一直走这种傻男路线的,呵呵
I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate you so much,it makes me sick,it even makes me rhyme. I hate it... I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you make me laugh,even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around and the fact that you didn't call. I hate it when you lie. But mostly,I hate the way I don't hate you,not even close,not even a little bit,not even at all. 想念Heath...