Series two joins Chris Carson six months later. Chris is attempting to rebuild his life, and his relationships, desperate to avoid the corruption that nearly sucked him under. He is trying to be a better police officer, a better man, and most importantly, a better father to his daughter Tilly. All whilst still dealing with the relentless trauma of being a night response officer. Chris wants a day job. Chris needs a day job. But is he prepared to risk everything to get one?
热播电视剧最新电影龙之吻世界上最动听的你密战黑茶山一条狗的使命2(国语版)性感野兽 第一季宇宙大战争巴黎假期着草走佬做大佬不做爱情傻子退役挪威的维京人第三季芳芳郁金香戏说台湾之逆转轮迴快活四侠:真正的约鲁巴恶魔后浪天真派:杨门女将普通女人魔卡少女樱剧场版:被封印的卡片迷离小镇第一季沉睡的人发掘真相地心的纳粹末日惊魂突出重围检察方的罪人(原声版)麦路人·纪录片海囚 上聚宝盆