热播电视剧最新电影盲魇工作与时日告白攻击亲爱的莉亚圣水洞之吻奇葩生活深夜俱乐部一路北上希望之旅2017蛇蝎女佣第四季魔法使黎明期无敌铁砂掌2005地狱厨房(美版)第十季无声的证言 第一季TOKYOMER~移动的急救室~电影版秦时明月2015触摸4等西安大追捕重装战警总铺师凡蒂怪奇恋爱作战仟吉大概换了标签的背胶材质,大半夜说完晚安之后还在凉水里孜孜不倦的洗标签、花了将近半小时一定要把瓶子洗得干净滑溜的我真的不是处女座呀!可恶╮(╯_╰)╭ 洗着洗着忽然想起已经追到第三季的此剧,不管在腐女眼里此剧是多么的后宫,对我来说它只是个关于困惑和努力的故事。 D姐,事业上很强悍,在每一次公司变更中占据主导,即使在劣势中也从不放弃,跟will斗,但是在他危难的时候将收入法律援助部的功劳归于will,助他度过难关。 感情上很简单,有好感的弹道分析家和送传票的男人无疑都有自己坚持的价值观和世界观,甚至坚持到执拗的程度,这大概也是他们能吸引D姐的地方,D姐恋爱的时候的小女孩样子,真是爱死了。 但是喜欢归喜欢,为他们放弃自我和事业却是不能。 K姐,走在边缘却自成一派,永远目标明确思路清晰。 看似自私却有不为人知的细腻,其实我觉得K姐是喜欢Cary的,只是小伙不敢相信而已。不止他不信,我估计K姐渐渐的自己都不信了。真希望能有人能相信你,也让你相信。 女主A姐,她一直很困惑,总是靠着自己的努力去克服。 A姐是我最不能理解也最想了解的部分。本剧中那么多强人D姐K姐卖萌E、Will等等等等都独身(K姐是自己想办法都要独身,卖萌E离婚),我们的A姐却当了15年的good wife,这需要多大的毅力和勇气!!!同时对所有已婚人士保持敬畏。(你们在墙里) 我想will喜欢A姐,不仅仅因为她是他的情节,而是因为A姐的生活,有他不曾接触、渴望拥有的部分;A姐的正气,是他游走在边缘的时候,不愿丢失的部分。相对而已,Peter太复杂,我完全看不出来他对他妻子的感情,他可以背叛,但希望妻子忠诚,他要求宽恕,却不能原谅对方。太懂事的男人我果然无法理解,P叔到底爱谁,还是他根本乐于这样有个百花齐放的后宫。 或许都是想信但却不敢信,忍不住去试试,但又浅尝辄止,最后只能坚持自己的正义,这样大概永远长不大。最近害怕自己会摔进成人世界,而且还是脸着地的那种,种种不安。还好我幸运,可以慢慢来。
1. (交际)hon (abbr of honey 爱称) 2. state attorney 州检察官 3. (交际)Why don’t we talk in private? 我们私下里谈谈吧? 4. need you around for trial 需要你出席庭审 5. pricey=expensive 6. in-laws 岳父母 7. squirt gun(=water pistol)水枪 8. (交际)why? 怎么了? 9. dust v. 把粉状物撒于 dust for prints 采集指纹 (采集指纹方法之一需要把粉末撒于物体表面) 10. display n.货架(物品陈列) 11. greeting cards 贺卡 12. hold you for investigation 羁押你进行调查 13. public defender 公设辩护人 14. pro bono adj.无偿服务,公益性的,慈善性的[亦作pro-bono] being, involving, or doing professional and especially legal work donated especially for the public good origin:Latin pro bono publico: for the public good 15. City Bar 市律协; Bar Association 律师协会The bar is used to refer to the profession of any kind of lawyer in the United States, or of a barrister in England. 律师职业 I’m registered with the City Bar’s Pro Bono Program. 我是市律协法律援助项目的注册律师。 16. refer V-T If you refer a task or a problem to a person or an organization, you formally tell them about it, so that they can deal with it. 提交 They referred your case. 他们把你的案子给我了。 17. a solid eyewitness 过硬的目击证人 18. struggle with sb. 扭打,打斗 19. clerk 售货员,店员;cashier 收银员 20. send in sb/send sb in 叫某人进来 21. lens 镜头 22. fire bullets/shoot 开枪 23. evict 驱逐 V-T If someone is evicted from the place where they are living, they are forced to leave it, usually because they have broken a law or contract. about to be evicted 房子要被收回了 24. Mr. Everyman 平常人 25. convenience store 便利店 bar code 条形码 register 收银机 26. petrol car 巡警车 27. pull up 停下 28. commission n[U].(fml) the commission of a crime is the act of doing it 犯(罪、错误),做(不法之事等) 29. second degree murder 二级谋杀罪(通常表示警方认为被告并非事先预谋犯罪) 30. liaison n.[U] 联络员If someone acts as liaison with a particular group, or between two or more groups, their job is to encourage co-operation and the exchange of information. 31. levelheaded adj. 头脑冷静的,稳健的calm and sensible in making judgments or decisions 32. opposition research 敌情研究,(为进行攻击性的竞选宣传而作的)对政敌的调查研究,对手研究 33. (交际) always a pleasure 见到你很高兴 ——It’s good to see you./It’s good to meet you. 见到你很高兴 ——And you./You too. 我也是 34. litigation n.[U] 诉讼 the process of fighting or defending a case in a civil court of law. head of litigation 诉讼部主管 35. hit the ground running (infml) 积极着手进行,旗开得胜,一举成名,一炮打响 Eli: I’ve hit the ground running, as I’m sure you’re well aware. 我来这儿后,很快就做出很大成绩,我相信你们很清楚这一点。 36. take a breath 歇会儿,短暂休息/reassess重新评价 V-T If you reassess something, you think about it and decide whether you need to change your opinion about it. Eli: now I think it’s time to take a breath and reassess. 我认为现在应该总结一下需要改进的地方 36. lobby v.游说-lobbying n. V-T/V-I If you lobby someone such as a member of a government or council, you try to persuade them that a particular law should be changed or that a particular thing should be done. 37. crisis management 危机管理 38. 24/7 business 全天候的事务(twenty-four seven ~) 39. in-house adv.在机构内部 40. double-dip recession 二次衰退 41. player n.[C] If a person, country, or organization is a player in something, they are involved in it and important in it. 重要参与者 42. crosscurrent n.(often plu) 相反意见/趋势 eg: political crosscurrents 政治对立 43. beyond one’s means 超出某人的财力 means n. 财富,资产,收入 44. build sth. from the ground up 从头开始 eg:build business from the ground up 白手起家,开创自己的事业 45. acquire v. 获得—收购,并购If you acquire something, you buy or obtain it for yourself, or someone gives it to you. 46. off the shelf 现成的,无需定制的 47. break up 解体When something breaks up or when you break it up, it separates or is divided into several smaller parts. 48. 律所(law firm)部门: bankruptcy 破产事务部 litigation 诉讼部 tax 税法部 family law 家庭法律部 malpractice 不当执业事务部(malpractice n. 渎职,玩忽职守,[临床]治疗失当If you accuse someone of malpractice, you are accusing them of being careless or of breaking the law or the rules of their profession.) acquisition 并购部(企业并购 Mergers and Acquisitions, M&A 包括兼并和收购两种方式。国际上习惯将兼并和收购合在一起使用,在中国称为并购。兼并又称吸收合并,指两家或者更多的独立企业,公司合并组成一家企业,通常由一家占优势的公司吸收一家或者多家公司。收购指一家企业用现金或者有价证券购买另一家企业的股票或者资产,以获得对该企业的全部资产或者某项资产的所有权,或对该企业的控制权。) 49. vie v. [vaɪ] 争夺,竞争-vying ['vaɪɪŋ] If one person or thing is vying with another for something, the people or things are competing for it. 50. has a preexisting relationship 有交情 51. dispute resolution 争端解决,纠纷调解 52. dance to the tune of sth. 受...控制,随...运转,被...牵着鼻子走 53. push off 推迟 54. CLE (律师的)继续教育(continuing legal education) 55. Department of Justice 司法部 56. plea bargain n.[C]辩诉交易,认罪协商In some legal systems, a plea bargain is an agreement that, if an accused person says they are guilty, they will be charged with a less serious crime or will receive a less severe punishment. 庭外和解V-I If an accused person plea bargains or plea-bargains, they accept a plea bargain. 57. detail v. 选派to officially order someone, especially soldiers, to do a particular job. detail somebody to (do) something 58. AUSA 助理联邦检察官(assistant United States attorney) 59. show sb. the ropes 给某人指点门道,让某人了解情况show them how to do a particular job or task. the ropes: 窍门 60. sentence 量刑prior (Am slang) 前科 61. prosecutor 检察官,公诉人 prosecution 控方 defense 辩方 62. plaintiff n.原告defendant n.被告 accused 被告 63. sign in 签到 64. name cards 名片 65. charm v. (用魅力) 取悦 If you charm someone, you please them, especially by using your charm. 66. commitment 签约 67. call it a day 收工,今天的工作到此结束 68. suitor n.[C] 求购公司a company or organization that wants to buy another company. 69. call a halt to sth.决定停止 70. (交际)What’s on the table? 什么条件? 71. Legal Aid 法律援助协会(为无钱聘请律师或打官司的人免费服务的公民组织) 72. (交际)Where are we? 进行得怎么样?/情况如何? 73. jetliner 喷气客机 74. class action 集团诉讼 75. She’s playing hard to get. 她在玩欲擒故纵。 76. kiddo n.(Am slang) 伙计,小伙子(亲昵称呼),孩子,小子,老兄,老姐 77. parking ticket 停车罚单 78. shave off 减掉(削减,略降) 79. workmate n.同事,工作伙伴,搭档(=workfellow) 80. preoccupation n. 先入为主 81. preliminary hearing 预审(初步听证)A hearing is an official meeting which is held in order to collect facts about an incident or problem.听证会 82. deposition n.[C] 证词,取证A deposition is a formal written statement, made for example, by a witness to a crime, which can be used in a court of law if the witness cannot be present. 83. show one’s hand/cards 亮出底牌,摊牌to declare one's intentions or reveal one's resources 84. (法庭用语)All rise! The Honorable XX presiding. 全体起立! 有请尊敬的XX法官 Your Honor 法官阁下 (Br: Your lordship) 85. hand around 分发 86. flex time 弹性工时 (flex adj.弹性工作制的) 87. telecommute v. 远程办公(用电脑),(在家)遥控办公 88. sweeten our offer 提出更好的报价/更优厚的待遇 89. holster n.手枪套 counter 柜台 90. start firing 交火 91. preview of the case 正式庭审的准备/预演 92. reflection 反光 93. punch-key lock 键盘锁 94. cross-racial identification 跨种族辨别(Some people tend to misidentify suspects of races different from their own because they have trouble distinguishing features ) 95. give credence to sth. 相信 credence ['kridns] n. 信任 96. fixate v.(使)固定 +on sth. 97. This looks like a hundred people. 这看起来就是张大众脸。 98. discovery n.提交(证据),(当事人必须)透露(事实真相或有关文件内容等) 99. We always get at the last minute. 我们总在最后一刻才拿到。 100. expedite v.加快V-T to accelerate the process or progress of : speed up 101. lottery ticket 彩票 lottery scam 彩票欺诈 102. mixer (Am slang) 交谊会 103. criminal law 刑法 civil law 民法 business/commercial law 商法 104. domesticated adj.享受家庭生活的 105. domestic adj. 喜爱家庭生活的-温馨的devoted to home duties and pleasures 106. bump into sb. 偶然碰到 ~sb. you know, you meet them unexpectedly. 107. apple-cheeked 脸颊红润的 108. head out 离开-失陪 (交际) I’m out. 我要走了 109. control the purse strings 控制财权 110. by default 在另外的可能性没有发生的情况下If something happens by default, it happens only because something else which might have prevented it or changed it has not happened. Eli: But Diane controls the purse strings. Kelinda: Only by default. Will hates dealing with it. 是因为没人爱管吧。威尔讨厌这方面事情。 111. Where does she stand in all of this? 她在这里居于何种地位? 112. (交际) Yes? 说啊?/什么事? 113. a three-year associate 一名有三年经验的律师 114. hierarchy n.等级制度A hierarchy is a system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of importance, for example in society or in a company. 115. mom-and-pop store 夫妻店 116. redeem lottery ticket 兑换/投注彩票 redeem v.兑换to exchange (something, such as a coupon or lottery ticket) for money, an award 117. artist sketch 画像(剧中指警方为确定嫌疑人,根据证人描述所画) 118. ——Can you get more on XX? 能查到XX的更多情况吗? ——I’m on him. 我正着手在查。 119. We need to delay in court. 庭上得用拖延战术。 120. mechanical 无意识的,机械式的If you describe someone's action as mechanical, you mean that they do it automatically, without thinking about it. 121. (交际)Don’t worry about it. 别放在心上/没关系(回应道歉时用) 122. pout v. 生气[paʊt] to refuse to talk to people because you are angry or annoyed about something 123. come clean (Am slang)坦白,彻底交代 124. chase V-T/V-I If you are chasing something you want, such as work or money, or are chasing after it, you are trying hard to get it. 追求 (事业、金钱等) 125. regroup v. 重组 126. (交际)Don’t play games with me. 别耍我。 127. Commissioner is getting on in years. 执行长目前年岁已高。 128. successor n. 接班人 129. go all in 全力做某事 130. brief n. 案情摘要/案情陈述A brief is a document containing all the information relating to a particular legal case, which is used by a lawyer to defend his or her client in court. 131. (交际)Got it! 知道了 132. pick up the slack “接过烫手山芋” (also take up the slack )to do something when someone else cannot or will not do it 133. pull back 打退堂鼓,中止If someone pulls back from an action, they decide not to do it or continue with it, because it could have bad consequences. 134. appeal n. 上诉An appeal is a formal request for a decision to be changed. 申诉 135. go n. 尝试,争取A go is an attempt at doing something. Eg: Guy, it’s a go on the Packer appeal. 帕克的上诉还要再争取。 136. bow out 退出If you bow out of something, you stop taking part in it. [baʊ] 137. pick up 改善If trade or the economy of a country picks up, it improves. Eg: Our firm is bowing out of our pro bono obligations. Just till things pickup. You know, the economy. 138. budget crunch [krʌn(t)ʃ]预算紧缩A situation in which a business or economy has very little money can be referred to as a crunch. 财政困难 139. I’m on him now. 我在跟踪他。 140. Alcoholics Anonymous 匿名戒酒互助会AA 141. legit=legitimate 合法的 acceptable according to the law 142. chapter treasurer 分会出纳 chapter n. Am (俱乐部、大学联谊会、兄弟会等社团的)地方支部,地方分会 treasurer n. 会计,出纳The treasurer of a society or organization is the person who is in charge of its finances and keeps its accounts. (团体或组织的) 财务主管 143. bet on the track 赌马 144.monkey with v.= tamper with 干涉,做手脚 to interfere so as to weaken or change for the worse 145. fall guy (Am slang) 替罪羊 146. plight n.[C] 困境If you refer to someone's plight, you mean that they are in a difficult or distressing situation that is full of problems. 147. argue a motion to dismiss 提出驳回指控的动议 motion is denied 动议被驳回 148. reed n.[C]薄弱不可靠的人/事 149. Quote: A judging brain requires a listening ear. 聆听在先,判断在后 150. summarily adv. 当即,立刻 151. definitive adj.明确的-坚决的 [dɪ'fɪnɪtɪv] 152. con v. –conning 哄骗-“玩”If someone cons you, they persuade you to do something or believe something by telling you things that are not true. 153. The line of sight checks out. 在视线范围内 154. The prosecutor reversed himself. 公诉人撤诉了。 155. no fuss, no muss. 不麻烦,不忙乱/不要小题大作 剧里译为“你总是这么淡定” 156. count every penny 斤斤计较 157. office space 办公场地
好媳妇真是完美诠释了“高端大气上档次”这七个字啊, 各种紧跟潮流!
其实律师和律师打官司这种情况很简单就可以形容,就是玩与被玩的关系,关键看谁玩得更高明。这一季很赞!Alicia有个失误,我都想到了,检察官传讯她肯定会问到她与will的关系,她居然没有预料到,作为一个职业律师,失误啊失误!不过临走那句“Arrest me”酷毙了。哇哈~想做内心无比强大的人此剧必看。
好媳妇正迅猛的向Gossip Girl的方向发展
当看到Alicia 和Will在一起的时候,我也觉得好快乐,仿佛自己开始了一场新恋情。一直追下去!
3.5. 女主的自私越来越明显。最佳客串是Julianne Nicholson(怎么可以抹掉她的雀斑!)和Matthew Perry。Kalinda和Diane依然是最佳,Diane喜欢的男人都很棒!
看完第三季第一集觉得Will 与Alicia走到头了,Will那句只是在装有感觉说明一切了。梦中情人看着是美好的,真正得到了就未必是自己想要的。