• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧
















日暮之歌 剧照 NO.1日暮之歌 剧照 NO.2日暮之歌 剧照 NO.3日暮之歌 剧照 NO.4日暮之歌 剧照 NO.5日暮之歌 剧照 NO.6日暮之歌 剧照 NO.13日暮之歌 剧照 NO.14日暮之歌 剧照 NO.15日暮之歌 剧照 NO.16日暮之歌 剧照 NO.17日暮之歌 剧照 NO.18日暮之歌 剧照 NO.19日暮之歌 剧照 NO.20


  影片改编自格拉西克·吉本《苏格兰的书》三部曲中的第一本。男主角英勇的投入战斗并死于第一次世界大战,女主人公克里斯受过教育却被土地束缚,飞快的从女孩变成妻子又变成遗孀,让人振奋又心碎。它的语言音乐般美妙、抒情,就像它描述的这片土地一样的美丽。跟随着他们我们经历了一生,目睹了农民生活以及古老的苏格兰本身。热播电视剧最新电影单身撩妹记2消失的痕迹保姆半斤八两巨怪猎人:泰坦的觉醒我的奇妙男友2之恋恋不忘变成黑皮辣妹后和朋友做了白色大厦鱿鱼游戏马来版赛文奥特曼枕边凶灵乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第四季诅咒1987搭车人内鬼巨鳄2019牵牛的夏天梅菲尔女巫猫和老鼠1992电影版星际大逃亡神气活现热恋中的女人花心2最好命铁勒马九壮士最后的忠臣藏护国密探法网追凶第三季桑塔纳兄弟


 1 ) 结尾没有高潮,只有结束。


 2 ) 【转载】RogerEbert.com影评

Sunset Song

Matt Zoller Seitz

"Sunset Song," about a rural Scottish girl growing to womanhood in the years before World War I, is one of the great director Terence Davies' best films: an example of old school and new school mentalities coming together to create a challenging and unique experience. The movie feels as if it could have been made in the 1940s, were there no such thing as censorship. There's frank sex and violence, and the movie doesn't shy away from the nastier aspects of life in that time and place. But there's never a feeling that Davies is rubbing our noses in suffering, because the film displays so much empathy for its characters and such awareness of the social, political and historical forces that hover beyond the edges of their consciousness.

What to tell you about the plot? I don't want to tell you anything, not because the events themselves are surprising (they aren't—and Davies often purposefully telegraphs what's coming, as a 19th century novelist might) but because the pleasure and pain of the tale lies in the telling. As the observant, reactive Chris, Agyness Deyn makes a marvelous audience surrogate. Her narration suggests that she one day escaped the grinding life depicted here and became the writer and teacher you always figure she could become. But there's no undue self-awareness or condescension in Deyn's acting, or in Davies' presentation of her character, and the supporting cast contains not a single bad performance or false note. Among the standouts areEwan Tavendale as Deyn's suitor and later husband, Kevin Guthrie, who is clearly too kind to emerge from this maelstrom of misfortune unscathed; and Peter Mullan, the poster boy for toxic manhood, as Deyn's father, a scowling King of the Castle-type whose power resides in his propensity for violence and his society's sanctioning of it, not in moral authority. (In its deft illustration of how macho values oppress men as well as women, "Sunset Song" is one of the most eloquent feminist statements of the screen year; that its statements mostly emerge organically from Davies' portrait of a time and place make them resonate more strongly.)

"Sunset Song"has gotten mixed reviews, and I can see why. Adapted by Davies from Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s novel, a national touchstone written in Scottish dialect, it'salready a tough sell because it deals with a historical period that has passed from living memory, and features actors who aren't household names. But rather than invite viewers into this film's world by going warm and cuddly and reassuring them that people back then were Just Like Us, Davies constantly underlines how different things were, and how hard life could be if you were a poor Scottish farmer living in a glen; harder still if you were a sensitive or, God forbid, pacifist man—or any sort of woman. Childbirth often ended in death. Battery and rape were considered unfortunate but standard aspects of married life. Sudden changes in political fortunes could send a generation of men off to suffer and die in war to prove their patriotism and machismo; anybody who objected was demonized or worse. There are moments when the film veers into what feels like polemic—you'll know them when they come—but not too many. Davies is committed to the here and now—to the present-tense triumphs and struggles of the characters.

But the filmmaker doesn't revel in misery and ugliness; it's not his way. Instead, Davies, his cinematographer Michael McDonough, art directorsMags Horspool, Ken Turner and Diana van de Vossenberg, and costume designer Uli Simon have made a movie that's beautiful rather than superficially pretty—a film that has soul, and that is more concerned with the emotional meaning of shocking events than the precise physical details.When a teenaged son is whipped with a belt for disobeying his father, the boy faces us, and we see the blows but not the impact of the belt on flesh. Both rough off-screen sex and childbirth are conveyed entirely through sound: we hear moans and screams upstairs, but the movie shows the reactions of characters who are sitting downstairs. A sexual assault begins with a struggle that grows more frenzied and desperate until the camera finally lowers itself slowly on the other side of the bed, creating a wipe effect that blacks out the screen; it's as if the film is covering our eyes for us.

Davies, a nostalgia buff steeped in the traditions of old Hollywood movies, weds John Ford dramas about poor families (in particular "How Green Was My Valley" and "The Grapes of Wrath") and the lush widescreen epics of director David Lean ("Lawrence of Arabia," "Ryan's Daughter"), weaving period folk songs (some performed live, others recorded) into the soundtrack and shooting the Scottish landscapes on 65mm film, the format used for so-called "road show" pictures in the 1960s. At the same time, he retains a modernist sensibility, lingering on empty rooms after all the people have left them (a technique he's deployed in other movies, notably "Distant Voices, Still Lives"), never shying away from the story's harsher aspects, and shooting the film's interiors on high definition digital video, which captures such fine gradations of shadow that you can make out the textures of characters' skin, hair and clothing even when they're lit by candles alone.

Davies and cinematographer McDonough capture the splendor of late-night dinners and wedding receptions,sunlight and moonlight streaming through windows and the way a field trembles as a breeze strokes the grass. The wind, the birds, the bleating livestock and whirring insects provide another sort of music on the soundtrack.The dialogue and voice-over make a point of reminding us of these squabbling humans' smallness in relation to the land on which they work, love, reproduce, age and die. The film has an awareness of the eternal that's rare in Western cinema. People come and go but the land remains. The ethereal nature of human relationships (and humans, period) gives the entire movie a stoic quality: we do the best with what we have, and try to be thankful to be alive, and take pleasure in moments that begin to fade the second we realize that we're in them. As the film's heroine puts it, "There are lovely things in this world—lovely that do not endure, and the lovelier for that."

Matt Zoller Seitz is the Editor at Largeof RogerEbert.com, TV critic for New York Magazine and Vulture.com, and a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in criticism.

 3 ) 日暮之歌







 4 ) 又见女性成长史

女性成长作品。dreaming, 懵懂,对自身的以及自身欲望的认知,对未来向往,对父权的无声抗议(和哥哥的直接反对又形成鲜明对比),对婚姻的期待与不确定,以及不确定中带着的独立与勇敢。所谓太阳底下无新鲜事,不同年代,不同地区,女性都面临着类似的成长体验,被这个gay导演刻画的细致入微。而所有微妙的情感又被放置在一战的大背景下,使得影片本身又包含了更多内容,对战争的理解,农民对土地的眷恋与归属,男性的固执与女性柔韧的对比,苏格兰特有的民族风情,使得影片饱满而引人思考。


 5 ) agyness 美丽的落日之歌

田园牧歌 美景美人 不需说 这就是一部老派的电影 从名字就知道 不过故作有文化翻译成日暮或夕阳 难免让人觉得暮气沉沉 还不如直接叫 落日之歌 至少还显得古典浪漫 案一般的电影评价的话 肯定会说 叙事缓慢 少有章法 技法古板僵硬 也算行货 虽是小说改编 内容也没新意 课件小说也没好哪去 基本上 乏善可陈 但boom bang kiss 的电影看多了 看一下这个 未必不是一种享受 养眼 至少我很罕见地乖乖的看完了 很入戏 没有快进 倒是有不时的回放和暂停 截图 最后战争开始的时候 头皮一紧 难道要搞那种老梗么 但和战死或以为战死的相比 逃兵被枪毙也算是罕见 年轻人的相遇倒是很美好 可那男的一看就太年轻 虽然温柔可爱 可惜难堪大事 终于娘陈悲剧 姑娘们 挑人需谨慎 头热有风险

好电影分两种 一种是技术和内容的好 二是这样的 它的存在 让人心生欢喜

agyness 啊 怎么说 模特 乐队玩腻了 来拍电影 是个明智的规划 而且 看起来还是很会演 出道第一步就当主角 课件导演相信他的内力 虽然有些不够入戏 是一个记号的开始 可能先入为主的觉得好 谁叫那么喜欢他 啥都好 就胸小 或者干脆就没有 看起来天真带点傻气 实际上情高遮 做演员 也算是天生的 问题是 以后少长皱纹多长肉 你们都想着瘦 瘦的女人是用来看的 没有多少人真正喜欢瘦子 而且 瘦人不经老呀女同志们

总的一句话 主要不是看电影 是看agyness来着的 在学校哪一段 恍恍惚惚 想到了当年学校里的那个在图书馆窗台边阳光下熏风里长发飘扬宛如自带光环的女神的女孩 想来 是情结难解罢

期待anja rubik也来演电影 那时候 不知道会是何等光景


3.5;又见拿手的平移镜头,如水流淌过一个动荡的时代,见证少女走向成熟及心碎的历程;环形镜头拼接无缝,窗框和楼梯的架构作用;浓重父权阴影,对母亲的依恋,死亡的突如其来,Terence Davies的细腻依旧令人动容;风景美轮美奂,光线迷醉,可惜前后故事脱节。

  • 欢乐分裂
  • 还行

1. 苏格兰英语。2.这里的男人都那么粗鲁,不善于表达感情。3.有些情节、人物就那样消失了,从女主的生活中。她妈妈、她哥哥、她念书时候的同学。

  • Sabrina
  • 还行

bad casting

  • 陀螺凡达可
  • 还行

55/100 慢节奏,更是沉闷了两个多小时,难免让人催眠。一个苏格兰女人充满磨难的一生,文学般的旁白来补救稀疏的对白。感情表达的却如此单薄,简单到没有几处配乐,全靠着苏格兰风笛声来渲染。

  • Rouge
  • 较差


  • seren
  • 较差


  • JoeyLu陆柏宇
  • 较差

0311 Quoi de neuf?

  • Muyan
  • 还行

构图依旧持有导演印迹,摄影也很棒,但是其余因素丝毫不见导演的风格和魅力,四平八稳的平庸。又见bad dad.

  • 有心打扰
  • 还行

徒有其表-02/17/16 at FilmLinc

  • sheepfield
  • 较差

就像结束时关于土地的独白说得那样,对于以农业为生的人民来说,他们的情感真诚质朴,所有深情寄托都集中在这片土地上,他们对周遭的人与事也爱得纯粹毫无保留,所有的变故落在他们单薄的肩上都显得沉重而残忍,但片中智慧坚强的女性让我感到了人性所有美好品质的凸显原著还未有中译本,下到了英文三部曲,Sunset Song,Cloud Howe,Grey Granite,这些名字意象就像片中广袤的苏格兰光景,有那么一些时刻感觉回到了Shire,那些吟唱与霍比特人欢聚的歌谣如出一辙,简单纯粹,歌颂人性的真善美btw最初是因为女主是曾经特别喜欢的一位模特查她近况找到的这部电影,加上导演也是我一直很想看的,因为觉得他的题材充满了人文关怀和艺术感。这种缓慢真挚文学性强的家庭题材确实引起了我很多共鸣

  • Elanor
  • 推荐

#北京电影节# 实在是看睡着了………2016/04/23 15:45@UME华星影城

  • toolass
  • 还行


  • 又上当了
  • 很差


  • 剑气凌厉的江南
  • 还行


  • Rhodesia
  • 还行


  • sean cheung
  • 还行


  • 捉҉依҉茵
  • 还行

烂到爆!!!剧本烂到家 到底要讲什么不知道 剪辑基本只会fadeout 演技也不行 就摄影还凑合 这样还拍了两个多小时 去你大爷的

  • Alan
  • 很差


  • 米粒
  • 推荐


  • 外出偷狗
  • 还行


  • Ron Chan
  • 还行