Will’s life has changed for the better. He is happily married to the brilliant, Bonnie and due to become a father but his world is about to be rocked by a terrible accident. He’s always preached the word of a compassionate God – but how can he now, when his despair leads him on a dangerous downward spiral. Geordie has found a new contentment in his relationship with Cathy but when they are both confronted with shock announcements at work their new-found happiness is threatened. As Mrs C, Leonard, Jack and Daniel rally around, both Will and Geordie find themselves in unfamiliar, emotional waters and murder is always around the corner. Series eight of Grantchester will range from speedway to spies, exploring the lives of invisible women and the very visible problems caused by Leonard’s new vocation which may, once again, find him battling the law. Exploring faith, forgiveness, and redemption – this explosive series of Grantchester tests Will and Geordie to the limit.
热播电视剧最新电影太白剑关机2020缺失的爱维也纳血案 第三季为人父母第四季傲娇恶役大小姐莉泽洛特与实况转播远藤君和解说员小林辛亥元勋蒋翊武藏品2012性爱,婚姻和背叛回不去的少年时光死亡客栈曾经的我们伊万娜暴走神探地狱为何恶劣13乌龙特派员东京塔(2005)津轻民谣幸福里的故事对手2012十三门徒重案六组3西部世界第一季镜子泯灭天使