First of all, I have to say that I had huge expectations about the movie. I went to theater to see some mind-blowing action. I was hoping that Åke Lindman had made something spectacular as his last movie. I also believed in his directing talents. Now I sadly have to say that the movie didn't fulfill my expectations. The movie was a bit bouncing: Going there, doing that, coming back and going again. Different people fought in different places and sometimes it was hard to follow what was happening as a whole. Well this wasn't too disturbing as the movie still was entertaining. Especially all tank-scenes were amazing. The lack of money, which was clearly visible, was maybe the most disruptive thing in the movie. As mentioned in the movie, there were about 250 cannons and mortars, plus bomber planes, targeting the Tali-Ihantala area. But when the "big fight" came, it looked like about 10 guns were bombing the woods with smoke grenades (And I can say this because I have served in mortar company in the Finnish army). I'm sure it looked like that because there were not enough money to make it look realistic. I was also hoping more soldiers running in the woods because hey, it was supposed to be the biggest fight in the northern Europe!
热播电视剧最新电影执法先锋1986我在路边捡了个艺人90婚介所第二季失恋急救所古宅老友记第一季逆时针旋转另一个黑人女孩第一季私人诊所第六季乒乓相对无言第一季24小时 第七季办公室的故事爱探险的朵拉 第六季居家自制第一季加州怪物失陷猩球最坏的一天南非致命毒蛇再见东京(国语版)姊姊仙魔游踪之百懂仙战地神探 第六季暴风眼1994无懈可击2007