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征途 幕后纪录片







征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.1征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.2征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.3征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.4征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.5征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.6征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.13征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.14征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.15征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.16征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.17征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.18征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.19征途 幕后纪录片 剧照 NO.20


征途 幕后纪录片电影免费高清在线观看全集。
  故事发生在虚构的中原大陆。十国之中,南赵国与北燕国比邻而居。为了防御日益强大的北燕,南赵举办比武大会,选拔将才。消息传到偏僻的清源村,村民东一龙想成为家族的举旗人,代表清源村家族出赛,村民们却质疑他的资格,经过一番努力,一龙终于踏上了与武士楚魂的征途……热播电视剧最新电影火要镇网络犯罪调查 第一季散步的侵略者悸动2014小哥斯拉的逆袭奇门遁甲第十一个妈妈蛮战只活一次亚当·康诺弗:政府那些事爱的沉浸式香港73门锁 도어락斯托克山学园孤岛番外篇大嫁风尚咸鱼传奇这小子真帅魔卡少女樱特典:包在小可身上神墓2020无穷之路2:无价之保粽邪反托拉斯行动只想说爱你爱丽丝与藏六


 1 ) 小记

才发现之前完全没有认真听这张专辑,只是草草地“泛听”。看了纪录片才发现每首歌立意这么高。例如epiphany多线程包含了疫情和泰勒斯的家族历史两个主题,cardigan, august, betty从三个人的角度写下了一个三角关系,还有很多歌从不同人的视角和非常小的点切入……folklore是她第一张不是写自己的故事的专辑,而站在各种各样人的立场讲各种各样的故事。到这里我才明白专辑名“folklore”的真正含义。



 2 ) 《Folklore the long pond sessions》

开头讲了这张专辑的创作初衷。这张专辑因为疫情的缘故,采用的是远程协作的方式完成的,是一种“chart a new path”积极面对的方式。除此之外Taylor也希望用这张专辑和那些焦虑的心灵一起度过这段不确定的时光。 这张专辑既有执念、焦虑,又表达了希望。

Jack Antonoff: I feel like it’s also one of the reasons why it resonates with me so much is because, in the dismantling of all our systems of life that we’ve known in the pandemic, you’re left with two options. You either cling to it and try to make it work, or to just say, “well I guess I’m just gonna chart a new path” and kinda get a frontier mentality. And I think it was such a thrilling use of quarantine to say like, “Well, everything’s a blur, so I’m just gonna rewrite it."

Taylor: There’s something about the complete and total uncertainty about life that causes endless anxiety, but there’s another part that causes sort of a release of the pressures that you used to feel.

1 The 1

“I’m doing good. I’m on some new shit, been saying yes instead of no”, it applies to the situation that the song is written about where you’re updating a former lover on what your life is like now and trying to be positive about it. But it was also where I’m creatively where it’s like, I’m just saying yes, I’m just putting out an album in the worst time you could put one out.

2 Cardigan
3 The last great American Dynasty

这首歌是写给Rebekah Harkness的。她和石油大亨Bill结婚,选了一处房子名叫“假日乐园”。她是Taylor罗德岛Watch Hill豪宅(Holiday House)的前任主人。

Rebekah家中本就富裕,加上四任丈夫都非富即贵,她成为了顶级名媛,非常有名、有钱、有才。很多艺术家都是她的座上宾,她也组建了自己的芭蕾舞团。但光鲜亮丽的她也有一些怪异的举动,比如歌词里提到的用香槟刷泳池、把邻居养的狗偷来猫染成绿色等等。像歌词里写的"she had a marvelous time Ruining everything."

歌的前半段写的是Rebekah的故事。然后bridge里最后一句是 "and it was bought by me”,故事的主人公变成了Taylor。这座豪宅把两个有着相似经历的女人的故事串在了一起。这首歌hold an entire story of somebody’s life and move between generations.

Jack: That song is such a folklore moment to me, because it’s not about you, but it is all about you.

4 Exile

这里在讲另一个co-writer William Bowery的时候好可爱,每次看我都要笑。真的很酷,钢琴部分、第一部分的verse的词居然都是Joe写的。我真的惊了。Bon Iver(Justin Vernon)写的bridge,厉害!

5 My tears ricochet


In all of the superhero stories, the hero’s greatest nemesis is the villain that used to be his best friend.

6 Mirrorball

这首歌我之前没想到是这样解读的。Mirroball是被观赏的客体,是娱乐的产物,本质是碎片,却在光的照射下光彩耀人。我们也像反光球一样,被切成不同的碎片,shimmering beautiful,向不同的人展示不同的面。这是大多数人的现实,更是艺人的现实。因为疫情,Taylor的演出被取消了,失去了光照的mirrorball,还是trying everything to keep you laughing at me.即使得到的可能是嘲笑,还是迫切地希望你的注意力在我身上。

另外,I’ll show you every version of yourself tonight在我看来也别有深意,你是怎么样的,你看到的mirrorball就是怎么样的,每个人见到的mirrorball都是不一样的。我们怎么看待这张专辑,觉得它是疗愈还是觉得它让你悲伤,那都是从mirrorball千万面中见到的、独属于你的那一面。你见到的,是你自己。

这首歌和This is me trying是可以相对照的。

They reflect light, they are broken a million times and that’s what makes them so shiny, we have people like that in society too. They hang there, and every time they break, it entertains us. And when you shine a light on them, it’s the glittering, fantastic thing, but then a lot of the time when the spotlight isn’t on the, they’re still there, up on a pedestal, be okay.

It was a metaphor for celebrity but it’s also a metaphor for so many people.

You have to be different versions of yourself for different people, everybody has to be duplicitous. That’s part of the human experience but it’s also exhasting. Everyone of us has the ability to become a shape-shifter.

Jack: it’s a great piece of pandemic-time work, but it’s not about pandemic, it’s about the experience of what happens to an artist when you’re living through the pandemic.

7 Seven


When did I stop doing that when I was upset? When did I stop being so outraged that I would throw myself on the floor, and throw the cereal at my mom? So the idea is, please picture me before I learn civility, like I used to scream anytime I wanted. Obviously we can’t throwing tantrums all the time, and we learn that that’s not the right thing to do, but there’s something lost too.

8 August


august是从这段三角恋中“小三”的视角去写的。Taylor说,这种“小三”角色看起来都是十恶不赦的,但是从“小三”本人的角度来看,这是一段非常卑微的爱情故事。她想要争取到自己喜欢的人,甚至因为一丝James可能和她约会的希望就可以取消所有的计划,只是等着他随便打电话过来说一声“meet me behind the mall”。被深深吸引的同时,她很清楚,她和James在八月的短暂情愫,会随着八月的逝去而消失殆尽,他会回到betty身边。August slipped away into a moment in time, cuz it was never mine, and you were never mine.太卑微了,太让人心疼了。

August was obviously about the girl that James had this summer with, so she seems like she’s a bad girl, but really, she’s not a bad girl. She’s a sensitive person who really fell for him and she was trying to seem cool and seem like she didn’t care because that’s what girls have to do. She was trying to let him think that she didn’t care, but she really did and she thought they had something really real. He goes back to betty. The idea that there’s some bad, villain girl in any type of situation who takes your man is actually a total myth because that’s not usually the case at all. Everybody has the feelings and wants to be seen and loved.

9 This Is Me Trying

这首歌是写给“失败者”的。有很多人每天都在抗争着,和自己内心的抑郁,和某些瘾。努力地往前爬,但这种努力只有自己看得到,而无论若何努力,结果仍是别人眼里的乱七八糟。Taylor还讲到有些人在学校里表现得非常出色,但离开了学校,没有学校规定好的课程,他开始失去方向,用酒精麻痹自己,然后每一分钟都trying not to。

I’d been thinking about people who, if they’re either suffering through mental illness or they’re suffering through addiction or they have an everyday struggle. No one pats them on the back everyday, but everyday they are actively fighting something. But there are so many days that nobody gives them credit for that, and how often must somebody who’s in that sort of internal struggle must wanna say to everyone in the room, “you have no idea how close I am to going back to a dark place”.

Jack: “You have no idea how hard it is to get to the point where you guys think is still shitty.” When you’re doing your damn best, and it’s not good enough. We’re all doing our best and feeling like it’s not even close to good enough.

The second verse is about someone who felt like they had a lot of potential in their life in our school days to excel and to be patted on the back for something, and then I think a lot of people get out of school and there are less abilities for them to get gold stars. You have to make all these decisions and pave your own way, there’s no set class course you can take. I think a lot of people feel really swept in that. This person is lost in life and then starts drinking and every second is trying not to.

10 Illicit Affairs


11 Invisible String


I kind of love the romantic idea that every step you’re taking, you’re taking one step closer to where you’re supposed to be, guided by this little invisible string.

Aaron Dessner: It is all about fate.

12 Mad Woman


For centuries we’ve been expected to absorb male behavior silently. Oftentimes when we in our enlightened state and our emboldened state, respond to bad male behavior, or somebody just doing something that was absolutely out of line. That response is treated like the offense itself. It’s like I have absolutely no right to respond or I’m crazy, I have no right to respond or I’m angry, I have no right to respond or I’m out of line.

13 Epiphany

这首歌又是一首非常非常特别的歌。这首歌前半部分讲的是Taylor的祖父在二战期间于作战前线服役的故事。祖父从不跟儿女,不跟妻子讲自己的作战经历,Taylor在想,经历了多大的创伤才会一生都不愿再谈起那段回忆。后半部分讲的是疫情期间的医生护士们,他们和她的祖父一样,正在经历可能一生都不愿再提起的苦难。虽然悲怆,但这悲怆中也有一丝欣慰的色彩, “only 20 minutes to sleep but you dream of epiphany, just one single glance of relief, to make some sense of what you’ve seen.”。

I realize that there are people, right now, taking a 20-minute break in between shifts at a hospital, who are having this kind of trauma happen to them right now, that they will probably never want to speak about.

There have been times in my life where things have fallen apart so methodically, and I can’t control how things were going wrong, and nothing I did stopped it. And I felt like I’d just been pushed out of a plane, and was like scratching at the air on the way down.

This lockdown could’ve been a time where I absolutely lost my mind, and instead I think this album was a real floatation device for both of us.

14 Betty


“Betty”是连续剧中用James的视角写的,James向Betty忏悔自己的出轨,说“和她在一起却一直想着你” 。bridge那里的“When she pulled up like a figment of my worst intentions, she said, James get in, let’s drive”真的把august刻画成一个那种很坏的抢人男朋友的诱惑女郎,把自己描述成一个无辜的被蛊惑的形象了。当然,这也是上帝视角了,每个人都有这种“不道德”的时刻。


He was singing the chorus of it from a man’s voice, from a masculine perspective. I’ve written so many songs from a female’s perspective of wanting a male apology. We decided to make it from a teenage boy’s perspective apologizing after he loses the love of his life because he’s been foolish.

15 Peace


It kind of goes against the title, like I could never give you peace, over the most peaceful sounding instrumental track. I can’t stop from you getting a call in the morning that says, the tabloids are writing this today, I can’t help it if there’s a guy with a long lens camera two miles away with a telescope lens taking pictures of you, I can’t stop these things from happening. Is the stuff that I can control enough to sort of block out the things that I can’t?

Aaron Dessner: I have in my life suffered from depression, and I’m a hard person to be in a relationship with because I go up and down, and I can’t help it. It’s a chemical thing that happens sometimes. Somehow the song captures the fragility fo what that’s like to be in a relationship with someone who may or may not have peace.

You want them to have as much peace in their life as possible and reconciling the fact that you might not be their best option for that, but is it still a deal they wanna take?

16 Hoax


With this song being the last song on the album, it kind of embodied all the things that this album was thematically like confessions, incorporating nature, emotional volatility and ambiguity at the same time, sort of love that isn’t just easy.

I think the part that sounds like love to me is, “don’t want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do”. It sounds like what love really is, like who would you be sad with, and who would you deal with when they were sad. And like, grey skies everyday for months, would you still stay?

17 The Lakes

这是一首关于逃离的歌,逃离到一个美丽的、富有诗意的、宁静地方。我觉得这首歌比Hoax更适合做这张专辑的结束歌曲,因为它充满了希望。她可以继续自己喜欢的创作,但同时可以摒弃名气而来的副作用,就像所有拥有exit plan逃到 Lake District的英国艺术家一样。

“也许我没办法现在就到The Lakes,或者哪都去不了”,但她找到了逃离的理由,和一个能和她一起逃离的人。

The Lakes is really talking a lot about relating to people who hundreds of years ago, had the same exit plan and did it. I went to William Wordsworth’s grave and just sat there, and I was like, wow, you did it. You just went away and you kept writing, but you didn’t subscribe to the things that were killing you. That’s really the overarching thing that I felt when I was writing folklore is, I may not be able to go to the lakes right now, or to go anywhere, but I’m going there in my head. This escape plan is working.

Jack: To me, the hope in this body of work is that it’s not "I can’t do this, I’m out”, it’s “I’ve found something worth escaping with” and a person to escape with. That’s a huge sincere statement of hope that everything I’m naming is completely small compared to this love.


 3 ) 疫情/孤独/反思:一个非主流神砖的诞生。


Taylor Swift《folklore》 特殊时代的产物(歌词赏析持续更新中...


The One:社畜在摸鱼或者工作间隙长舒一口气时突然想起roaring twenties时和自己一起往许愿池丢硬币的人。歌词中大量虚拟语气的使用加重了这首歌的悲凉色彩。we were really something,但已经过时了。

Exile:本砖我除了Betty(老霉粉的自然选择)最喜欢的一首。一直觉得霉霉的Bridge是最厉害的。这首歌可谓登峰造极。完全可以想象我一对已经分开的couple在深夜里背对背复盘这段失败的恋情,双方在内心里都各执一词。“I never learned to read your mind/You never gave a warning sign/I gave so many signs.”糟糕,想起来几年前被男孩质问:“你所有的不满意为什么不和我说出来”…行吧。

Mirrorball:反映浮躁的社会中每个人忙于扮演自己、父母、爱人、朋友、同事心中不同的角色。每人都是演员,然而每人都像舞池中间的mirrorball,当灯光聚焦在自己身上时,用一个绚丽的形态折射出别人最美好的形象(想让身边所有人开心并不自觉用different versions of me来迎合),而当一切黯淡下来,只留下角落里粉身碎骨的躯壳。

Seven:霉回忆起儿时的一位朋友而创作。个人认为这首歌和我超级喜欢的Puff the Magic Dragon有异曲同工之妙,“神龙长生不老,而小孩却终要长大”。失去的不止是一位童年挚友,而是整个童年。

August:与Cardigan和Betty是同一个故事。讲的是一段从一开始就能够预见到没有任何结果的illicit affair. 最终James回到Betty身边,而热烈上头的八月已经过去了。But we were still changing for the better. Wanting was enough.疫情期间的绝望和空虚让人容易做蠢事,但回头看看还是很感激生命中出现了这一段插曲,让我如此丧失理智地迷恋你。

Peace:霉霉的Cowriter Aeron在抗击抑郁症之后的反思。“可能我这种敏感、矫情又缺乏安全感的人永远都不能成为一个可以依靠的人,不能给你带来片刻的安宁。但你还会选择和我共度余生吗?”

Hoax:霉霉在纪录片里袒露这首歌的名字来源于自己对x出现在词汇中的一种偏爱。Your faithless love is the only hoax I believe in.怎么说呢,希望自己别再体验这种比悲伤更悲伤的事。

 4 ) 捕捉每一个一闪而过的想法和巧思







霉霉在这张专辑中站在了一个更高的视角去创作去思考去表达,所以初听时感觉它不事雕琢旋律和乐器甚至显得过于朴实无华,却又把生活中每一个serendipity娓娓道来。可是这就是生活呀,大体平稳流逝而过,可是总还是有各种心碎时刻和aha moment跳出来,这样才有趣嘛。

 5 ) 新冠疫情时代的音乐



今天看霉霉的这部音乐电影,可以体会她“高产”的能量来源。非常喜欢她解释自己作品的细腻感,每个起心动念,背后的故事,创作思路,很深入。其中她谈及mirror ball的多层隐喻,人心的多面性和名人求关注又玻璃心的那种状态画面感极强,bonus track的the lake太戳中我的点了,社畜的escape plan,采菊东篱下的夙愿。疫情让常规的工作停止,却给她更多时间深入思考,看电影了解他人的生活,转换了视角,不再执迷于自传体的写歌套路。另外,我想不能出去演出在某种程度上压抑了她的表达欲,所以,天才如她,需要用创作来释放,于是一口气写下这张长专辑。真是不浪费每个危机,没白谈那么多恋爱。


 6 ) Our love lasts so long like folk songs

循环了一天录音室版本的《folklore》,比正式版更加充满感情和生命力,重新爱上了之前很多无感的歌。但不知为何,最爱的永远都是《the 1》,霉霉很擅长用轻描淡写的笔触描写人生的错失和遗憾,以及那些永远无望的悲剧浪漫。

I guess you never know, never know, and if you wanted me you really should’ve showed.

But it would’ve been fun, If you would’ve been the one.

If one thing had been different, would everything be different today?

Rosé flowing with your chosen family, and it would've been sweet, if it could've been me.




  • Haaaa
  • 力荐

在疫情封锁期间以这样的方式出其不意地完成一张音乐专辑的创作,绿荫深处的录音室,封锁下的社会背景,以及特殊时期的所思所想,为这张专辑注入了丰富的感情与故事。在我看来,《Folklore》这张专辑的现实意义也许正像Taylor创作“The Lakes”时的想法一样,它在这样不稳定的环境下给了我们一个可以暂时栖息身心的机会,让我们可以继续坚持做自己并找到自己的希望。More love to Folklore.💙

  • AlanX
  • 力荐

从if you would've been the one 到my only one

  • 阿奇波尔德
  • 推荐

ts真的是天才,她跨出的每一步,发布的每一张专辑完全没有所谓的“diva转型的阵痛期”。疫情期间宅家与aaron dessner和jake antonoff远程创作并发行这张专辑简直出乎所有人的意料,甚至连自己的唱片公司都被蒙在鼓里。更天才的是,选择在格莱美公布明年提名名单时放出这部纪录片,让所有人都知道在这个特殊时期这张唱片的诞生有多么与众不同,明年格莱美AOTY这张应该是最有力竞争者。

  • 顾得儿白
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  • 地外联络员
  • 力荐

tag yourself I'm Jack making fun of Taylor hearing Joe singing the full chorus of Betty from another room like "HeLlO i Do ThIs PrOfEsSiOnAlLy I'd LoVe To HaVe A cOnVeRsAtIoN"asdfghjkl;'

  • JulianaFrink
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  • Pius
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  • TENƎꓕ
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  • mycancerissun
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  • Energybaby
  • 力荐

对这个纪录片挺失望的 内容就是每录一首歌完,霉再说一些和歌曲相关的话。我想看到更深层次的:比如霉如何构思folklore的故事等,而不是散碎记录。刚听她时,我以为她只是个靠舆论的明星 now I see,她是位不断突破自己的优秀音乐人

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太美好了。湖水围绕 小木屋 火炉 吉他 格子衫 民谣 我能想象的最美好的样子这里都有

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folklore可能是2020年在情感上最触动我的专辑之一,成为我试图逃离生活中不安焦灼的时刻时出现的窗口,也一定程度上影响了我对当代流行乐songwriting的认知。听她去讲述自己的创作历程本身就是一种享受(尽管影片的呈现still not enough for me):在动荡世界里寻得一片静谧然后任由灵感迸发流淌,将视角散布于现实生活与虚构梦境,用令人羡慕又钦佩的才华将自己耕耘多年的成果精雕细琢。炎夏步入寒冬之际,重听她的演唱和研读她的词作,我依然发现许多惊喜。想不出不爱她的理由了,和这样一位优秀创作者/艺术家同处于这一时代,在音乐中建立起共情的桥梁,是我的幸运。She’s the lover, the true artist

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一个艺术家在新冠疫情封锁期间的所思所感,这是“cannot stop working”驱使下的神奇创作,这是2020的绝无仅有。

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  • Leon
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Basically just a reminder of how much I've been in love with these songs. "He's a fool. A FOOL." Yeah you tell James that and stop launching merch about him lol everyone hates him ugh men have no rights.

  • RioLiv
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“...they hang there, and every time they break, it entertains us.”

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