剧情简介的“黑暗秘密”简直就是BULL SHIT!完全误导人
片中的女主在我看来挺让人讨厌的 害人害己 可怜又可恨
男主一家对她的不尊重让她去做一些不可理喻的事来体现自我价值 前半段每当她表达自己想法说些什么的时候 老公及全家要么没好好听要么直接打断 真的很不尊重人 让人很有挫败感 这点我深有同感 而且不止一次 不被尊重的感觉真的很糟糕我只能说 所以她才做些偏激的事吧 想引起别人的注意 想成为焦点 想被人看重 想找到自己的价值感存在感 不想被人当做空气不被在意 我真的太有同感了 只是我不会做伤害自己偏激的事。
另外 我挺喜欢这种细节感放大的拍摄手法的 类似《福斯特医生》 我很喜欢这部英剧 比这部电影好看 只是电影够简短 一个多小时就能诉说一段话 一个故事 一个含义。
电影三星 因很有同感故多加一星
咋说呢 中规中矩 基本没有快进 就想看看她都吃了点啥 小朋友们不要看 生理上会引起极大不适 不要学习
剧情啊 虽说是在男权一味控制下女主不得不找点方式舒压 可干点啥不好 非要吞咽点奇奇怪怪的东西 最后又拐到了原生家庭童年阴影 感觉有点脱节 后半段有点垮掉了 但女主的颜和画面色彩还是🉑️以的!!!
Two 2019 feature debuts from aspiring filmmakers that hold fast our zeitgeist by putting a female character in the dead center. Kitty Green’s THE ASSISTANT is exclusively lensed from our titular heroine’s perspective to cast a startling light on a salient social issue in the wake of the notorious Weinstein effect; meanwhile, Carlo Mirabella-Davis’ SWALLOW, doggedly builds up a reductive dissection of a young, gravid bride’s eerie disintegration, by dint of uncomfortable body horror tropes to reify her pica affliction.
Adhering to her technique developed as a documentarian, Green adopts an uncharacteristic angle to tackle her unsavory subject matter. In THE ASSISTANT, Garner plays Jane, a junior assistant in an unspecified NYC film production company, and the film takes place during her overlong working hours on a hectic Monday. We watch her being picked up by a limousine to work long before daybreak, and follow her in clerical drudgery, see the big shots from her peripheral vision and hear things only within her earshot. By doing that, Green risks narrative clarity and leaves the scandalous skinny in connotation or off-screen, consequently the film rather invites an immediate revisit to suss the implications of every casual dialogue and throwaway joke, and for better to piece together what is going on.
Green’s strategy, not audience-friendly, but totally chimes in with Jane’s grunt-level existence in the company, but felicitously, do we really need to see those sordid goings-on with our own eyes? We shall all be thankful to Green for being so considerate in her approach, because such a canker, condoned systemically by the industry and beyond is better limned as this immaterial, omnipresent force of vileness, penetrating every couch and behind every closed doors in every office and hotel room, it is everywhere therefore it must be put paid to.
Carrying the entire film on her slender shoulders, Garner exhibits strenuous stamina and restrained body language as the doormat (Jane is a sponge absorbent of the negative outpourings of the boss’ wife) and the dogsbody (she is virtually invisible in front of her superiors and other colleagues), even the two male assistants callously exploit her newness (only being there for 5 weeks), or maybe also because she is a she, and let her bear the brunt of blame and verbal abuse. Yet, in her position, she has no right to say otherwise.
Jane aspires to be a producer, and she knows all too well that she must pay her dues and turn a blind eye on the seedy matters, if she wants to make it. But on the off chance when that actually happens, she will have already become one of the silent connivers in that toxic working environment (implied by the unseen boss’s sinister motivation). Moreover, she should considered herself lucky, according to the head of Human Resources (Macfadyen), simply because “you are not his type”, it’s all so reassuring! Macfadyen has that peculiar air of faux-earnestness, mixed with veiled hubris, to express the warped normalcy as if it is the most commonplace words to utter, whereas Garner is so utterly disconcerted and anguished in her botched worm-will-turn rebel, their exchange is the crescendo of this gritty film.
Incredibly, THE ASSISTANT plays up the working place’s drabness, impersonality and functional symmetry to keep us absorbed with its coded message. However, SWALLOW is so stunning on the eye level, the young couple, Hunter and Richie Conrad (Bennett and Stowell) are gorgeous, their affluent, minimalistic upstate NYC residence with a killer view, is often filtered through prismatic hues to emphasize the magic power of money.
But what happens inside is far less majestic, Hunter, hailed from a lower class, is maladaptive to her new ascendancy as the cinderella, who has a bun in the oven and develops an anomalous appetite for inedible things (including some small sharp objects, those swallow scenes are fastidiously arranged, and not for the squeamish). Does she subconsciously want to lose the baby? and why is that? A thought never occurs to our prince charm Richie, instead, his family hires a burly minder Luay (Nakli), a Syrian immigrant, to keep an eye on her minute by minute to forestall any self-inflict harm, solely for the safety of their precious progeny.
If the plot is piled up with unmitigated clichés (cruel, senseless rich people, good-hearted immigrants, a fable of perfect family of origin, the psychological manipulation of negging and nonpology, the list goes on and on…) and Mirabella-Davis might be a lousy fabulist, what gives vitality to SWALLOW, besides Katelin Arizmendi’s stylish cinematography, is Bennett’s metamorphic performance. A frail flower distressed by her parentage (the cat will be let out of the bag later) and conjugal negligence, Bennett, who looks like a poor girl’s Jennifer Lawrence, grandly inhabits Hunter’s compulsion, disorientation and exasperation with such astonishing finesses, one cannot take eyes off her. Even when we cannot relate to Hunter’s weird condition, we are compulsively intrigued by Bennett’s nuanced delivery and delicate mannerism, hoping some deus ex machina can materialize to save her.
Eventually, Mirabella-Davis grants Hunter a touching closure (Denis O’Hare’s brilliant cameo is exactly what the doctor ordered, he can proficiently pull off a complicated emotional range in meager minutes, though on paper, the reconciliation is still a mawkish cliché) and the final shot statically looking at a lady’s room with people come and go writ large the film's emboldened stance: pro-life and pro-woman.
When all is said and done, both THE ASSISTANT and SWALLOW are promising works well wrought by their emergent creators, together, they paint a vivid picture of the wrongs (in the working place or in one’s own home) inflicted upon women by faulty, haughty, selfish men, but they are not just reproachful to the stronger sex, their artistry underlies more hope in women’s resilience, Jane might walk the plank the next day, she can at least have peace with herself and knows better of her goals, as for Hunter, starts anew and puts aside a failed marriage, together with her psychogenic malady, scrumptious comestibles are beckoning and cinderella can get stuffed!
referential entries: Darren Aronofsky’s MOTHER! (2017, 6.6/10); Cory Finley’s THOROUGHBRED (2017, 6.5/10); Leigh Whannell’s THE INVISIBLE MAN (2020, 6.9/10).
Title: The Assistant
Year: 2019
Country: USA
Language: English, Mandarin
Genre: Drama
Director/Screenwriter: Kitty Green
Music: Tamar-kali
Cinematography: Michael Latham
Editing: Kitty Green, Blair McClendon
Julia Garner
Matthew Macfadyen
Noah Robbins
Jon Orsini
Kristine Froseth
Dagmara Dominczyk
Alexander Chaplin
Purva Bedi
Juliana Canfield
Makenzie Leigh
Patrick Wilson
Rating: 7.4/10
Title: Swallow
Year: 2019
Country: USA, France
Language: English, Arabic
Genre: Drama, Mystery
Director/Screenwriter: Carlo Mirabella-Davis
Music: Nathan Halpern
Cinematography: Katelin Arizmendi
Editing: Joe Murphy
Haley Bennett
Austin Stowell
Elizabeth Marvel
David Rasche
Denis O’Hare
Luna Lauren Velez
Laith Nakli
Babak Tafti
Zabryna Guevara
Rating: 6.9/10
在中文视频网站评论区看见了最恶心的评论:1.这女的真自私 2.男主一家真不幸摊上这么个有病的女人 3.这女的什么也没付出,就是在卖惨
很棒的Pregnancy Horror作品。在《魔鬼怪嬰》中,女性的身體在不情願的狀態下被植入和灌進不同的企圖和物質,而在《吞嚥》中,女身卻主動索求,自理吞噬,把自己的身體昇華成通道,把懷孕的裸相扯到觀眾面前。很喜歡結尾,公廁人來人往,每個人都在這裡斥退了某種賤物,洗把臉,抖擻精神,又有路要上。
关于怀孕和生活的恐惧,对身体耻辱的轻视以及周旋于完美人设临近边缘的崩溃,其实话题很老生常谈,却依然提供了一个很出彩的寓言觉醒故事。印象最深刻,也是最瘆人的,是阳光明亮的豪宅和干净得耀眼的布景所属于的明鲜和片子一开始就笼罩着不安的惊悚气氛(还有层出不穷的呕吐)形成的刺眼对比。Rogerebert上的影评形容女主的故事犹如“Betty Draper”,这简直太贴切了。Haley也是演得相当好,颠覆了对她的认识。
6.5/10 贝内特演技大爆发啊,刮目相看 主题已经不新鲜,但老酒新装,利用异食癖来引导出那种缓缓的绝望,还是蛮聪明的。
一部会引起生理不适的电影,主题略老套,还是在描述女性被物化被忽略,沦为一件物品(对这个家庭来说就是个失败的投资)。最让人心碎的是女主的therapist竟然把秘密告诉自己老公,即使老公威胁如果不告诉就不让女主继续咨询,这也不该是咨询师违背职业道德的理由啊,尤其是咨询师应该看得出来她完全受老公掌控。后半段寻强奸犯生父的片段略出戏,另外女主身无分文是怎么start over的好困惑,还好三个月以内还是可以药流的……12.4@海南电影节第六部
某种意义上的《生吃》——有关“食”的怪异迷恋,有关女性的自我探索与自主权的争夺,以及有关法国新极端主义式的、精致而疼痛的Body Horror。
HIIFF第二部,是我喜欢的类型,但是在节奏上可能我不怎么适应,让我想到了 生吃,这个如果是导演的处女作,那我非常看好这个导演,镜头语言非常不错,在立意上,原生家庭还是家庭关系问题的表达还可以更加夸张魔幻一些!
Women in The House:安然无恙 1995 / 远离天堂 2002 / 消失的爱人 2014 / 吞咽 2019 / 隐形人 2020
通过自残式的吞咽来夺取对身体的自我权 是女性被忽视被控制被器官化被物化被污名化被疾病化的反抗
#2nd HIIFF#裹着猎奇外衣的女性主义电影。除了吞咽东西的过程拍的惊心动魄之外,非女主之外的角色塑造的一塌糊涂(甚至曾经一度认为寻父的情节就是结局)。在脑洞上不及《生吃》,在主旨上又是如此俗套——贫家女嫁入豪门饱受欺凌,最终唤醒内心放飞自我。净想着怎么吸引眼球,倒不如好好看看瓦尔达的片子反思一下女性主义电影该怎么拍。
HIIFF 抱着“生吃”的期待,被前面评论里的“部分画面极度香艳”给骗了…限制级画面并不多啊,节奏略慢,但大特写和小细节不错。缺点是情节递进不够,后半部分反而不如前面抓人眼球。(女主几个镜头确实像大表姐)