The teeth missing of the first victims suggests the existence of the ritual, then the following episodes continue showing the process of Eddie collecting teeth from children manipulated. The teeth might symbolize the fear of kids. Changing teeth and the necessary pain produced by dentists certainly cause worries that much more strong and inevitable than other random events, which varies based on living circumstances, would have conducted. Besides, the image created by Western culture, representative Tooth Fairy, indicates the crucial role plays by this oral skeleton in traditional American fairy tale system. Thus, Eddie's behaviour of depriving teeth and molding the actual vessel with them is literally an expression of "I am capable of making you suffer, feeling pain and scare; I feed on your nightmares; and I AM THE HORROR." in the sight of a 12-year-old kid, who could have viewed other classical tooth-related figures in the substantial amount of films and television works, especially cult ones; or simply empathized the self experiences during his childhood.
When the story comes to the finale, the emergence—vaguely hinted— of Mike's power which has stopped Eddie's resurgence directly, is reasonable. According to the character design of both Eddie and Mike, who as identical twins share all their genes, the brothers should theoretically equip with power on the equal level or at the potential capacity of reaching the similar state.
The reasons why Eddie shows his talent far earlier than Mike does lie in both subjective and cognitive elements, as well as the stimulus provided by the condition of the social relationship. To be specific, differences between two characters root in the CHANGE: When did they begin to change, why do they change and how.
In Eddie's case, the slightly stubborn kid receives bullying for several times, along with verbal insult and unobtainable apologies; and the last item very likely reflects the unvalued status the boy's family are in among the community, which too is confirmed by images of a helpless mother and a father/husband absent house. Eddie's anger later aggravates because of Mike's rule-breaking act, of tending to build an interpersonal relationship beyond the family members, which regarded by Eddie a solid sign of betrayal. This is the time and the opportunity Eddie begin to change. The lines from Mike: "You're changing", "It's changing you", point out the process. Furthermore, during the period, it can be realized that the kid would acquire basic knowledge of his power, and practice it to be stronger. It is evident that Eddie's ability originates from anger and hatred.
On the other side, Mike had no change or did not change a lot since then. The kid stands aside, crying, while Eddie gets involved in the brutal beat. The character of Mike shows awareness of survival and social skills, for instance, avoiding meaningless conflicts and engaging with genuine communication; and these habits allow relatively mild thoughts with lessened pressure. Mike changes right about the time he decides to protect Jessica, however, Eddie's death halts Mike's demand for power. The most urgent motivation of fight emerges under the protective desire to Lily, meaning love, which considered as the reversal but the equivalent of hatred; plus the deeper insight of the unnatural phenomenon. Consequently, twins' power forms counterbalance, preventing Eddie's spirit possession along with Mike's leaving.
例如一部关于健康的动画:我能清楚记得拟人化病毒在小朋友体内作祟,诱骗细胞和细胞跳舞,最终一口将其吃掉,但我身边没有一个人能记起曾经有过这样一部动画,包括我的亲人。 但直到现在我都会坚持,这部动画片是我曾亲眼所见,而并非编造出来的…… 更加诡异,匪夷所思的是一部名为 《蜡烛湾 Candle Cove》的动画,至于其是否真实存在,目前尚未定论。
在 Reddit,网友 @skyshale033 发贴问,各位是否看过一部叫《蜡烛湾》的动画,播出时间大概是在1972~1973年。帖子一经发出,立刻引发网友热议,因为这其中不少网友声称自己曾经看过这部动画。 总结网友的讨论可以知道,《蜡烛湾》是部类似木偶剧的卡通动画,在1972~1973年在美国电视台58频道播出,共有两季,大约30集,每集20分钟,在下午4点播放。
故事情节属于冒险题材,讲述的是一个叫 Janice 的小女孩与海盗船长 Pirate Percy 驾驶一艘名叫Laughingstock 的船(这艘船会说话),去蜡烛湾寻找宝藏。
旅途中有两个坏人阻止主角找到宝藏,这两个人叫 Horace Horrible 和 Milo。故事中还有一个叫 Banana King 的朋友为 Janice 指点迷津。
网友 @skyshale033 回忆,海盗船长 Pirate Percy 的造型十分诡异,好像是七八个洋娃娃的残肢拼装起来,而且他的头部是由老旧玩偶的头部摘下被强行装在身体上。
网友 @Jaren_2005 回忆,片中的配乐反复重复汽笛风琴声,十分低沉。
关于会说话的船 Laughingstock,网友回忆这艘船有一张可怕的脸,口腔空洞,声音刺耳,笑脸就像小丑一样。
网友 @skyshale033 还说,自己曾做过一个关于蜡烛湾的梦,梦见自己站在蜡烛湾的舞台,所有的木偶(包括小女孩Janice)双脚离地,吊在半空,阴影刚好切掉了他们的头。周围人不断逼近小女孩,小女孩尖叫,声音愈来愈大。
而之后不止一位网友反驳 @skyshale033,说他所描述的情节并非噩梦,而是卡通片中的一集!并且这一集的结局,是剥皮人踩在倒在地上的小女孩身上,用手插进她的身体……
之后的言论则将蜡烛湾的讨论推向高潮。@mike_painter65 回复各位网友:我今天去老人院拜访了我的母亲。我问她记不记得70年代早期的一个儿童节目,叫 Candle Cove。
当我话音刚落,母亲便表现得非常惊讶,她不敢相信我还记得这些事。在我再三追问下,她说有段时间,每逢下午 4点,我都会着魔一样对她说:“妈妈,我要看《Candle Cove》”,之后我就会打开电视,转到一个没有任何画面的频道,死死盯着只有雪花的屏幕30分钟……
声称是此议题的发酵催生者、制作人 @Kris Straub 站出来,声称《蜡烛湾》只是其恶作剧产物。他为了好玩创建了几个账户自问自答,捏造出了《蜡烛湾》这样一个节目,营造恐怖的气氛。但即便如此,仍有很多人坚持自己真的曾经看过《蜡烛湾》。
1991年,Elizabeth Loftus找来24个人,分别从他们的多名亲人口中搜集到各人年幼时证实确有其事的三个生活片段。她把这些事情,加上一个捏造的片段,形成四个记忆片段,写好交给各当事人,并告诉他们,他们的亲人都记得发生过这样的事。这些人要就各片段补充记得的细节,若忘记了就说忘了。之后,她分别会见各人,再详细追问。
结果,24个人中有6人说记得发生过这样的事,并为片段增加了不少细节,例如14岁男童 Chris 记得遇到的那名老年男子穿的灯芯绒外衣是蓝色的,头有点秃,戴眼镜;再见到母亲时,母亲说了句:下回不要再这样了。
Elizabeth Loftus 最后告诉24名接受测试者四个片段中有一个是捏造的,要他们圈出来。6名相信曾在商场迷失过的当事者中,仍有5人相信事件是真的。
看完后想来看看有没有大神解说 发现剧评好少ry