








  The story of how police repeatedly allowed a serial murderer to slip through their fingers.  Stephen Port date-raped and murdered four young gay men in East London within fifteen months and dumped all four bodies within a few hundred metres of each other.  Yet Barking and Dagenham police failed to link the deaths, until weeks after the fourth one. The film tells the story through eyes of the families of Port's victims, unpicking how the police failed to properly investigate each of the deaths in turn. The police's assumptions that these young gay men had died from self-inflicted overdoses of chem-sex drugs allowed Port to continue raping and killing innocent young men.  The film unravels Port's sinister character and modus operandi. Port was motivated by a desire to satisfy his lust for abusive drug fuelled sexual encounters. He found all his victims through gay dating and social media sites, using multiple online profiles.  Barking and Dagenham police's failings have led to huge anger amongst the families of Port's victims. Some have accused the police of institutional homophobia, and asked if officers would have investigated more thoroughly, had four young women turned up dead within such a small radius.  The Met police have referred themselves to the Independent Police Complaints Commission over their handling of the case and will not comment on specific allegations until the IPCC investigation is complete.无主之作大地赤子史来贺数字追凶第四季奇异贤伴黑色天使爱之初保姆的黑皮书鬼玩人斗鱼重返高校之风云再起离开借黑钱迎向光影消逝的年代新狼人传说下游特工试播集世界奇妙物语 2019雨之特别篇今天开始当杀手心碎往事好先生番外篇快餐国家进击的巨人 第三季喷火奈良美智和他的旅行记录梦想者四夜心跳漏一拍占有者挚爱侦探美国重案第三季极盗行动国语霍比特人3:五军之战昆仑兄弟我是大哥大 电影版废柴联盟 第一季我是怎样度过这个夏天恋恋有声巴士奇遇结良缘1978柏林一区恐惧之城:纽约黑帮覆灭录红色沙漠绝命银行冼星海平衡大作战东北老炮儿2超级巨星(原声版)深夜秀主要嫌疑犯1973流氓经纪



very disturbing。。這樣的police要他們何用, 完全是discrimination, incompetence和dereliction of duty吧,心寒。。//online dating真的風險很大惹。。//GHB aka date rape drug, https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/GHB

  • sarah🇺🇦
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