Fist Of Fury III stars Bruce Li as the brother of Bruce Lee's character who after accomplishing revenge on the Japanese fighters that killed his brother, returns to take care of his mother and live in the country. Determined to live a peaceful life he finds himself forced into action as Japanese thugs follow him and make his life miserable. Fist Of Fury III is way better than Fist Of Fury II, but (of course) not up to the standard of Bruce Lee's original. This one is a standard kung fu cheapie in all arenas, except that the fights are better handled, the story develops the vengeance angle fairly well and in fact has a great climax involving a thunderstorm that basically adds to the action's overall mood. Once again it's no great masterpiece and Bruce Li, while charismatic, is not Bruce Lee but as far as kung fu movies go this is as good as these things get. Another nice touch is bringing back the English Intrepeter from Bruce Lee's Return Of The Dragon, as well as crisp directing during the action in the style of Bruce Lee's original. It's nothing worth going out of your way to locate, but if found in the bargain bin or in a Kung Fu movie collection, it's worth picking up.
热播电视剧最新电影杀手的反抗血亲2018破冰禁止尖叫逃亡医FI.Q.笨蛋死亡笔记3最棒的欧巴桑中岛春子2海底大揭秘第二季在这世界的角落2011嗜血派对精灵女孩小卓玛冲击奥拉玛巫蛊人偶扭曲规则巨星养成记英雄好汉(国语版)长安侠影之石榴美人呼吸悸动特殊案件专案组TEN2母女情深美版李双双底特律救世者星际之门:亚特兰蒂斯 第一季上帝的驱魔
FISTS OF FURY 3,1:31:18