目前,一共有三部作品明确的表达了我对于爱情的定义,分别是《活了一百万次的猫》,《樱花乱》以及《老友记》 《活了一百万次的猫》的爱情抓住了爱情最本质的东西,从虎皮猫最喜欢自己 到 虎皮猫发现自己喜欢白猫和小猫们胜过自己 《樱花乱》中的爱情体现在清次为清叶的等待,清叶对清次的不自知的眷恋,以及那句台词, 清次:跟我走的话,你会失去所有 清叶:总比拥有一切要有意思吧 《老友记》则是体现在Chandler和Monica在第一季到第六季的每个细节之中。他们是什么样的人,以及他们恋爱之后如何为对方做出改变以及这改变的动力来自哪里,一步一步的积累,每个细节我都觉得很爱情,[这其中包括Mon如何一点点改掉自己的怪癖,Chandler如何战胜自己对于承诺和婚姻的恐惧,如何成长],最终到Chandler说出“Before I met u I have really little life” 爱情的定义很明确了。说说什么时候一个人准备好走向婚姻。 有一天,当你对自己说,这个世界我已经看过了,那时候,你就准备好步入婚姻了。换句话说,你已经 活了“一百万次”了 On what links people to love : The desire for being together comes from the need of not being alone and the lack of safety (security), both do not differ very much since they origin from the same root. So far this is what I think based on my observation. ps:Though I shed some tears when he proposes, the Richard thing is really a bummer pps: I take back all the prejudice of friends and strongly recommend this tv series. I understand it had to be a comedy cause' it had to make profit. pss: The role of Rach and Ross is a brilliant idea. It reflects the condition of normal people who are in a mess, and the Mon-Chan seems to be more shining under the contrast.
罗斯到底走了啥狗屎运! 好喜欢乔伊和菲比!
乔伊太可爱了 钱德勒真是胖到没脖子了hhh 钱德勒和乔伊太太太棒了吧,这友谊我慕了 好奇钱德勒究竟多有钱!包养乔伊了哈哈哈,甚至表演课都是他出钱 好喜欢他们的友谊 知道对方的小毛病并且尊重配合 装扮圣诞树那里真的很有趣 招牌舞好好玩哈哈哈哈 乔伊真正喜欢一个人的时候好可爱啊 钱德勒和莫妮卡好甜啊 难搞那段太甜了 瑞秋成长好大,看到她妹妹后,对比真的好大,之前瑞秋也是这样的情况 乔伊真的是个好朋友 不看菲比那段真的好棒! 钱德勒到底多有钱! 8000美金说买就买!1999年! 太爱瑞秋了,完全长成了大女主的感觉! 三个女性都很有自己的性格特点 瑞秋自信独立坚强,菲比坚持自己特立独行对自己的信念很坚定,莫妮卡坚持自己的观点永不妥协,在爱情也是,不会迷失自我,清楚的知道自己想要的。
crush sb 伤某人的心
annulment 注销 废止
that is your thing 那是你的特点 你的特质
grant sb a favor 帮某人一个忙
you are the master 你是大师 你是高手
go unpack 收拾行李(回来之后)
creep 怪异的 使人毛骨悚的
be of sound mind 神志清醒
testify before a judge 在法官面前作证
end of an era 一个时代的结束
hook up 勾搭
ditch 抛弃
take it very well 很好的接受
a classic sign of 一个典型的标志
sublet 转租
ambiance 周围环境 气氛
soft spot 弱点
be obsessed with 为……着迷
try out on sb 在某人身上试验
lapse 名词 失效
catch on fire 被火烧
in no time 立即 马上
blinding pain 很疼
inexcusable 不可原谅的 无法谅解的
i am shocked to my very core 我从心底感到震惊
a court date 出庭日期
i don't want to hear a peep out of you 我不想听你再多叽歪一句 peep 小鸟唧唧叫
rookie 新球员 引申为新手
equity investment 产权投资
will you keep up 你有在听吗?跟上我们
rags 破布 抹布
it was on the house 店方赠送,免费 由公司或者团体支付
be lousy at 不擅长
you are on 算你了 一言为定
stretch out 撑大
out of the blue 出其不意地
get an authorization 取得授权
like a moth to a flame 飞蛾扑火
repel woman 使女性讨厌
uptight 紧张的 不安的 心情焦躁
end table 茶几
bizarre 奇怪的
curling iron 卷发器
hook 钩子
have a shot at working 有可能起作用
have makeup on 化着妆
put up flyers 贴传单
flyers 传单
peanut butter 花生酱
make a out of b 用b 做a
arrange flowers 插花
an internal cog in a machine 机器上不可少的齿轮
aloof 冷漠的
sneak a taste 偷吃
freshman sophomore junior senior
get high =get stoned 嗑药之后的状态 还有喝醉的意思
pop into one's head 闪过某人的脑子
stop rushing me 别催我
have the first taste 尝第一口
get tricked into 被骗入
stick by sb 不离不弃
wet one's pants 尿裤子
you are gonna be so faced 有面子
honorable mention 优秀奖
water purifier 净水器
right into first place 一进去 一开始
get right into sth 直接开始
you will never hear the end of it 别人会没完没了地说
two nights in a row 连续两晚
flea market 跳蚤市场
got it on the first guess 一猜就中
make potions 配药
wind up =end up 以……告终 最后的结果是
wind sb up 故意惹恼,哄骗某人
any second 任何时候
get over it 不要再说了
she is lying to sb ‘s faces 当着某人面撒谎
knockoff 名牌仿制品 冒牌服装
loan sb money 借某人一点钱
back out of it 收回某句话
lean toward 倾向于
high maintenance 难伺候 难搞 一直需要维护
mellow 柔和的
walk all over sb 随便欺负某人 彻底击败某人
pushover 易做之事,易劝服之人
pass on wisdom to 把智慧传给
clear out of here 离开这里 驱逐别人离开这里
together lady 合群的 善于应酬的女人
i am out of words 我没话了
weakling 虚弱的人
pansy 娘娘腔
i am at rock bottom 跌到谷底
at the bottom of fortune‘s wheel 倒霉透顶
pashmina 披肩 帕什米那
run a couple of errands 我要去办几件事
rug 小地毯
lead front on sth 有进展
bookish 书呆子
spoil the mood 破坏气氛
hit it off 合得来 来电
slide 幻灯片
give me a vibe 给我一个暗示
she is into me 对我感兴趣
macho 大男子气概的
i am up for anything 我准备好了
being brat 犯小孩子脾气
eulogy 悼词
delivery room 产房
labor and delivery 分娩的整个过程
cry sb a river 为某人流的眼泪成了一条河
sabotage 破坏
sabotage my every move
throw myself at sb 投怀送抱
wild guess 瞎猜
pull up 停车
wasn't he cheating on you with her?劈腿
shallow 浅薄的
have the guts to do sth =take guts to do sth 有勇气做某事
have a knack for 有…的本领
talk out of sth 说服某人放弃 摆脱 甩掉
still going through that dray spell with sb ?和某人僵着
dry spell 干旱期 形容一段时间没有接触药品 香烟等物品
over the line 超过界限
pulp 果肉
jalopy 破旧车
lump 肿块
pull in a salary 赚工资
chump change 微薄收入
oyster 生蚝
communicable disease 传染病
sensual 性感的
have an affair with sb 与某人有暧昧关系
undying 永恒 不朽
undying love
undying belief
wedding vows 结婚誓言
dog walker 遛狗人
sanctity 神圣
i am down to my last few pounds 我只剩最后几英镑了 down and out 穷困潦倒
extra shift 加班
identical twins 同卵双胞胎
non-identical twins 异卵双胞胎
pin sb to the floor 把某人按在地上
pin sth on sb 把某事加在某人身上
mind-blowing 引起强烈反响的
hottie 很辣的女孩
at stake 紧要关头
frown upon 不赞成 不支持 (皱眉)
it is frowned upon 别人会反对
frown on
company policy frowns on going out for coffee 公司不主张到外面喝咖啡
incense 香 burn incense 香薰
it is great to catch up 能再联系上你真是太好了
age difference 年龄差异
generation gap 代沟
get a reputation as 得到…的好名声
you are so fired 你真的会被解雇。
语气强烈排序由强到弱:absolutely definitely totally so
hair straightener 直发器
at fault 有责任 有过失
crumb 面包屑 饼干屑
school night 第二天白天有课的晚上
get custody of the kid 获得了孩子的抚养权
joint custody 共同监护权
child custody 儿童监护权
custody order 监护令
doorknob 门把
grow on sb 某人越来越喜欢某人或某物
saving regularly soon grows on you 定期储蓄会使你养成习惯
deem 认为
talk sth out 把…讲出来
talk oneself out 滔滔不绝
chase away 驱逐
chase off drive off drive away
my ass off 加强语气
laugh my ass off 笑死我了
work my ass off 工作超多
cheat my ass off 严重欺骗
solid 精彩的 一流的 绝佳的
pretty solid 很好
enough for now 暂时够了
goodbye for now 先暂别了
big cheese 大亨
dont get your hopes up 别指望太多
it is down to me and two other guys 只剩下我和另外两个人 =be narrowed down to
life-sized 真人大小 full size 实际大小 scaled-down version 缩小版 scaled-up version 放大版
ramble 漫谈
front and back 正反面
fine by me 我能接受
just so you know 只是想告诉你
circuit 电路 线路
my hearing would be impaired 听力受损
hold back 抑制 阻碍
he was held back from further promotion 他的进一步升职被压下来了
lifelike 栩栩如生
let you two guys get acquainted 让你们变得熟络
acquaint widely 交际广泛
acquaint slightly 略知皮毛
acquaint minutely 迅速了解
state-of-the-art 使用了最先进技术
pop into sb 访问某人 pop into one‘s head 灵光一闪
save sb the trouble of doing sth 为某人免去做某事的麻烦
on one's own 独立地=by oneself =all alone
raise sb all on his own 独立抚养
sb get a little attitude from sb 对某人不客气
knock sb sth over 打翻 撞到 病倒=smash down
on the quiet 暗地里 悄悄地 秘密地进行
i can turn that around 我可以改变那个事实
i got the inside track 占据了内圈 即占据有利形势
talk sb up 赞扬某人
stand sb up 放某人鸽子
jump at the chance 抓住机会 leap at /lap up
backfire 出岔子 出意外
gave sb a lot of jabs 故意为难某人
jab 猛击 刺拳
real life size 真人大小
fix it 弥补它
sweet nothing 甜蜜话 奉承话=sweet talk
hearing aid 助听器
wall of fame 名人墙
crack up at something 大笑
take sb down 给某人下马威 挫挫某人锐气
jog one's memory 唤起某人的记忆 refresh one's memory
be offensive to 对…无理
in heaven's name 语气词 到底,究竟
what in heaven's name are you doing here ?
let me just see if i got this straight 我是否把话说明白了
take this to mean sth 把这件事理解为
blow sb off 放某人鸽子 甩了某人
cover up 掩埋 遮掩
bracelet 手链
get down on one knee 单膝跪下
haggle over the price 讲价
haggle over every once 斤斤计较
from here on out 从现在起=from here on =from now on =here and now
stand firm at sth 坚定不移
i am over it 我不在乎了=get over sb /sth
hold on real quick 停一停 等一等 打住
too revealing 太暴露
stifle 扼杀
set one's heart on sth 把心放在某物上
the nether world 九泉 阴间
all jokes aside 说正经的 不跟你开玩笑
=joke around =kid around=tease sb
sort of 某种程度上是
it is gotten great reviews 反响很不错
a good cause 有正当的理由
make payments 分期付款 =make regular payments
down payment 分期付款中的头款
payments over three years 分三年付清
keep tabs on sb 监视某人
for life 终身
job for life 终身工作
jail for life 终身监禁
for the life of me 即使要我的命
be all for 完全赞成
back talk 回嘴 顶嘴
don't sass me 别跟我顶嘴
make rash decision 匆忙下决定
blow a chance 失去机会
I thought that is mattered what I said or where I said it. Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. And you if let me, I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. 我以为开口的时间地点很重要,后来我才发现,唯一重要的,是你。你让我得到了超乎想象的幸福。如果你愿意,我愿意用下半生,让你和我一样幸福。
Ross: I realized if anything happened with me and Jill, then nothing could ever happen with us.
I don't know if anything is ever going to happen with or again, ever, but I don't want to know that it never could.
此时此刻正在听钱德勒莫妮卡在烛光拥抱《wonderful tonight》
十年走完一生,always be there for you
“我以为开口的时间地点很重要 后来才发现 唯一重要的是你 你让我得到超乎想象的幸福 所以如果你愿意 我愿意用下半生让你跟我一样幸福”
莫妮卡和钱德勒...到现在不知不觉看到第六季了并且居然看完了..............................不自觉鼻子酸求婚那个地方 其实一直在哭....ai...
谁能想到chandler和monica真的订婚了啊 monica这季里面变好漂亮 joey ross也纷纷变的好帅 但是chandler头发是怎么回事?最后一集里 当monica的ex杀出来的时候 我忽然觉得“那個最不適合你的人往往在最適合的時間出來阻擋你走向適合的地方”
精神食粮。虽然不喜欢mon 但感情上她一直坚持的原则是值得每一个姑娘深思的 are we serious? 我们要对青春和未来负责任。她能遇到chandler真是三生有幸!!