Following the sell out tour and triumphantly successful album 'The Emancipation of Mimi', Mariah Carey releases the highly anticipated tour DVD 'The Adventures of Mimi'. The tour, produced by Ken Ehrlich, played to packed houses across the States, Canada and Japan. Throughout the tour the multi-award winning star sang hits including her classics such as "Vision of Love and "Fantasy" and also songs from her latest album including "We Belong Together", "It's Like That" and "Say Something". One of the highlights of the tour was when Mariah played a sell-out show in her hometown, New York, at Madison Square Gardens joined on stage by her friends Jay Z and P Diddy. Mariah is currently in the studio putting finishing touches to her latest album, yet untitled. Her signature fragrance, 'M' by Mariah Carey, is in stores now and her latest movie, 'Tennessee' from the makers of 'Monster's Ball' will be released soon. Carey is also in production with Adam Sandler shooting yet another movie, "You Don't mess with the Zohan". 1 Intro 2 It's Like That 3 Heartbreaker 4 Dreamlover 5 My All 6 Shake It Off 7 Vision Of Love 8 Fly Like A Bird 9 I'll Be There 10 Fantasy 11 Don't Forget About Us 12 Always Be My Baby 13 Honey 14 I Wish You Knew 15 Can't Let Go 16 One Sweet Day 17 Hero 18 Make It Happen 19 We Belong Together 20 Butterfly Reprise
热播电视剧最新电影魔幻仙踪感激时代:斗神的诞生我要当空姐太空黑猩猩青春永驻奇缘灰姑娘粤语版失控玩家(国语版)二杠三公主连结!Re:Dive 第二季 プリンセスコネクト!Re:Dive Season 2亨利五世2012钟馗降魔古田1929某夜她想念起了那刻的黎明时分你是我的老婆余波2022无与伦比的巴黎莫麟传奇防弹2邻里的人们中转停留无品大将美人面伦敦的山本五十六难忘的一年:冬天梵高与提奥1990拯救林肯嫂嫂19岁工具箱杀手白纸青春
Happy anniversary! #MIMI#
regardless of Mariah the fat, it's still a good performance...
Mariah无与伦比的天籁嗓音实在是太美了,里面有个叫Bryan Nataka的亚裔Dancer也帅爆了!
比起十年前的Fantasy, Mariah Carey的变化真是巨大。不再轻盈,声音也厚重了,但还是非常好听。
中文标题让我傻了眼,也太恰到好处了吧!还真就是这样。不过她多么有才华,就是没办法喜欢她... -- 2009-8-1
两处落泪点。一是Boys2Men出场合唱One Sweet Day的时候,镜头扫向台下一个还挺帅的男人,一边右手握着电话放在右耳边,嘴角微笑眼中含泪;另一处是MC在引出Hero这首歌的时候说的一段话,以及这首歌演唱过程中台下一位只身拭泪的少女。
不怪乎大家吐槽这衣服 我都看不下去了……毁了个演唱会啊
歌是好歌 舞台效果太差(MC你好壮)
哈哈 肥母莅临 =。=#