Tourneur preferred I Walked with a Zombie to Cat People and frequently cited it as one of his favorite films. Of all Tourneur’s films, I Walked with a Zombie goes farthest in the direction of pure cinematic poetry and the use of sounds and images purely for their “power of suggestion,” a power enhanced by the film’s narrative strategies, whose insistent ruptures, enigmas, and contradictions force the viewer to give up the attempt to read the narrative in a linear way. The film also expresses more directly than any other Tourneur film the essential features of his view of life: refusal of condemnation; respect for cultural difference; and the awareness of a permanent unknowability behind the lives and motives of people, their relations with each other, and their place in the cosmos.
an obsolete Hollywood novelty capitalizes on the now time-honored zombie trope by the maker of CAT PEOPLE
A Hollywood primordialexploration of the now time-honored zombie trope, running around a svelte 69-minute and with the filmmaker who previously brings us CAT PEOPLE (1942), I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE holds its own in its compact narrative that takes place in theCaribbean island of Saint Sebastian, where the wife of a sugar plantation owner has slumped into a zombie-like state, viz. a living dead under the spell of voodoo magic.
Audience are whisked onto the tropical land with our heroine, a Canadian nurse Betsy Connell (Dee), who snatches the well-paid job to minister to the aforementioned wife Jessica Holland (Gordon), whose first apparitional appearance is a mild hair-raiser, and instinctively swoons for her hubby, Paul Holland (Conway), a suave gent ailed by a pessimistic streak, the first thing he tells her is that "everything is putrescent”. As she dedicatedly takes it on herself to bring Jessica back to the living world, a manifestation of her lofty affection to the man she loves, and is out of step with a more plausible self-serving/possessive maneuver that more likely pops up in the context of romantic pursuit, her last resort to work the miracle hinges on the local voodooism, and the most atmospherically stirring sequence is where she chaperones a sleep-walking Jessica across a nocturnal cane field interspersed with memento mori, to attend an occult ceremony and is appalled by the sight of a dead-fish-eyed guardian Carrefour (Jones), an archetypal zombie embodiment that might give viewers at then nightmares.
DirecterJacques Tourneur, cunningly straddles the explanation between scientific diagnosis and ethnic necromancy, also configuresa bare-bones JANE EYRE plot to leaven the narrative, although Frances Dee flourishes as a gamely virtuous can-doer, and theater dab-hand Edith Barrett upstages the rest with a layered rendition as Mrs. Rand, Paul’s mother, whose evasive culprit identity actually counterpoints her palpable bonhomie, the film per se is too much an obsolete novelty to be seriously reckoned as a masterwork, not even with the help of Sir Lancelot’s calypso invention, especially when he is unceremoniously introduced as a Janus-faced fabulist (apologizing first, scandal-disclosing later).
referential film: Tourneur’s CAT PEOPLE (1942, 7.0/10)
#BFI# #In Dreams Are Monsters# 叙事上,这么短的篇幅却把几个方向都说的非常是清晰也是非常不错了,尤其是对于殖民与被殖民之间关系的构建非常简洁且直观。影片的视觉效果很棒,尤其是光影的处理,帮助构建角色和悬疑惊悚感,还有几处柔焦的处理也非常不错。听觉上,太喜欢了,尤其是环境音,风吹过骨头和镂空的器物发出的声音。喜欢:交叉剪辑家中施法现场的时候鼓声那种远近切换制造的紧张感和结尾的处理我觉得也非常的好。不喜欢:剪辑有时候非常跳脱,容易出戏。局限在时代中的那爱情,以超自然复仇和爱情建立了一个父权感比较强的关系,有些拧巴。
太怨气了。。唯一让我觉得各应的就是那个黑人。。╭( ̄m ̄*)╮
简.爱 PS:幽怨却透着灵动!
The mystery of Tourneur’s films comes not only from the complex, clouded plots that his protagonists seek to unravel but also from the unexpressed motives and unresolved interior conflicts of the protagonists themselves. Betsy, the nurse-heroine of I Walked with a Zombie, may unconsciously want her patient to die.
2009.2.21莫名其妙的一个电影。完全没看懂。后排的女生唧唧咯咯笑个没完没了。看起来倒是没那么恐怖了。据说是所有僵尸片里面排名第五的... 那其他没上线的电影得有多糟糕?
忏悔的哭声,箭簇穿身的雕像 恶有恶报,爱有终结,走入大海结束一切,voodoo以及甘蔗林惊悚气氛只是铺陈,内核却是爱情故事,从哥特恐怖来说稍微气势不足,太柔和了
殖民者与被殖民者互相围困控制,殖民者眼中被浪漫化的“异国风情”和存在于臆想中的他者形象(作为“异族”的当地黑人、受支配的女性)被巫术故事击破,作为Noir化、神秘化的《简爱》,它呈现出了令人惊叹的丰富多义(连作为谜底的“母亲下毒是否有用”也和《豹族》中“野兽逃脱还是豹人作祟”一样存在开放讨论的空间)。当然,和《简爱》一样,它本质上依然是一个爱情故事,浪漫的底色是阴森的气氛、诡异的巫毒仪式都遮掩不住的。"Everything good dies here, even the stars.""They still weep when a child is born, and make merry at a burial."