El lema de las películas de Pedro Almodóvar siempre coincide con las mujeres, y esta, sin duda, no es una excepción. En general, es un cuento sobre cómo las mujeres procuran conquistar el corazón de sus amores. Por ejemplo,Iván se entretenía entre tres chicas, a causa de él, su ex esposa incluso hizo unas locuras: para que su ex marido volviera a su lado, ella se arriesgó a apuntar una pistola frente a él en el aeropuerto. Por otra parte, también se puede interpretar que los comportamientos consecutivos de Julieta se hicieron con pura intención de venganza, una serie de venganza a fin de expulsar su furia a Iván, a las rivales, al amor, al matrimonio, y a la vida entera. La declaración de ella al final de la película supone su actitud de toda la vida: soy infeliz, soy loca, en este mundo ya no queda espacio para mí, es mejor que yo vuelva al hospital.
En segundo lugar, es también una película de salvación.
Pepa, como la ex novia de Iván, se hundió durante mucho tiempo en la tristeza, trataba de olvidarse de Iván. Lo mismo pasó con Candela, quien se enamoró de un delincuente, y temía involucrarse en sus crímenes. Por objetivos similares, Candela fue a buscar a Pepa , y estas dos mujeres empezaron así sus viajes de salvación. En este proceso, Pepa me ha impresionado mucho. Aunque, al principio, se actuaba como una loca, y solía desmayarse fácilmente. Se iba convirtiéndose de una mujer vulnerable en una héroe espiritualmente potente. El clave de su vida consiste en lucharse contra todo lo desagradable. Es por eso, por lo que se fue firmemente de Iván tras haber salvado a él. Porque lo más importante es la salvación de una misma.
Además, quiero mencionar un papel en especial. El taxista.
A lo largo de la lucha, el taxista siempre acompañaba a Pepa, le servía como un testigo de sus acciones heroicas. A la primera vez, cuando a Pepa le dolían mucho los ojos, preguntó al taxista si podía ofrecerle colirio. La respuesta fue no. Pero no sé por qué razón, el taxista también empezó a llorar con ella. Sin embargo, a la última vez cuando Pepa tomó su coche, el taxista sí había preparado colirio para ella. La existencia del taxista y su mambo taxi afirman que además de los hombres irresponsables y crueles, también hay personas rebeldes como el taxista quien está preparado para brindar un hogar ideal a la persona que quiera.
La existencia del joven taxista, junto con el sueño sexual de Marisa y el paisaje de la terraza , nos transmiten en su conjunto cierta esperanza: es verdad que la vida está llena de sufrimientos, pero de los sufrimientos nacen la amistad , el goce sexual , el amor , y el sol de mañana.
看得还蛮震惊的,我带着一种猎奇的眼光在看(如果有侮辱到是我的不对),首先是是女主的朋友在多次想向女主倾诉自己的难处而女主不理她的时候想去跳楼引起女主注意,还有女主情夫的前妻化的妆,很神奇,眼睫毛竟然是直接画在眼皮上的,不知道这是剧情设定说她是精神病所以大家都不在意,还是说你在西班牙打扮成什么样都没关系。我不能理解的原因可能是因为我不够开放,我比较东方人的内敛(东方人:请不要碰瓷。),如果我有难事,我想让我朋友听听,而她如果不在意或者自己也自顾不暇,我会二话不说马上闭嘴然后离开,所以女主的朋友非要女主听听自己的trouble,并且女主顾不上管她她就要跳楼引起注意这个让我很震惊,但我会尊重这个的。而且当女主终于来听她的诉求的时候,她首先是非常轻松地讲自己美妙的性经历,这里我也很震惊,我以为你要讲的事情应该是火烧眉毛非常紧急的, 没想到要讲这么多相比之下无关紧要的事吧。不过女主也没有不耐烦的样子,好像这也是很重要的,还是说她了解她朋友,我也不知道。虽然我不理解但我尊重这个。
而且里面的关系也挺混乱的。我一个字都不想相信情夫说的,电影一开始他就在沾花惹草,对各种女人,真的是各种女人,各大洲的各人种的, 说一句尬死人的情话,然后女人们就迷得神魂颠倒。所以情夫可怜巴巴地跟女主说话的时候我也丝毫不心疼他。我觉得他们很搞笑的就是,事先电联工作不做好,非要到住处去找人,一旦那人不在又像后面有鬼在追一样的赶紧离开,到底他吗的有什么好急的,好不容易都来这了,根本就是低效率……反正男女主互相找对方结果每次都擦肩而过看得我急死了,这个是不是叫皇帝不急太监急。而且女主怀着她情夫的孩子还跟情夫的儿子接吻,这可以说是小妈文学吗,可是小妈肚子里怀着你的亲弟弟。而且情夫儿子真的很喜欢乱搞,明明有未婚妻,还跟女主朋友搞上。已经显露他爸爱沾花捻草的性格了。
Women On The Verge of Nervous Breakdown introduces a drama about female roles in chaos. The director Almodóvar utilized intertextuality to borrow elements from other works. By representing the film like screwball comedy and melodrama, Women on the Verge portrays three different kinds of women and they could be contextualized to explain the social circumstance of Spain in 1980s.
Three female images and their corresponding national identities
1 Lucia
Lucia is the wife of the male protagonist Ivan, who left Lucia many years ago. Since then, Lucia becomes psycho. Her image gives the viewer a feeling of retro and collaging. Her exaggerated wig and vintage suit make her like a woman from 1970s or even before. Lucia appears to be mentally unbalanced but become sober at some point.
This profile shot shows her head in the wind, funny and eye-capturing. Lucia is on the way to airport and plan to kill Ivan. By using this profile shot of her head, it shows Lucia’s impenetrability (Acevedo-Muñoz, 2006). Her mental disorder belies her revenge.
The role of Lucia could be a metaphor of those people who is entangled with past and could not get rid of the influence of history cultural legacy. After the regime in 1975, many cultural practices were repressed in the transitional period. People with old cultural revenge, however, were also trapped by the limitation of past, like Lucia realizes she should be in hospital like she used to.
2 Candela
Candela is the female protagonist Pepa’s friend. She is open to love but become desperate and maniac when she knows that she may in trouble of living with terrorists. At the same time, Candela is still dare to earn herself love by flirting with Ivan’s son Carlos.
Candela represents the people who is willing to touch upon new objects in the cultural transition. There were “cultural anxiety” and “generic instability” in Spanish culture at 1980s. Although there are political and sexual liberation with artistic freedom in this kind of “new Spanish mentality”, they could also be coward and scared when new trends sweep.
3 Pepa
Pepa is the female protagonist and she is in search of her lover Ivan to tell him that she got pregnant. She spends time on the phone listening or asking others about Ivan. However, she does not get the chance to meet Ivan in person. At last, Pepa moves Ivan from her emotion and to save him not from love and this turn her from a loser to a winner (Willem, 1998). The growing of Pepa could be related to the Hitchcock. In Hitchcock’s film there are male roles who are being psycho, here Almodóvar reversely use it to express that women could also liberate themselves from neurotic men (Acevedo-Muñoz, 2006).
Pepa represents the people who are searching in the background of a chaos world and get rid of the negative side of the last. Ivan could be a metaphor of the history that haunted people. Eventually, Pepa leave Ivan decisively and broke the repressive chain with Ivan. Ivan represents the dictatorial political relationship of under General Francisco Franco’s regime in 1975. Pepa’s leaving is the metaphor that the Spanish society have escape from dictatorial repression (Hodge, 2010). At the end of the film, Pepa and Merisa are talking on the peaceful terrace, when Merisa says that she has had a good dream. This reveals the optimism of Almodóvar. Although Spain has gone through cultural transition or other chaos just like Pepa, it will reborn with other new culture and more democratic social order.
Women and power relationship
In the film, Pepa searches for every chance to hear Ivan’s voice. However, Ivan could leave his voice and leave without responsibility. Here it could be understanded as that men have the right to let women waiting and do not care the feeling of women. Women and men could not talk to each other with respect and equality. The patriarchy in the legacy of dictatorship still exists.
Additionally, the film also expresses the attitude towards love. It is love that made these women on the nervous breakdown. However, it is this patriarchal society makes love a shackle on women. Women are thought to be crazy or vulnerable in front of love. Once without love, they will go insane but men could walk away in peace. Almodóvar expression this issue with melodrama and cast the question that how to maintain sex equality to the viewers.
The relationship between human and technology
Pepa utilized the telephone and voice mails to communicate with Ivan. However, this communication is invalid and Pepa does not have the chance to tell Ivan that she is pregnant. Ironically, the technology impedes the interaction instead of making communication more convenient. Hodge (2010) pointed that Pepa interact with Ivan’s voice mail and blame the machine, making her a slave to the machine. The obsession with machine could not figure out Pepa’s issue and make her entangled with frustration.
At 1980s that this film describes, the new technologies like voice mails or other machinery; There were movement among writers advocate instead of providing convenience the machines could bring potential disasters. The writers were in worries that the machines could reverse their power relation with human, becoming autonomous individuals and make people under repression (Hodge, 2010). The destroying of telephone in the movie could be an allusion that people should break the restriction of machines. More reflection of how could people appropriately use machine to gain convenience is also asked by Almodóvar.
Women on the Verge of Nervous breakdown utilized intertextuality and melodrama to capture different women images. With the hybrid of genres, Almodóvar nurtured his own style and reflect on the Spanish society at 1980s to evoke social contemplation.
Reference list:
Acevedo-Muñoz, R. E. (2006). Melo-Thriller: Hitchcock, Genre, and Nationalism in Pedro Almodóvar’s Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. In D. Boyd and R. B. Palmer (Ed.), After Hitchcock: Influence, imitation, and intertextuality (pp173-194).//learningmall.xjtlu.edu.cn/pluginfile.php/77440/mod_resource/content/1/Required%20reading%20week%2013.pdf
Hodge, P. J. (2010). The Role of Technology in Creative Productions by José Moreno Arenas and Pedro Almodóvar: Keep the Change, Doll and Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. International Journal of the Humanities, 7(12), 137–146. //doi.org/10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v07i12/42786
Willem, L. M. (1998). Almodóvar on the Verge of Cocteau’s “La Voix humaine.” Literature/Film Quarterly, 26(2), 142–147.
@西班牙大师展 有点愧疚,开场的时候不应该提醒后面两个聊天的阿姨安静。这个电影非常适合在影院里叽叽喳喳吃着爆米花嘻嘻哈哈歇斯底里地看了。
7.6 哈哈哈,就是个小品啊。想看重拍版,演员阵容如下:佩帕-牛本山 坎德拉-杏菜 伊万-亚瑟 伊万前妻-席丹丹 伊万儿子-贾隆平 伊万儿子未婚妻-傻脸娜 律师-接漏 出租车司机-火星哥 看门大姨-鸡腿呆 警察-贾婷婷&王宇直 电话修理工-黄老板 摩托车小哥&女友-哈卷&霉霉
歇斯底里 紧张兮兮的
患得患失其实只求一句交流的情人、走向绝路不管不顾的前妻、身陷荒唐陷阱只求爱情的傻子和昏睡不起的处女...男人、生活、情感都将他们推向“崩溃边缘”,一环扣一环变成了令人哭笑不得的女性浮世绘。P.S. 年轻时候的Rossy de Palma直到现在都长得还是那样...真是“不老脸”啊。
本片入围1988年威尼斯电影节主竞赛单元,最终获得最佳剧本奖;1988年欧洲电影节最佳青年作品和最佳女演员奖;1988年纽约影评人协会最佳外语片奖;1989年歌雅奖最佳女主角(Carmen Maura)、最佳剪辑、最佳剧本和最佳女配角奖(María Barranco)。
阿莫多瓦的女性群像谱,关于情殇引致的焦虑与崩溃,或执著癫狂,或回归自我。1.多类型混融,一如片首拼贴画credits,情节剧和神经喜剧交织,大部情节发生在公寓中,契如舞台话剧,高潮时又兀自转为追车动作片。2.色彩艳丽浓郁,热烈的红与静谧的蓝贯穿始终。3.开篇时空跳跃蒙太奇妙绝,既指涉主角职业([荒漠怪客]配音),又与主线互文,展露出男性的花心与自恋情结;以银幕倒计时与多个滴答闹钟凸显女主焦虑不安。4.不少镜像反照(旋转猫眼、碎玻璃、虚实难辨的大镜子段落),似承继自塞克与法斯宾德。5.女主对邻家的窥视,反向致敬[后窗]。6.演杀手母亲的女主洗血衣的洗衣粉广告。7.将车内布置得周全如家、酷似导演的出租司机—跟踪:“我以为这只会在电影中出现。” 8.烧床,番茄汁下药,两摔电话,掷出窗外。9.在安眠春梦中脱离处女。(9.0/10)