4.5 Shit gets really dark in this special although some did seep into the pervious one already. Biggest difference is this time there isn't a veneer trying to hide the darkness anymore, it's way more brutally honest and heartfelt. Yes it still has plenty of date jokes but they are also organically woven into the central theme of childhood trauma. The overall material and delivery are more mature and coherent, one of the best I have seen.
正在therapy的我看得好亲切。Covid后mental health themed stand-up越来越多(台下正在看therapy的比例也好高...总觉得Taylor用尽全力把自己的trauma包装成完美的punchline,虽然好笑但是有点不安。Address the audience部分有点破坏节奏。
我爱你....quote「your mental illness was kinda like your middle name I didn’t know what it was but I knew that you had one 」马上搜索了audio porn
关于心理健康,两性和成长,没有很搞笑但很扎心。当你diagnosed with a mental illness后,If I do tell people, am I hot and/or talented enough to be enough to be an inspiration?
感觉她的状态没有上一期好。“She's in heaven, I'm on Netflix — it all worked out.”
开头讲药物和心理咨询觉得太white people problem,后面讲妈妈挂掉和基督教成长背景下的恋情问题很多共鸣。
最后那个amateur sex tape part,我哭得好大声
4.5 Shit gets really dark in this special although some did seep into the pervious one already. Biggest difference is this time there isn't a veneer trying to hide the darkness anymore, it's way more brutally honest and heartfelt. Yes it still has plenty of date jokes but they are also organically woven into the central theme of childhood trauma. The overall material and delivery are more mature and coherent, one of the best I have seen.
正在therapy的我看得好亲切。Covid后mental health themed stand-up越来越多(台下正在看therapy的比例也好高...总觉得Taylor用尽全力把自己的trauma包装成完美的punchline,虽然好笑但是有点不安。Address the audience部分有点破坏节奏。
我爱你....quote「your mental illness was kinda like your middle name I didn’t know what it was but I knew that you had one 」马上搜索了audio porn
重订netflix,一直到看回我喜欢的女性comedian最新专场才找到看网飞于我的意义。taylor这场太好笑,又让你不由想哭,是那种把自己隐藏在内心最深处的痛拿出来透彻剖析并做成一道美味无比的菜肴供人消费的又煎熬又满足的感觉。很难理解我明明没什么mental issues但为什么能如此享受又共情。总之很好看。
私人dark humour部分可能是Taylor最想讲的,但没处理太好,还是在过多照顾观众;虽然我不吃bipolar演员风格(以教主为典型),但两性笑话部分insight密集,一直把观众卷着走,只是再怎么都卷不到前半场那么高
不敢相信还蛮多相似点的。的确也是看到的最年轻的能讲专场的脱口秀演员,表情和上一部一样不太自然,然后一直在看提词器?不过没啥影响~ “信任危机”那些内容真是爆了哈哈哈
太好笑了吧基本每个段子都能戳到我笑点,而且 Taylor 长得圆圆的有一丝像杨千嬅 somehow 放大了这些笑点。(长年累月重刷了 N 遍之后)很少有脱口秀能让我觉得又好笑又每刷一遍都能发现新亮点学到新东西甚至像看了本很有道理的书一样在日常生活中经常 quote 了。
把自己扒的皮开肉绽了,血淋淋惨兮兮的说着笑。这姑娘真的勇敢。开篇的心理疾病部分很扎实,给后几段提供了几个精妙的call back。
Taylor 一直不是我最喜欢的单口之一,可能是因为她的松弛频率和我的个人偏好有点对不上。但今次她对精神药物治疗的调侃实在引起了我太多共鸣,值得额外加一星。
好棒,笑出声。看完第一件事,去搜索 audio porn……听了个开头,笑得更大声了。
看得想哭,这黑色幽默全用在自己身上了。但最后一个porn for girl给我笑出眼泪了。看到后面非常怀疑自己也是bipolar。
看了这么多单口之后一个感觉:心灵没创伤恐怕干不了这行。没有首场出色 不过台风依旧可爱 再慢慢积累经验好好打磨 加油写出更棒让人印象更深刻的长段和punchline (从她说自己是大头妹开始 越看她圆圆的脸盘就越喜庆
taylor长得很可爱呐~~~最近迷上了单口喜剧~taylor 的段子算得上是苦中作乐~
I like the honesty and frankness. Confident and vulnerable.