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主演:David Ames,David Ames







绝命人口436 剧照 NO.1绝命人口436 剧照 NO.2绝命人口436 剧照 NO.3绝命人口436 剧照 NO.4绝命人口436 剧照 NO.5绝命人口436 剧照 NO.6


 1 ) 数字统治宇宙

1 人多了可以杀,人少了怎么办,去外面拐么?没交代……总不能老是靠生的那么凑巧吧
2 既然是保持人口436就好,那为什么非杀自己人,直接团结起来把外人干死不就结了,还搞什么仪式,浪费啊
3 那些不过夜的人绝对不会卷入就因为他们不过夜……应该展开至少黑夜和噩梦的关系


 2 ) 一部俗套的恐怖电影


 3 ) 这个丑陋而又美丽的世界

436,是小镇重建后规定的人口数,3个数字分别对应某本宗教书上的3句话。这3句话被奉为全镇的信仰,从孩子们的课堂上开始灌输。 436,是一个诅咒。小镇人口不能多也不能少。外来者进入,一律禁止再出去。而随着数额被超过,镇上会召开外来者的“庆祝会”,会前由众人抽签选定一人“牺牲”,即在庆祝会高潮绞死。这是镇上最高的荣誉。 想要逃离者,非死即被医生洗脑。前者纵使能逃出镇外,厄运也会降临,像普查员和女孩Amanda;后者改造后留在镇上,浑浑噩噩生活至终老,像Kady,医生家地下室的一家四口,或许这样的人还有很多。 ROCKWELL HALLS是个不能用常规的道德理念来思考的地方。“团结而安定”,由小镇人口中诵死咒般地念出,犹如某种奇异宗教的仪式。“我们镇上从来没有犯罪”,镇长、医生、警官却串通着一再给人洗脑。然而这一切,在镇上都无比正常。百年人口不变,森林边缘停靠的几十辆外来汽车,昭示着悲剧笼罩了几代人后,还会继续下去。 与一切形成对比的是,小镇祥和的氛围、宁静的风景、热忱的居民,配上美洲风味十足的明快音乐,呈现出世外桃源的美丽。然而,对比越强烈,恐惧便越发深入骨髓。个体的死亡并不可怕,可怕的是围观人群始终如一的若无其事。庆祝会上,抽到签的女人盛装站在绞刑架上,其他人鼓励的目光和淡然的微笑,不禁令人毛骨悚然。 外人眼中的悲剧,在小镇人看来是莫大的幸福。这才是最大的悲剧。 自以为善,自以为恶,自以为的崇高而圣洁的信仰,不过机械而近残酷的变相屠杀。思想的束缚,人性的禁锢,以一个自以为美好的理由遮掩,整个群体便逐渐学会自觉地遏止“反叛”的思想,将祖上的圣规毫无抵触的遵守、传教,温顺如羔羊,这便是“服从上天的意旨”。 但,以医生为代表的统治者并非祸首,他们自身也深深崇拜着流传下来的教义。为了维护所谓“安定与和平”,把偶尔出现的“叛逃者”的思想利用药物“纠正”过来。统治阶层,本身就是众多牺牲品的一类,可悲的是他们一边被荼毒,一边还在替“上天”的规则辩护。 道德的善与恶、是与非,在我们这些镇外人的圈子里,同样的自以为是。宗教,是为填补精神上的缺口。哲学,是人类自身的产物。而天然的法则,无论人类有无都必然存在。可经历人类的思考,便不能保证它的绝对客观。假如,哲学观、道德观都是臆想,人类社会就是一个限制思想的大圈。只是,这个圈子里的人更多,相对的自由也更多,所以时间也会存在的更长……或许,当另外一群生物发现这里时,又会引起一场无休止的是非争论。 丑陋的手段,披着美丽的外衣,麻木着人们。若不是小镇ROCKWELL HALLS,而是整个世界,有多少真相还未被挖掘? 所幸,片中的小镇是虚构之所。而我们这里并不需要,因为,这样的圈子可能已经以各种不同的性质存在了。 我们所在的,是个丑陋而又美丽的世界。 2006-08-30

 4 ) 无聊的片子


 5 ) 不好看呀

   很没劲的电影。 主角一看就很衰,一开始看我就觉得他肯定是逃不出去的,明明他额头上就写了“衰神”两个字。

 6 ) 命中注定

而rockwell falls这个小镇的名字也恰好有13个字母。








Biblical Meaning of Numbers - The List Teaser

One : 1 - Biblical Meaning of Number: is the number of God. Independence is also attached to this number as well, for it excludes all things that are different.

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number one is also used when marking the beginnings of things. Unity is very common when defining this number, for it stands alone and cannot be divided.


Two : 2 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with separation, things that are divided, or things that bring about division.

Added Christian Viewpoint: By it being the first number that can be divided, it is often look at as the fundamental number for division. The number two is attached to the term "Revelation" as well. It has also been used when referring to discord and even war. Ruin and death is also within its context.


Three : 3 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with approval, viewing things within its entirety, and things that have become solid and complete.

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number three is also used when describing the Trinity or the Godhead (divine perfection). The number three has also been associated with the concepts of spirit and life.


Four : 4 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with God's creative works or Earth Creation (material completeness).

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number four is always used when referring to God's creation. This number has also been used when describing the vastness of space.


Five : 5 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with grace and redemption - God's grace or life that's moved by the spirit.

Added Christian Viewpoint: This number has also been used to describe freedom and completeness.


Six : 6 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with the number of man. This number is also used when referring to (human labor) or (secular completeness)

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number six is also attached when describing the constant battle between spirit and flesh.


Seven : 7 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with spiritual perfection and spiritual completeness.

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number seven has also been used when describing the covenant between man and God.


Eight : 8 - Biblical Meaning of Number: One who abounds in strength.

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number eight is also used in reference to fertility. It has also been used when referring to the Resurrection or new beginnings.


Nine : 9 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with judgment or the finality of things. Basically, it's used when judging man and all of his works. (The 'United States Supreme Court' comes to mind when I think about this number.)

Added Christian Viewpoint: This number has also been used to describe the perfect movement of God.


Ten : 10 - Biblical Meaning of Number: deals with completeness that happens in a divine order or completed during a course of time. There's nothing that is left wanting within the complete cycle the number ten has just completed.

(In today's society this number is looked at mostly when referring to some kind of ranking or describing something that's close to perfection)


Eleven : 11 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the things of imperfection, disorganization of systems, and the disorder or chaos of things.


Twelve : 12 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with placing things within perfect order or achieving governmental structural perfection.

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number twelve has also been used to describe the twelve tribes which is the major civilization foundation of God's chosen people (Jewish Nation). Plus anything that is made up of rules or laws has this number associated with it.


Thirteen : 13 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the rebellion of things, corruption, abandonment, defection, revolution, to break or destroy.


Fourteen : 14 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with spiritual perfection that is doubled measured in strength or spiritual completeness that is twice over.


Fifteen : 15 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the energy that is found within the acts of divine grace.


Sixteen : 16 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to the things that deals with love. To have passion and hold dear. To cherish and have devotion towards things


Seventeen : 17 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the perfection of some type of spiritual order


Eighteen : 18 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to things that deals with bondage, slavery, captivity and serfdom


Nineteen : 19 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the perfection of divine order that is in relation to judgment.


Twenty : 20 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of things happening with a great magnitude


Twenty One : 21 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with a Divine Completion of some sort


Twenty Two : 22 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the disorganization of things to a great degree, corruption and disintegration are magnified as well


Twenty Three : 23 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference towards things or situations that involves death or extinction


Twenty Four : 24 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to a heavenly government and a heavenly worship.


Twenty Five : 25 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of receiving divine grace and redemption from the almighty God


Twenty Six : 26 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Twenty Seven : 27 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of getting divine approval or divine redemption


Twenty Eight : 28 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of divine strength and courage


Twenty Nine : 29 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with the expectancy of Judgment


Thirty : 30 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to the marking of the right moment.


Thirty One : 31 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with things that deal with the name of God or Deity.


Thirty Two : 32 -Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having a covenant or agreement with a certain person or party


Thirty Three : 33 - Biblical Numerology Meaning - deals in reference with the making of a pledge or promise to someone.


Thirty Four : 34 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the naming of a son


Thirty Five : 35 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having hope, trust and confidence towards a person or thing


Thirty Six : 36 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference in regards to a particular enemy or opposition


Thirty Seven : 37 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the Word that comes from the almighty God


Thirty Eight : 38 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with slavery or having complete control or dominance over an individual or group


Thirty Nine : 39 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with people having a sickness or disease


Forty : 40 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with some sort of probation or trial.

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number forty has also been used to describe a divine period of judgment.


Forty Two : 42 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to the Antichrist.


Forty Four : 44 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with things that bring about a worldwide divine judgment against humanity


Forty Five : 45 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with maintaining, preserving or protecting the things that matter the most to you.


Fifty : 50 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with deliverance or restoration of things.


Fifty One : 51 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to having or experiencing a divine revelation.


Sixty : 60 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the sin of pride or conceit


Sixty Six : 66 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with secular or idol worship.

Added Christian Viewpoint: The number sixty-six also deals with - Fallacy, trickery, guile and deception


Seventy : 70 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with a time of judgment against God's people.


One Hundred : 100 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with some sort of an election process of God's chosen


One Hundred and Nineteen : 119 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having success or mastery over something


One Hundred and Twenty : 120 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to a divine probation period.


One Hundred and Forty Four : 144 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having a personal spiritual guide


Two Hundred : 200 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals with things within a state of insufficiency.


Four Hundred : 400 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference to a divinely perfect period in time.


Six Hundred : 600 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with extreme conflict or war


Six Hundred and Sixty Six : 666 - Biblical Numerology Meaning - deals with the number that refers to the name that is in relation to the Antichrist.


Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven : 777 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the name of Jesus Christ


Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight : 888 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the name of the Holy Spirit


One Thousand : 1000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with having or achieved some sort of divine completeness


Four Thousand : 4000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with a divine worldwide salvation


Six Thousand : 6000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with the deception of the Antichrist that he will bring against humanity


Seven Thousand : 7000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with a divine final judgment


One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand : 144,000 - Biblical Numerology Meaning: deals in reference with those that came out of the great tribulation in which the book of Revelations is referring to in chapter fourteen.



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太平静太和谐 很恐怖

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