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Board: Harsh Times (2005)
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Argument for people who didn't like. READ
by keyzersoze21 5 days ago (Sun Jun 17 2007 17:31:41) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
I have to disagree with people's complaints about this movie. I can name a few parts where the acting is undeniably good especially in the last half hour. Bale's accent does sound kind of awkward at first but I think that's because it's just another mask like somebody else said, him trying to be someone else. It's also funny that it seems like everyone who actually lives in LA says the accents are spot on and everyone who says it's off doesn't. This movie is brilliant and if you don't like it it's just not for you or you didn't get it but it is by no means a bad movie. Bale's performance may not be flawless like it usually is but altogether he is very believable. It helps if you know people similar to his character but I think alot of us do. I think if you hated it maybe you should give it a second chance.
"you are the devil, we are the D"
Re: Argument for people who didn't like. READ
by WarriorSaint 4 days ago (Mon Jun 18 2007 12:53:26) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
I couldn't agree with you more, my friend.
I live on the outer edge of the ghetto, but not in LA, in the bay area. I still felt that the accents were okay though and that wasn't even my thing. The thing I hated the most is people who seem to have no clue what those areas and the people in them are like. I hear so many people complaining about the choices the characters make, how stupid they are, etc.
I'm like guys, just because YOU and I wouldn't do those kinda things doesnt mean NO ONE ELSE WOULD EITHER...not to mention just because a character is doing something you wouldnt normally do doesnt mean the movie sucks.
But hey to each their own.
I just wanted to compliment you and am glad to see someone GET'S IT!
Kill Pedro....Napoleon Dynamite SUCKED!!!
Re: Argument for people who didn't like. READ
by he_lao_liu 9 minutes ago (Fri Jun 22 2007 22:01:18)
I cannot agree with you two more...
to WarriorSaint:
I love your "just because YOU and I wouldn't do those kinda things doesnt mean NO ONE ELSE WOULD EITHER...not to mention just because a character is doing something you wouldnt normally do doesnt mean the movie sucks", very very true.
Your attitude about movies is kinda like normal common sense, which every movie viewer should have. But when some people are angry with the movie, they suddenly totally forget their "NORMAL" common sense--they merely want to give vent to their own anger--so they just "UGLY" the movie, this is many many people's doing, I myself have done this kinda things several times (of course, not toward Harsh Times) too. So, in deeper sense, we understand them.
to keyzersoze21:
I totally agree with you except the "a second chance" thing...Everyone has his own taste, feel, sense, etc...In a word, people are different. So there are totally different opinions toward the same movie, this is possible, actually very normal. especially when someone already had a bad expression by the first viewing, a second chance will hardly make any change--maybe just make the expression worse. But nothing is impossible, changes sometimes may happen, I had experienced once.
And about Training Day. Training Day is better in directing, filming and other technical things. But Training Day never tries to really unravel the true and ugly side of life. I very agree that Training Day is a successful commercial movie, but it cannot really touch viewer's heart. Harsh Times, tries to do something deeper. As a first directing film, it has some flaws, but at some points (especially the last half hour), it can make viewer's heart really feel. Anybody feels this would agree this is far more important and precious. So all in all, I like Training Day, but I love Harsh Times.
3 ) 一个人的Harsh Times
结尾回家找老婆的桥段我觉得是添足。有制片方审查的影子。主流价值观的强大说明美国人并不觉得生活在 Harsh Times。
4 ) ~~~~~~~~~~
为什么我觉得这片儿很耐看看了两遍 那些琐屑的情节或者对话一丁点没让我觉得乏味始终有种每个镜头每句对白都不想漏掉的感觉
5 ) 无聊的电影,黑暗的结局
6 ) 失控
not harsh at all
话唠片,两个落魄基友找工作,找乐子,找工作,找乐子,工作找到了,麻烦也来了,最后玩火自焚了。贝尔挺适合这样的角色。3.5 分
'kill me. just pull the fucking gun. come on, I'll do it for you'
满口shit dog……
为什么大男人主义被叫作“沙文猪”,大女人就是“女性主义”?///Christian Bale ♥
For the bitches' ass, for the motherfucker,it's real men's movie.But think about it, don't u never ever lose your mind! U hear me?!
又是个心理扭曲的CB…演得很过瘾吧你…觉得Freddy Rodriguez 也挺不错~
主旨其实是反映战争后遗症 但节奏太慢 垃圾话太多 战争阴影的影响被墨西哥英语和Eva Parker的身材冲淡了……
这种脸型+这种头型+这种小平头=要了我的命.穿上白色衬衫更是...绝配|| 缺点就是:他实在不像个小混混,穿着衬衫西装更是不像了