1.A good mystery makes life interesting.
2.May you live in the interesting times. May you find what you’re looking for.
3.You go halfway around the world chasing something, And the whole time, it’s in your backyard.
4.We feel free when we escape, even if it be but from the frying pan into the fire.
5.Life is more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party.
6.There are many things of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant.
7.Perception drives the reality.
8.Could you come up here and answer some questions? Would you like to have Neal come up here, teaching?
9.I think some things are better left to inagination.
10.Read Chapter/ Page 12 through 15 for next week.
11.Which of our city’s bounties did you explore this weekend?
12.It’s goodbye, but we lean forward to the next crazy adventure beneath the skies.
13.How does it feel to walk a mile in my shoes ?
14.Truth is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
15.As far as the world knows, you are no longer in it, but it keeps turning.
16.But the reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.
17.Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weaker minds.
18.Every man is the artisan of his own forture.
19.Know your/thine enemy. Know yourself, and you will win a hundred battles.
20.IT’s fun to do the impossible.
21.Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides.
22.Even if the truth is buried for centuries, It will eventually come out and thrive.
23.Perfection is the antithesis of authenticity.
24.A careless word may kindle strife. 5.Fate has a way of putting in front us that which we most try to leave behind.
25.There is a very good teacher inside that little shiny head of his.
26.One person’s tradgedy is another person’s excitement.
27.German built things to last.
28.- Wife of an FBI agent, that’s not easy, is it
- I would be lying if I said I didn’t worry about him.
俨然已是小两口了。孔雀和P叔的基情在经过14集后进入新的台阶!!孔雀君继续卖色吧。 请不要加狗血感情戏成不!!!!
就图个轻松有趣,秀色可餐~ 其实我挺喜欢Mozzie :D