






  "Kenneth Clark's sumptuous,magisterial,one-man servey of the achievements of bumanistic civilisation is a TV landmark" The daily mail
  In 1966 BBC Television embarked on its most ambitious documentary series to date.The eminent art historian Lord Clark was commissioned to write and present an epic examination of Western Eyuopean culture,defining what he considered to be the crucial phases of its development.Civilisation:A personal View by Lord Clark would be more than two years in the making,with filming in over 100 locations across 13 countries.The lavish series was hailed as a masterpiece when it was first transmitted in 1969.
  From the fall of the Roman Empire to the Industrial Revolution and beyond,Clark's compelling narrative is accompanied by breathtaking colour photography of Europe's grearest landmarks.This "history of ideas as illustrated by art and music'remains the benchmark for the numerous programmes it inpired.
  特别收录 Special Feature
  大卫·艾登堡禄爵士回忆《文明的轨迹》制作过程 Sir David Attenborough remembers the making of Civilisation
  剧相馆 Photo gallery of behind-the-scenes stills

再见七日情信号2014战地枪王脑海深处破局1950阴风鬼影孪生陌生人预言者犯罪心理:嫌疑犯行为第一季追球2021我和我们在一起五岛医生诊疗所重返石器时代人体异形南国野兽星期三朝华奥勃洛莫夫一生中的几天河谷镇 第四季钻石单身汉的出柜人生下水道的美人鱼幻游猎人战斗2020热血杨家将明日之丈2剧场版海龟故事僵尸战士内陆帝国阮玲玉2005忒修斯之船天伦劫1996飓风行动最危险游戏 第一季没有名字的女人大幻术师摇滚小子杀人犯2009迷离劫莲花太子得闲炒饭冯志远凡人修仙传 燕家堡之战太子殿下之冷香

