Based on the Stephen Potter "One Upmanship" and "Lifemanship" books, Henry Palfrey tries hard to impress but always loses out to the rotter Delauney. Then he discovers the Lifeman college run by "Professor" Potter and discovers the secrets of success. But has he the courage to put all his lessons into effect ?
Neither was Ian Carmichael able to play the wooing cad nor was him able to buried archetypal silliness. One of Alastair Sim's heartwarmingly role. O, my, my, my! John le Mesurier's cameo waiter.
4.5/5; 哈哈哈哈哈 a.k.a. How to be a jerk.
冲着peter wimsey的男主去的 看了好久了,剧情忘光。
最强的套路还是反套路。从头笑到尾,结尾直接打破第四面墙,甚至还对话电影配乐「stop that music」,笑了个大死!
Tricks!? These are science and philosophy.
open up u cad! 你有本事抢女人,别躲在里面不出声!