Those lost are perhaps the first step to adulthood. Life is getting more complicated.
I am searching for myself. Who I was? Who I wanna to be?
Finding my voice wasn't gonna be easy, but it might be fun.
I feel more confident like I know the staff. but scared 'cause there's something to lose
对于第一部美剧不以《老友记》而以《欲望都市》开篇的姑娘来说,对《凯莉日记》的期待多少有点吹毛求疵的意思,甚至新一期时装杂志采访里,连Sarah Jessica Parker本人都含蓄表示,这个剧确实有点奇怪。《欲望都市》的看点太多,且不谈思想深度,仅仅是对时装风格的把握,再怎么天马行空,也只能80年代点到为止。
93年出生的AnnaSophia Robb着实是个面容精致的小妞,可是,真的不是完全理想的梦幻女主角,最起码不符合我对肩、对腿的审美要求,虽然她有极好看的腰线。你永远想象不到现在死宅死宅的女影迷有多挑剔,你看第四季的《吸血鬼日记》,虽然剧情越来越狗血,人格设定越来越随便,Nina Dobrev照样把大家迷得七晕八素。(Oh,我的Ian Somerhalder)
第一季,13集正常完结,花了太多时间和精力交代家庭关系,刻画人物性格,着实不吸引。后半段的坚持在于,12集,导演终于开始费心描述“凯莉”overthink的思想特点,间歇性的完美主义者。“Because that’s who I am and obviously you don’t like that.”
Austin Butler。这位一开始就不是五讲四美的男主,终于越看越顺眼了。
不定时更新在我的日记:【S01E02 】"Lie with me"
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, that looking into someone's eyes is to know the truth, to know what's real. The same could be said for the city that never sleeps. It's honest and totally awesome.
Pinocchio(匹诺曹) was a puppet that wanted to be a real boy. All he had to do was be truthful, and his wish would come true. And even then, he couldn't help but lie.
Doing the right thing is hard. Maybe because lying is often easier than the truth. And sometimes it actually gets what you want. But at some point, like Pinocchio's nose, the lies just keep growing until it's hard to tell what's real and what's not. And we can either live in that world of make-believe or face the truth and everything that comes with it.
【S01E03】"Read before use"
Let's face it. Life is easier if you read the labels, like "Do not put it in dryer" "Expiration date: one week ago". Everyting we wear, everything we eat--they all have labels. The same is true for everyone we know, "Stoner(酒鬼)" "Class clown" "Well-meaning but ultimately clueless guidance counselor" and "The boy of my deams".
Now I knew what it said on Sebastion(人名)'s label--"Contents under pressure, handle with care". Unfortunately, I never bothered to read it. That's the tricky thing about labels.
Once in a while, they tell us everything we need to know. But most of the time, it's only a very small part of the story. Slapping a word or two on a person can make things worse. In reality, nothing is ever as simple as the label we give it.
【S01E04】"Fright Night"
The scarest thing in high school: when someone breaks your heart, it's such a small place that you can't avoid them. It's ironic. The time in your life when you're least capable of managing your emotions is the same time you're locked up for eight hours a day with the people responsible for those emotions in the first place. It was like I was living in my own personal horror film--"The Rise of the Boy who Broke My Heart". And apparently it was playing everywhere.
Valentine's day is about love. Christmas is about giving. Arbor day(植树节) is about trees, I guess. I get celebrating all those things, but Halloween? Halloween is a holiday where we put on costumes and try on different versions of ourselves--the princess, the demon(恶魔), the bird flying free.
It's fun not to be "us", and to not have to face the reality of who we really are and the things that scare us, like our vulnerabilities(脆弱), or what we really want for ourselves, or our fear of change and what it will inevitably(必然地) bring. Being someone else for a night can be fun or scary. Either way, it's only one night, and when the masks are off and we're being ourselves again, we have nothing to hide behind, and maybe that's okey.
But my night in Manhattan(曼哈顿) had taught me one thing: No matter what you're going through, it's always better if you have people to share it with. I was lucky, I wasn't an island at all.
【S01E05】"Dangerous territory"
When we think about entering new unchartered(未知的) territory, it always comes with the idea that we forge ahead. And that's true to some degree. But often to forge ahead, we have to look back to understand what we're leaving behind. And it can be scary because behind us, there are often blind spots--things we want to ignore or couldn't even see, that can stop us from our journey forward, but only if you let them.
At some point, you have to let go of the past and stop looking behind and embrace what comes next. I was entering new territory, moving on, letting go of the old. My mom was right: Sometimes change is good.
When we focus too much on our endgame(结局), we can miss the fun of the journey, we can miss the detour(绕道) that would take us somewhere even more rewarding.
We like to set goals, because they give us a feeling of control. But control is an illusion, because sometimes the earth moves, and we have to deal with wherever we end up, whether it's on solid ground or not.
We all feel caught at some point or another between choices. As the Band Devo(退化乐队) said, "Freedom of chioce is what we want. Freedom from choice is what we need." Having choice, at first, feels exciting, but after a while it can also be overwhelming, like we're trapped with no clear way out. If you're lucky, you might find someone is there to catch you when you finally escape the web. But most of the time, it's harder.
Some people get caught between their secrets and wanting to do the right thing, while others are caught between their desires and their ambitions.
I was faced with tough decision, for sure. But I no longer felt caught between what I wanted and what my dad wanted. I realized this was my life, and I wasn't going to have any regrets.
【S01E08】"hush hush" 保密
We all have secrets. when we're little, they start off innocent--A hiding place, a stash(藏匿处) of candy, a hush-hush crush. But as we get older, our secrets get bigger and better.
Often what we want, what we desire is something we keep deep inside of us. Something so dear and so special, it feels too scary to let it out into the open. It's our own little secret, and therefore, safe from harm. But maybe we have to let those secrets out in order to actually really live. The fallout from those secrets being revealed is often hard, or sometimes surprising and maybe even inevitable.
I wasn't given a choice, but I think I was relieved that all my secrets were out. And even though I was scared, I was also relieved not to have to hide my feelings anymore. It wasn't much, but it's a start.
男主角好帅!!!好帅!!!!好帅!!!!!!! 男配角好帅!!!好帅!!!好帅!!!!
Leave sex and the city alone,please
剧情无所谓 有个无敌养眼的金发小帅哥在每集出现就足够了~
三星全给 Austin Butler!!!我没有在看剧,我只在看脸!!!美颜さいこう!!!么么哒 !!!居然为了他还重翻了CSINY第七季,我花痴了~・:*:・(*/////∇/////*)・:*:・
被砍了.....但是结局还算 ok 第二季比第一季好看! ||第一集看到18分鐘 音樂80年代的風情 決定追了
只看一集就评价显得很草率。但只要一集,就能看出CW和HBO的差距,既然CW执着于弱智的少男少女青春偶像,不妨就不要牵扯Sex and the City,除了女主角名字相同,也实在找不到什么其他关联了。PS 我对复古风接受度极低。
只要是个男的都很帅 男主更是帅到灭绝人性 让人直接忽略了剧情