





  Many criminals made the mistake of underestimating Lieutenant Columbo, a homicide investigator with a crumpled trench-coat and a beat-up car, who certainly acted as an incompetent bumbler.  But he was so polite to every suspect, and he talked so much about his wife (who we never got to see on any episode, but who many believe later had her own show, starring Kate Mulgrew, later of Star Trek: Voyager fame) that he lulled even the shrewdest murderer into a false sense of security.  And although the audience had witnessed the murder in the beginning of each episode, it was still a surprise to see what mistakes the killers had made during the seemingly perfect murder.热播电视剧最新电影财阀X刑警我的师兄惹不起 (2020)相逢何必曾相识黑色小说黑霹雳 第三季辛普森一家第二十一季海魂侏罗纪游戏你好布拉德棒球之爱碎片人生圆明园2006爱的锦囊妙计天使之翼没有人的文明别爱陌生人受伤的马超脱(原声版)民国奇探黎乡遇见你大漠疑案——巴彦淖尔白垩纪恐龙王国女神捕之心鬼难防明天请你喜欢我美国战队:世界警察天之骄子逃出食人农场

