

主演:保罗·爱丁顿,奈杰尔·霍桑,德里克·福德斯,伊莲诺·布罗,约翰·内特尔顿,戴安娜·霍迪诺特,Talla Hayes,Richard Simpson,Peter Howell,Jeffrey Segal,Donald Pelmear



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  本剧叙述在野党影子内阁成员Jim Hacker在帮助本党大选获胜之后得到行政事务部(DAA)部长的职务,从此开始面对以部秘书Sir Humphrey Appleby为首的公务员体系,而他的公派私人秘书、同属公务员的Bernard则夹在了当中。在Hacker所代表的政客以及Appleby所代表的公务员之间因施政而发生的种种冲突之中,两人的关系不停地发生变化,既有互相捂盖子,也有互相揭老底。与此同时,英国政治体制(包括政党体制和公务员体制)中的种种不为外人所知弊端和黑幕也展现在观众眼前。当然所有这些都是通过大量喜剧情节和台词展开。在本系列后半部分的《Yes Prime Minister》中,Hacker通过党内角力当上了首相,而Appleby也已先他一步当上了首相秘书,两人的故事移到唐宁街10号继续展开。热播电视剧最新电影再见巴法纳突袭2:暴徒遥远的桥英语打卡吧!吃货团2一切都一样SQN扑通扑通我的人生“宇宙无尽,青春无尽”救世 第二季神枪手我不是差等生吸血鬼的颤抖卫子夫完美攻略一夜新娘(速享版)哦,我的金雨追凶 第一季青春盛宴相棒第11季向田理发店异度现实中国孩子之学堂故事马赛克的秘密强档巨骗一亲芳泽康纳斯的战争


 1 ) 走管理路线怎么可以少了经典素材积累

1. The three articles of civil service faith: it takes longer to do things quickly; it's more expensive to do them cheaply; it's more democratic to do them in secret.

2. 阿拉伯之旅答记者问也是模板,以守为攻不然都快被pua到忘了minister这个位置也不是随便什么阿猫阿狗能爬上来的

Do come in.

Sit down, Jenny.

I may call you Jenny, may I not?

- If you like.

- Now, what seems to be the trouble? Two things.Both of them rather worrying to the public.The first is a story that was in the French press.It's about corruption in BES

- getting the Kumrani contract.

- Complete nonsense!

- They quoted reports of payments to officials.Really, this is absolutely typical.A British company slogs its guts out to win orders, create jobs! What does it get from the media? A smear campaign! - If they won by bribery

- There was no bribery.I had a full inquiry.

- All these payments have been identified.

- What as?

- Commission fees, administrative overheads.

- Operative costs, managerial surcharges.Expenses, miscellaneous outgoings.We have looked into every brown envelope every every account book and everything is completely in order.

- I see.

- May I say one thing? Allegations of this nature are symptomatic of a very sick society for which the media shares the blame!

- The media?

- Why are you putting thousands of jobs at risk? I'll call on the Press Council to censure the press for its lack of professionalism in running this story.The Council and the House of Commons must be concerned about the standards which have applied in this disgraceful matter.Pressure will be brought to bear to make sure that this gutter press reporting is not repeated.I see.Ahem.Well, there is this other question.It's about the rosewater jar apparently presented to you in Kumran.

- Yes?

- I saw it in your flat, actually.

- Yes, we're keeping it there, temporarily.

- Temporarily?

- Yes, it's very valuable.

- Mrs Hacker said it was an imitation.Burglars, girl, burglars! And you've gossip! That's until we can get rid of it.

- Get rid of it?

- I'll present it to our local museum this weekend.I can't hold onto it, you know.It's government property.Now what was your question? No er that's all right, actually.Um I No, no, no, that's fine.

- Nothing more?

- No, no, that's all.Well, good of you to drop in.

- Thank you, Minister.

- Goodbye, Jenny.

 2 ) 一些感想

第三季第一集 机会平等









 3 ) S03E06







 4 ) BBC's take on Yes, Minister

    A bedrock programme in the UK comedy structure, Yes Minister embodied the early 1980s attitude to authority and politics as a gently hypocritical world filled with doubletalk.

    Three series were made between 1980 and 1984, before Jim Hacker achieved real power in Yes Prime Minister.

     The series follows Right Honorable James Hacker MP, Minister for Administrative Affairs, and his attempts to make officialdom and administration make sense. He does this whilst pushing his own self-serving agenda, and keeping his head above any nasty political waters. Throughout his career, he's up against Whitehall’s Sir Humphrey Appleby, unflappable symbol of a machine that has no gears, only brakes.

    Jim's policies, whether cutting costs or trying to streamline red tape, are sabotaged by Appleby's Machiavellian skills, often accompanied by brain-wrenching sentences designed to confuse Hacker - and often succeeding. Absolutely snobbish and elitist, yet blind to anything that does not serve the Whitehall way, Sir Humphrey is the avatar of the British State.

    Hacker's politics appear to be completely pragmatic and blown by the winds of chance, and are never dogmatic enough to be clearly labelled Labour or Conservative. By removing the trappings of a particular 'party' and allowing both sides to appear at their worst - venal and inconstant Hacker forever opposing the pompous and manipulative Appleby - Yes, Minister maintained a timeless quality that means it has endured beyond the Thatcherite politics it satirised.

    Issues were raised that are still timely now - identity papers and computer databases of the population, university funding, arms sales, oil politics being just a few.

    Motifs of the series included the wonderful music of Ronnie Hazelhurst playing against Gerald Scarfe's hilarious caricatures of the three leads; Hacker's use of catastrophically mixed metaphors, his Private Secretary Bernard's fondness for awful puns and maddening pedantry, and Sir Humphrey's laconic wit, almost shocking contempt for anyone who isn't a senior Civil Servant, and his catchphrase, usually after totally defeating Hacker, of muttering 'Yes Minster' to close the show.

    Whilst the iconic figure of Sir Humphrey, as portrayed by Nigel Hawthorne, is the series' enduring legacy, the true star of the show is Hacker, as played by Paul Eddington. Though most of the verbal quips are Humphrey's, the comedy is Hacker's, mainly because Paul Eddington was probably the best comedy actor of his generation and his timing is miraculous.

    Always buffeted by fate, wanting to do good but too scared of losing votes and status to do anything, Hacker is the symbol of all of us, wanting to be better, and not quite making it.

    A true original, Yes Minister remains one of the most influential sitcoms of its time, as witness its huge success, many awards (including BAFTAs for the show and for Hawthorne).

    Famously accurate in the spirit of the relationship between civil servant and politician, it was Mrs Thatcher's favourite show... make of that whatever you want. Yes Minister was proof that comedy could take on serious subjects and make real points with them.

搬运自BBC-Comedy Yes, Minister

 5 ) 看到好笑的就写下来

Three articles of Civil Service: it takes longer to do things quickly; it is more expensive to do them cheaply; it is more democratic to do them in secret

Civil servants are grown like oak trees, not mustard and cress.

A: tell him the unions won't wear it.
B: but they like it!
A: that's beside the point.

A: well, if I might suggest...that we be realistic about this.
B: by realistic, you mean drop the whole scheme?
A: oh, dear me, no! but perhaps, a pause to re-group, allow us to reassess the situation and discuss alternative strategies? a space of time for mature reflection and deliberation?
B: ...yes you mean drop the whole scheme.

A: you are not saying that government the Britain is important?
B: no! it is very important! it's just that I haven't met anyone who's doing it!

A: in the past all local government reforms rebound on us. whenever anybody finds a way of saving money or cutting staff in local government, you find it works for Whitehall just as well!
B: yes, but local government is extravagant, overstaffed, incompetent, whereas we...Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
A:╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭

A: if he does need something to keep him busy, you know what to do? get him to look into civil defense.
B: Civil defense? you mean fallout shelters?o(*≧▽≦)ツ
A: yes, government long ago decided that civil defense was not a serious issue.
B: oh, merely a desperate one!o(*≧▽≦)ツ
A: and it is best left to those whose incompetence can be relied upon.
B: local authorities!o(*≧▽≦)ツ

A: people of local government are either self-centered busy bodies on an ego trip and the other half do it for what they can get out of it.
B: perhaps they ought to be in the House of Commons.

A: where did you get the idea for this dangerous nonsense?!!!
B: from someone...in the department.
A: minister! I have warned you before about the danger of speaking to people in the department! I implore you to stay out of the minefield of local government. it is a political graveyard.
C: excuse me, sir Humphrey, but you cannot have a graveyard in a minefield, because all the corpses would....powwwwww!

A: if local authorities don't send us statistics that we asked for, then the government figures will be a nonsense.
B: why?
A: they'll be incomplete!
B: but government figures are a nonsense anyway.
C: I think A wants to ensure they are complete nonsense.

If the minister is restless, he can feed the ducks in St Jame's Park!

Obviously I'm not a trained lawyer or I wouldn't have been in charge of the Legal Unit!!

Minister: Non-event?
Humphrey: Oh, a brilliant triumph for you of course, minister.
Minister: hmmm.
Humphrey: which is why it's a futile non-event for the press.

A: it's perfectly all right, as long as nobody knows.
B: shouldn't we tell minister?
A: certainly not!
B: but if everybody knows!
A: everybody else. we do not let a minister know what everybody else knows.

A: I can't believe it! are you saying that winning at corruption is government policy?
B: no, no! minister! It could never be government policy! that is unthinkable! ......only government practice...╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭

A: Everything wrong is not having an integrated policy.
B: But we did have a policy before.
A: Did we?
B: Yes, it was our policy not to have a policy.

The ship of state is the only ship that leaks from the top!

 6 ) 你可能不知道的Yes, Minister

搬运自 imdb The writers had advisors who had worked within the government and many of the stories were based on real situations. For example, in Yes Minister: The Moral Dimension (1982) they go to an arab state where alcohol is not allowed and so they set up a "communications room" in the embassy where they keep a stash of booze so they could slip out and have a drink. This really happened.

A great fan of the series, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (as she then was) wrote a sketch for the show with press secretary Bernard Ingham which was recorded and aired as part of the 1984 National Viewers and Listeners Awards. The sketch featured Paul Eddington and Nigel Hawthorne, both of whom are talking to the Prime Minister (played by Thatcher herself) about her notion to abolish economists. The role of James Hacker was written with Paul Eddington in mind. Only three episodes in the series - Yes Minister: The Economy Drive (1980); Yes Minister: Big Brother (1980); and Yes Minister: The Right to Know (1980) - did not end with the phrase "Yes Minister." Paul Eddington, Nigel Hawthorne and Derek Fowlds all hated having to record the show in front of a studio audience (as was the convention for television sitcoms at the time) due to the distraction and often having to pause for audience laughter to die down. Screenwriters Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn avoided all references that could indicate Hacker's political party, though Lynn later admitted they had always imagined him as a centre minded Conservative.

Ronnie Hazlehurst's theme-tune is composed around the chimes of Big Ben at the Palace of Westminster. The British Film Institute (BFI) named this as one of the top ten television programmes of all time.



  • momo
  • 还行

三星半。特别篇的条目找不到了及写在这儿吧~ jim还是成功上位了啊!! 经过了这么多事儿你说jim真什么都不知道吗?真傻吗?切~凭我的智商反正是做不到他这个程度~最后游说竞选人的部分赶脚jim超有范儿啊~干脆利落!等着你呦PM~

  • 囧子
  • 还行

一集一集看下来真的是非常过瘾,而且越陷越深...所谓神剧和经典的确有它的魔力,如今很火的《House of cards》一集就看不下去了,感谢这部剧,让我一个政治盲得到了启蒙。无可救药的爱上这部剧了,不因为它到底有多搞笑,而是看着它就给人很惬意温馨的感觉。三个人都好可爱,特别是Bernard好萌!!!2021.9二刷,大概从第三集开始非常赞了!

  • Cap和Umi
  • 力荐


  • frian
  • 力荐


  • 朽叶
  • 力荐

minister想把Bernard当弃子给扔掉的时候我可伤心了!!!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸虽然Bernard总是墙头草两边倒,可是人家总是尽力帮助minister你呢!!怎么还不如humpy对Bernard 呢!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸还好最好Bernard的事情被压下来了!

  • 抹茶大福君
  • 力荐


  • s
  • 力荐

期待唐宁街10号再见~以后碰到说话绕弯的人就这么问"You're not related to Sir Humphrey Appleby by any chance?" 另外,Bernard越来越可爱了~

  • Katrina
  • 力荐

除了关于性别问题的那集笑不出来外 其他还是好好笑啊:D

  • YiQiao
  • 力荐

《THE WHISKY PRIEST》这一集系列最佳,以前看的话我应会流泪。

  • 核时
  • 力荐


  • 清凉油豪情万丈
  • 力荐


  • monday2094
  • 力荐


  • 江湖遠人
  • 力荐


  • 力荐

这剧本,这表演,这从句套从句套从句套从句的表达。。。= = 三位主演两位已逝,只有Bernard一人看新版YM是如何糟蹋经典的。

  • 恣意的仙人掌
  • 力荐

圣诞特别篇真是首尾呼应的典范,既呼应了本集开头给Bernard的surprise,也呼应了本剧第一季第一集的phone jitters. 只是首相突然提早离职的安排也太奇怪了。

  • fish
  • 力荐


  • Bosie
  • 力荐

1.女性主义;2. 精简冗余公务员、民防工程与“领导先躲”&媒体“自由” 3. 打压高效地方政府&掩盖历史失责档案 4. 公务员蹭出国&外贸行贿订单&公务员家属受贿;5. 陆运空运铁路-公共交通;6.军火与恐怖分子&道德真空;7.花大部分老百姓的税补贴少数精英趣味(歌剧院音乐厅美术馆等)还是大部分老百姓的平民娱乐

  • 力荐


  • 超酷冰淇淋
  • 力荐


  • 书中的虫子
  • 力荐