开始看剧的动力完全来自于Harvey和 Donna。 Mike 的故事线实在是拉垮,rachel 这个角色也是一言难尽,总之这一对是最让人不舒服的一对 严重拉低了整部剧的质量和观感。喜大奔普的是俩人要下线了,终于可以开开心心看剧了。
说实在的没有这两个角色这部剧照样会很好看甚至是更好看,编剧用了那么多笔墨去刻画这两个人物觉果确不尽人意。很多角色远远比他们让人喜欢 比如哈维的心理医生Paula, Katrina, jessica,Louis 的女朋友 等等都鲜活生动
Ever since I left that hotel room, I've been stuck. We were together again, and it felt just like it did before, except it wasn't--because she wasn't mine. And since then, I've been counting the days, until my soul-mate marries someone else and walks out of my life forever. I know that she's with another man, Donna, and I know that she loves him... But all I want to do is just say to her: can't she see? The man she was meant to be with is standing right in front of her face.
I should have told her when I had the chance. But that's something I'm gonna have to live with for the rest of my life. 💔
E01 我觉得Donna有点过了。 她甚至不是律师,却要求做partner。 但是这个剧的整个基调好像都是这样,做好像自不量力的事情,或者表现得趾高气扬目空一切 但是事实上事情过后我又有点喜欢这种近乎不自量力的自信,主动争取,和具有攻击性 E04 it looks like everyone is seeing a therapist. Donna擅长于人际关系,他知道别人在想什么,但是他并不是一个很好的管理者,所以我对于她做COO其实是不太认同的,不过这也许是出于他们的私交。因为好的管理在于平衡多方势力,在于做出决策,在于说一不二,在于用对方的利益和弱点去操控来掌控全局。
Harvey和她截然不同,他或许处理人际关系有些问题,但他才真正善于play the man
E10 那个检察官说的没错呀,Donna确实没有COO所需要的任何文凭证书,也不是律师。如果是由Jessica而不是Harvey来决定,她当不上COO E13 Paula在逼Harvey开除Donna吗,这过分了,她知道这是因为她自己的心理问题。虽然Harvey和Donna之间确实有特殊的东西,但是…
People can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
Paula: I think this may have been a mistake. You didn't come to date me you came to me because you're in the middle of another crisis and you need me to walk you through it.
Harvey: it isn't true
P: of course you don't think it's true. If you did you would have called my office and made an appointment
I don't need an appointment. I'm sharing things about my life. Last time I checked, that's what people do on dates.
Yes that's what's they do, Harvey, but on first dates, they also try to make the other people feel special and listen to.
Do you know why it's unethical for a therapist to go out with her client, Harvey?
Yeah, of course I do
It's because it's natural for a client to transfer feelings of desire onto his therapist that aren't real. You may not know is that it's not natural for a therapist to feel the same way. You don't think I've had fantasies about you? That one day you'd show up at my office as I was heading home for the night, and I turn around, and you're there. You wouldn't say a word but you take me in your arms and kiss me and it would actually be the start of something special. Well, I have which is why despite my better judgement, I'm here with you right now.
So what's the problem?
The problem is those fantasies weren't of me being a therapist to a man who's still too afraid to admit that he needs help much less take control of a firm that bears his name. Than you for dinner Harvey. If you need a session call my office. Unfortunately I can't see you anymore but I can give you recommendations for somebody who can.
Episode 2
H: Hey i hope you dont think i fogot about oir dinner
Yeah i dont but im afraid i have to reschedule
sure anytime is good for me
thanks for being understanding
P: and for the record im lookinf forward to getting to know each othet better
so was i.but the truth is i guess im glad were rescheduling. i dont want to end up focusing on myself like i did the last time
P: why? is something going on?
its not a big deal
harvey you can talk to me about it
but you said it before
i know what ive said before,but this is different
because you heard me, and respected my wishes, which means instead of me listening to you as your therapist
not therapist. even when we canceld, i feel like im getting to know you better
me too. So are you gonna tell me whats going on?
you know what. now that i just talked to you, i feel like i can work it through myself
good, good night harvey
Episode 3 love or not
H :Before you say anything I came here for a reason. Because this is where we met but it isn’t where I need to be anymore
Harvey I don’t think...
I just have one question to ask you. Are you worried about what this woman’s gonna think or because you think what we are doing is wrong. Because if this is just about what other people think well it’s crazy
Well it’s crazy to me I need you to understand
I need to understand that but I know we have a connection and to throw that away because of some figment of your imagination
It’s not a figment of imagination
I’m worried about what I think
And what is it that you think?
That what if it is a terrible mistake and it doesn’t work out and I look like a fool?
Okay i know I’m not a therapist but isn’t that the risk of any relationship?
I’m scared Harvey
Me too
What do you say we both be scared together?
第十集唐娜突然走过去亲吻哈维后,哈维那种目瞪口呆的表情简直帅呆;婚礼上告别时深深的拥抱表达了千言万语,从此相隔纽约 西雅图
准备弃了 实在受不了麦克这个圣母婊
mike ross演员不是要不演了么 那还有下一季么 其实只要有Harvey和Donna我就能一直看 毕竟一直ship他俩的 Rachel都去当王妃了想想真是怪神奇的 ep16开头bgm是human超喜欢
Fickle Game
人设崩塌 瑞秋啊瑞秋 以后只能在梅根王妃里怀念你的性感身材和迷人翘臀了...
第一季看到现在也是没谁了……堪比how i met your mother在我观影史的地位嗷