The film centers around Sutter, a high-school student and also a playboy. His life is changed when he meets Aimee. Aimee encourages him to find his father, who disappeared when Sutter was 9. Sutter visits his father, Tommy, and finds that Tommy is in love with another woman and that Tommy does not care about him that much. Sutter feels frustrated and begins to suspect that nobody loves him.
This is a pretty innovative coming-of-age film, which avoids the typical genre clichés. The title is "The spectacular now", and in the movie, two people try to live at the present. The first one is Sutter, who do not care about the future at all. In the end he realizes that while living in the now is OK, there's always another now tomorrow and he will make sure his nows add up to something. The second is his father, Tommy, who easily forgets about the past and lives in the moment. And of course, Tommy's life is a total failure.
Besides, Miles Teller gives the finest performance of his career. Brie Larson, who plays a supporting role, also shows the potential of becoming a star.
Describe a challenge, hardship or misfortune you have experiened in your life. What have you learned from this and how has it prepared you for the future?
My name is Sutter Keely, and I'm 18 years old. Compared to other kids I hadn't had that many hardships, not really. (Shits happened.) Stuff has happend sure, but stuff always happens, right? But the real challenge of my life, the real hardship is me, it's always been me. As long as I can remember I've never not been afraid, afraid of failure of letting people down, hurting people, getting hurt. I thought, if I kept my guard up, if I focus on some other things, other people, if I couldn't even feel it, well then no harm would come to me. I screwed up. I don't only shut out the pain, I shut out everything, the good and the bad, until there was nothing. It's fine to just live in the NOW, but the best part about NOW is there is another one tomorrow, and I'm gonna start to make them count.
Sutter Keely
PS: I don't know if this was due long time ago, probably was, that's fine. Maybe too late for this essay, it's not too late for me.
题材真的太老套,男女主角虽然不养眼但是挺有气场…… "the best part about "now" is there's another one tomorrow."
简简单单活在当下 着眼未来
天气不错的美国小镇(Athens, Georgia),平淡无奇又麻烦不断的人生,真实细微的脸部表情,青春期里的人类,学会熟练地摆姿态标榜自我之前,成长断裂的瞬间……都是我永远热爱“观”的点,爆裂鼓手虽然长得残但是双鱼男讨喜有如神助也没办法