From the propaganda mill of Tinseltown, Mitchell Leisen’s HOLD BACK THE DAWN unashamedly posits USA as the ultimate safe haven for the war-ridden continental Caucasians, impeded by the quota number foisted upon each country, those wannabe-immigrants languish in the Esperanza Hotel at the Mexican border, waiting for their visa being granted, which could take years, torn by the so-near-yet-so-far anguish but there is nothing else they can do but waiting. Yet that is not the case for Georges Iscovescu (Boyer), a gigolo with Romanian extraction, all he needs is to marry a wide-eyed American girl from whom he can subsequently divorce once he lands his feet on the Land of Freedom. Said eligible girls are at a premium on this side of the border, once Georges sets his eyes on the demure schoolteacher Emmy Brown (de Havilland), he knows he has found the perfect prey, and he has only one night to charm her into wedlock, he manages to do that through plausible blandishments, his requisite survival skills which he has been practicing from one skirt to another in another continent, and a corn-fed simpleton like Emmy has no immunity to his effusive, exotic affection, she is swooned with glee and is reborn as a newly-wed totally overwhelmed by the whirlpool of romance, her naivety is achingly touching watched by spectators in the know, with the tingling anticipation of the earth-shattering moment that will dash her reveries and crash her to the core, meanwhile hoping Georges will have a change in his cold heart, after all, Emmy represents the paradigm of an American wife, a merchandise catering for all men whose path have been lead astray, here is your chance to turn on a new leaf of your sorry life! Ms. de Havilland is as per usual, a virtuous ingenué has no single morsel of vice in her chromosomes, and arrestingly holds court when she gracefully nails the clincher by swallowing the hard truth but also admitting her own inanity in this “it takes two to tango” flimflam, a second Oscar nomination is a sublime payoff. Mr. Boyer, whose Janus-faced fickleness, which would be canalized into great terror in George Cukor’s GASLIGHT (1944), only intrigues us for half of the movie’s length as it is superseded by a hangdog impression after his conscience gradually catches up with him. Also top billed, Paulette Goddard’s Anita Dixon, Georges’ former dancing partner, fares less eloquent as the brazen gold-digger who has to take on the ignoble job of dishing the dirt out of petty jealousy, then, there is always Walter Abel’s dogged, brisk Inspector Hammock, who dutifully fishes for unholy unions on the scorching turf, and a snippet about the pregnant Ms. Kurz (DeCamp) laboriously tries and succeeds in going into labor on the USA territory, so that the newborn infant can be born as a natural American citizen comes as a bittersweet divertissement and underlines the quagmire of a larger picture. While the movie does lose some zest and credibility in the latter stage when the narrative hastens toward a contrived happy ending (yes, dictating your story to a Hollywood filmmaker to get some quick cash is not just lazy but desperate writing, Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder are the scribes no less!), HOLD BACK THE DAWN is at any rate, a highly watchable melodrama with a romantic spin angling for those of soft-centered persuasion. referential entries: George Cukor’s GASLIGHT (1944, 7.2/10); John Huston’s IN THIS OUR LIFE (1942, 6.8/10).
倜傥的骗子出手“猎杀”小女孩,结果却fall in love wit her and change his mind, then happy ending is coming. 小女孩还是太好骗了,只是几句甜言蜜语就掉入了陷井,真是少女们都渴望童话里的爱情:sometime, somebody, somehow to be in front of me and say that he loves me. 话说40年代美国身份就那么吸引人了,到了美国就是天堂吗?等批准的人们形形色色,怀孕的妈妈真聪明,竟然把孩子生在了大使馆,如此孩子是美国人,父母就可以随过去了,那时候老美还是更nice一些...话说风格已经很有比利怀德的影子了,比如修车铺小哥,比如淘气的孩子们,比如狡猾的追车过程,呵呵
5.5/10 这剧本真是够呛。男主表演之作态还不如修车司机且完全get不到他的魅力点。女主设定虽然简单但是演的挺好,女配角色走向之单薄费解浪费了这个人设……
德哈维兰个小恋爱脑太可爱了,雨刷器发出的声音是together together together哈哈哈哈哈哈,查尔斯博耶就是很有气质啊,虽然都有谢顶趋势皮肤又粗糙,给人安全感但不油腻的类型。开头串场金粉银翼有趣。
美国移民 不管是哪个国家 都有过类似剧情 人还是要善良最重要。
有些慢热,意外地动人。探班I Wanted Wings怎么不顺便展示下Ronnie同学在现场是如何difficult。
天呐!查尔斯鲍耶年轻的时候居然这么帅!😍 实力演绎浪子回头金不换hhh
Absolutely gorgeous cinematography and production design. 那种很有质感的黑白和光线,看得好喜欢! 剧情就韩剧鼻祖了,melodrama,但是配角都演得很不错很有意思。“I put it on your finger when you were sleep"那段简直不能再暮光之城了哈哈哈哈