Don’t let the sentimental factor fool you, SILK STOCKING, Rouben Mamoulian’s film adaption of the namesake 1955 stage musical, a reiteration of Ernst Lubitsch’s NINOTCHKA (1939), starring Astaire in his last musical role for MGM, at the age of 57, it is high time for this iconic hoofer to hang up his dancing shoes, is a clunky dud.
Viewed today, reunited with Cyd Charisse from Minnelli’s THE BAND WAGON (1953), Astaire’s American film producer Steve Canfield is too wizened to pass off as a romantic suitor to Charisse’s prim-faced, blunt-spoken but rigidly stunning Russian envoy Ninotchka Yoschenko. Steve’s courtship is cringeworthy and condescending, and the whole affair’s denigration and mockery of the Soviet Union’s “robotic” personality is simply offensive and mean-spirited, that is the awful reminder of Cold War dichotomy, which makes SILK STOCKING far more difficult to stomach than NINOTCHKA, but, yes, there is always a “but”, since it is a musical, why not throw its repulsive plot out of the window, and rejoice in the razzle-dazzle.
Fo’ shizzle the razzle-dazzle doesn’t disappoint, Charisse spellbinds us with an improbable transfiguration from a hardened collectivist to a girl succumbing to occidental decadence, i.e. getting togged up in gossamer gowns and other fineries, but her acting bent is nil. A glamorous fashion plate who is only enlivened when she moves, that reflects one major hindrance for a musical film, if it has a rather dramatic plot arc to bring off (here is Ninotchka’s proselytization), it scarcely works because of the jovial nature of the genre and the technique requirement of its players (who should be able to act and entertain, like Judy Garland), SILK STOCKINGS is guilty as charged.
A nimble-footed Astaire (his feet is the first thing we see) doesn’t really bring down the house until his final number "The Ritz Roll and Rock”, ended with a symbolic gesture of smashing his top hat, for audience then, it is a nostalgic capper. While the rest of the cast is composed of three buffoons (Peter Lorre sticking out like a sore thumb) and a simpleton Russian composer (Sonneveld), Janis Paige has a field day when she can steal the limelight from the ill-sorted leads, her all-out va-va-voom is just what the doctor has ordered.
Cole Porter’s show-tunes are in his usual frou-frou register and Mamoulian isn’t particularly enthused to show off his directorial virtuosity, as if getting wise the dawn of its own genre, for most of its duration, SILK STOCKINGS is conspicuously tame and self-consciously chipper, a relic to reminisce about rather than knock you socks off.
referential entries: Ernst Lubitsch’s NINOTCHKA (1939, 7.3/10); Vincente Minnelli’s THE BAND WAGON (1953, 7.9/10); Mamoulian’s QUEEN CHRISTINA (1933, 7.9/10).
Title: Silk Stockings
Year: 1957
Genre: Musical, Comedy, Romance
Country: USA
Language: English
Director: Rouben Mamoulian
Screenwriters: Leonard Gershe, Leonard Spigelgass
based on the book by George S. Kaufman, Leueen Macgrath and Abe Burrows
Music: Conrad Salinger
Cinematography: Robert J. Bronner
Editing: Harold F. Kress
Fred Astaire
Cyd Charisse
Janis Paige
Peter Lorre
Jules Munshin
Joseph Buloff
Wim Sonneveld
George Tobias
Rating: 6.3/10
借用了Ninotchka的外在衝突,作為一個歌舞片,在資本主義、共產主義的選擇外,一定程度上地「跳」出一條以身體起舞的自我探尋、自我肯定之路。立體聲那段比較有趣,"glorious Technicolor, breathtaking CinemaScope and stereophonic sound"。
神作啊神作!fred astaire的小細腿迷死人!nicotchka把蘇聯軍裝穿得美絕了!三個蘇聯特派員里那個喜歡抱椅子的大眼叔萌死了!話說他們這麼飄來飄去真的沒吊鋼絲?
比起刘别谦的电影,这版最好玩的梗反倒是电影圈的inside joke. 片头跟拍Fred的腿的镜头让人想到Mamoulian的电影处女作,阴差阳错成为最后一部电影也够巧合的。Fred的最后一舞也是理想的歌舞片谢幕,虽然后来又复出了。Mamoulian的舞蹈段落舞台感多过soundstage感,估计和他百老汇出身有关。
改编自尼诺契卡,和其他欢脱梦幻的歌舞片不同,这部的歌舞片段布景显得古典严肃,就像女主。喜欢开头聚餐。Astaire 老了,也显得严肃。Cole Porter的音乐还是爱夹带异域情调,glorious technicolor,breathtaking CinemaScope and stereo phonic sound~dancing cheek to cheek 的时代过去了
好浪漫的节奏~台词很犀利,旋律实在太动听,就更别说fred和cyd优雅的舞蹈了!cyd穿着苏联军工装都这么性感,那双雀跃的长腿让人目不暇接。fred依然迷死人不偿命,现在满脑子都是他唱的I love all of you~~~~
除了舞蹈段落比较舒心 剩下的任何东西都让人作呕。对冷战对手的低劣攻击 却是对美帝自己下流价值观的赤裸揭露 西方物质资源极大丰富 每个人都有了恋物情结并只关系个人自由与小市民情感 消费主义无知与廉价 几十年后好莱坞仍然有着同样无知与傲慢的态度对待别国文化 巴黎俨然成了各国腐朽分子沆瀣之所
没有人觉得那个女明星性格也挺萌的吗?阿斯泰尔真是数十年如一日,即便这个年纪也还是和30多岁时一样俏皮可爱又绅士。live simple and die natural