Ever since my house burnt down I see the moon more clearly I gazed upon all the Edens that have fallen in me I saw Edens that I had held in my hands, but let go I saw promises I did not keep Pains I did not sooth Wounds I did not heal Tears I did not shed I saw deaths I did not mourn Prayers I did not answer Doors I did not open Doors I did not close Lovers I left behind
Elephants with raised trunk are letters to the stars, breaching whales are letters from the bottom of the sea. Feathers to fire, fire to blood, blood to bone, bone to marrow, marrow to ashes, ahses to snow.
富有哲学美感的一部片子。生命,自然,轮回。feather to fire, fire to blood, blood to bones, bones to marrow, marrow to ashes, ashes to snow.
"Whales do not sing because they have an answer; they sing because they have a song." And this is but a mere song. 倒是有些老塔的感觉。慢镜流体巨物そら沙漠噪点抽帧手持以及海洋。确是少了些内核。相比天地玄黄;可能是没有宗教之美。要知道宗教不光是寻求answer,也是在sing。一种典型。类似《风的第一次呼吸》。不过没有那强。只是真的优美。乳房。那个天空中的鲸鱼……呦,诗是真不错的。这英语……是从没面对面听过。对我来说已经证明了英语可以像汉语一般美。所以对汉语的眷恋似乎确是出于巧合。不过也不确切。继续吧。【羽入火 火入血 血入骨 骨入髓 髓入灰 灰如雪】
I gazed upon all the Edens that have fallen in me,I saw Edens that I had held in my hands,but let go.I saw promises I did not keep,Pains I did not sooth,Tears I did not shed...And dreams I did not live.I saw deaths I did not mourn
Elephants with raised trunk are letters to the stars, breaching whales are letters from the bottom of the sea. Feathers to fire, fire to blood, blood to bone, bone to marrow, marrow to ashes, ahses to snow.
富有哲学美感的一部片子。生命,自然,轮回。feather to fire, fire to blood, blood to bones, bones to marrow, marrow to ashes, ashes to snow.
格利高里·考伯特的 又好看 又好听 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/siT0uqHKQyM/
我匍匐在你身上,你埋葬在水中。这一切庄重且优雅。我想起一切,但我想不起所有我失去了的。feather to fire, fire to blood, blood to bone, bone to marrow, marrow to ashes, ashes to snow。
feather to fire, fire to blood, blood to bone, bone to marrow, marrow to ashes, ashes to sand .
"Whales do not sing because they have an answer; they sing because they have a song." And this is but a mere song. 倒是有些老塔的感觉。慢镜流体巨物そら沙漠噪点抽帧手持以及海洋。确是少了些内核。相比天地玄黄;可能是没有宗教之美。要知道宗教不光是寻求answer,也是在sing。一种典型。类似《风的第一次呼吸》。不过没有那强。只是真的优美。乳房。那个天空中的鲸鱼……呦,诗是真不错的。这英语……是从没面对面听过。对我来说已经证明了英语可以像汉语一般美。所以对汉语的眷恋似乎确是出于巧合。不过也不确切。继续吧。【羽入火 火入血 血入骨 骨入髓 髓入灰 灰如雪】
I gazed upon all the Edens that have fallen in me,I saw Edens that I had held in my hands,but let go.I saw promises I did not keep,Pains I did not sooth,Tears I did not shed...And dreams I did not live.I saw deaths I did not mourn
原來不是PS力作啊,每個畫面都可以單獨截出來,很美。不過話說如果詩的內容連貫一點就更好了~(* ̄▽ ̄)y
我推薦的是那該死的唯美,和劇情無關= =|||。以前看過一些劇照也有聽里面宗教性質的BGM,但是當時就覺得不適合,就沒找來看。這次不是導師坐在前邊,我是不會看下去的。太寒了,13°,大家出來都覺得飄身上的不是雨滴是雪花!一個多小時看截圖也一樣...討厭里面泡在水里跳舞的片段,光上半身哪里有韻律精髓,搞的晚上做惡夢一直在跳舞OTL。很悶騷的片子,很多人說連名字也不懂= =|||
神叹,绝美,惊憾!“大自然有着一种轮回般的诗意”。刚开始也非常怀疑真实性,一旦了解Gregory Colbert……。保护环境,保持生态的可持续发展。待吾。那些亲切的存在。t25a885f87 字幕 t2eb6b04ab 或 f35ac96069
feather to fire, fire to blood, blood to bone, bone to marrow, marrow to ashes, ashes to snow ;移动的诗