A successful play from Hugh Williams and Margaret Vyner in London’s West End, inevitably a cinematic adaption is actualized, starring a quartet bankable names of the first water and THE GRASS IS GREENER is a Stanley Donen vehicle.
The Earl and Countess of Rhyall, Victor and Hilary (Grant and Kerr) have to resort to side hustles like selling mushrooms and permitting guided tours of their palatial mansion, to keep their aristocratic expenditure afloat, and after sending their children away for the opening day of the guided tour (hinting that no drawing-room propriety is in the offing), Victor will soon realize its pecuniary gain is not worth it at all, as one of the tourist, the American oil tycoon Charles Delacro (Mitchum), swimmingly sweeps Hilary of her feet, to the point that the two share a compulsive kiss merely 20 minutes into their first glance.
Charles and Hilary’s coup de foudre extends over the visiting hours, and when Hilary casually mentions that she intends to attend to her coiffure in London, while being entirely cognizant of her veiled motive to meet Charles there, Victor offers no objection, and one week later, he even invites Charles to their mansion for a weekend gathering, also present is Hattie Durant (Simmons), an American heiress who is Hilary’s best friend and Victor’s old flame, who sees the opportunity to insinuate herself into the household now that Hilary’s adultery is out in the open, only she wishes!
A chamber piece mostly takes place inside an opulent, authentic manor (including a cockamamie duel scene, nonetheless!) and boasts regal fineries for its quartet performers (those bowties, gowns, headwear, millinery and jewelry), THE GRASS IS GREENER is essentially a tongue-in-cheek farce about a respectable wife’s blatant affair and her equally respectable husband’s unorthodox countermove, all hemmed within the parameters of typified Britishness, staid, assertive but also self-consciously contradictory and humorous, whether it is a cuckolded husband’s resignation of his wife’s amatory emancipation toward another man, or a cunningly deployed scheme to gain the upper hand (to take a bullet in the arm with a stiff upper lip is a prerequisite), or a mint coat is all a woman needs to die for.
Occasionally Donen also surprises us with entrancing visual flair, like juxtaposing the almost identical reactions and conversations of the two parties at the ends of a telephone call, but underneath all its silk-stocking fluffy facade, the story’s liberal stance on matrimony, coruscating sophistication, hazy innuendos and droll exuberance are all over the place amid its fast-paced verbiage.
Accent aside, Grant’s star-spangle assurance is not particularly British, but he reels off the dialog with particular élan and his usuall nonchalance, athwart an arrogant but suave Mitchum, who has not an inkling of trepidation to court a married woman and is not deterred from any pretense of rejection; a flirtatious Simmons, who can pull off an open face to be quizzical over whether “primitive” is complimentary or not; and a demure but wholly unbridled Kerr, for once, shucking off her ladylike formality to something more unconventional, yet she demands respect and amazement from everyone else, between mushrooms and a mint coat, you can always rely on her to make the right choice; rounding out the cast is Trevor Sellers (Watson, the sole holdover from the original play), the butler who insists on deducting his wages to tide over his employer, and turns out to have many strings to his bow, even if writing a novel is not the right vocation.
referential entries: Donen’s CHARADE (1963, 8.1/10); Leo McCarey’s AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER (1957, 8.4/10).
一个关于婚外情的故事,情节很有趣,台词很不错。一对感情不错,有两个孩子,有点经济压力的夫妇的平静生活,在妻子偶然遇见一个百万富翁后被打破了。也许生活太琐碎平常,也许百万富翁有钱又有魅力。丈夫明明看出了妻子的变化,却并没有试图阻止妻子的不忠行为。用他的话说:我不能这么做,这会破坏我们之间的关系。等妻子的女友(同时也是他的前女友)过来看笑话时,他坦诚地说出了自己的感受 -- 愤怒、痛苦、迷失、寂寞,但同时又表示,他不知道没有了她会怎么样,洗澡时唱歌是因为他知道接下来要和她一起吃早餐。但他不愿意把她勉强留在自己身边,而心里还渴望着另一个男人。不得不佩服这个丈夫的理智,甚至有点超乎寻常。现实生活中,有多少丈夫能这样,明明知道自己的妻子背叛了自己,仍然保持理智的思考,掩饰好自己的情绪,并且很清楚自己需要什么,以及迅速想出应该怎么做。
接着,丈夫马上采取行动,邀请那个第三者过周末。这段让人捧腹大笑,两人在各自的地方打电话时,身边都有一个女人,都说着同样的话,都装作若无其事,但心里打着各自的算盘。周末四个人一起相处,开始装作都不知道,但实际两个女人互相知道,而女朋友和丈夫互相知道,妻子和第三者互相知道,于是妻子也明白丈夫已经知道了。很快,第三者说: He knows that I know he knows. 但戏还在继续演,妻子假装说无意间发现了一个箱子,大家都明白箱子里放着第三者送给妻子的名贵貂皮大衣。丈夫提议打开箱子,纵目睽睽之下,里面竟是乱七八糟的东西。
The grass is always greener on the other side of the hedge. 这就是片名的由来吧。
The grass is greener on the other side of the hedge. 粗俗一点翻译,就是家花没有野花香的意思吧。剧情非常老套,一些机智的对白倒是有些意思。比如“我以为你们英国人日常带把雨伞出门是为了挥舞叫出租车用的”,“不,我们在体育场和一些婚礼都会打开”。男女用斗嘴来调情是亘古不变的真理。还有貂皮大衣的梗,写的也颇精彩。最后的赌气决斗,是不是真的是英国人的必选呢?影片的色彩明亮,古堡颇有格调,服装也精美,算是那个年代室内剧比较有品味的作品。
舞台腔是real重,但是不失为一部流畅的喜剧,适合消磨掉一个闲适的午后。但是说真的,把它的背景换到30年代,演员改为William Powell,Myrna Loy,Mary Astor,妥妥就是一部high comedy,观众也不会那么难以接受了。只能说,时代在改变。P.S.Mitchum和Kerr一起的时候有一种前所未有的!柔情。
轻快的婚姻闹剧。Grant和Mitchum间极有趣的对戏,许多俏皮话和养眼时装,但Jean Simmons的部分是灾难。最佳台词:This is Rock Hudson calling...That's the only way you can get service out of telephone operators these days.
Although I LOVE Kerr and Mitchum and I like Grant and Simmons, the movie is a little bit too light to be satisfying. It’s more like a melodrama with lots of big stars in it. 7 out of 10
这三个名字放在一块的电影不会太坏。事实上非常有意思:) 推荐,特别是给已婚人士。The grass is greener over the hedge.
这个选角就很精准。总觉得台词幽默之余有点做作,但是很喜欢结尾那段对the worse的解读,很多人觉得the better结束了婚姻就该走到尽头了,却忘了结婚誓言里还提到要一起度过the worse。个人感觉表演上最惊艳的是西蒙斯,以及没有谁能拒绝米彻姆吧……
实话说有点无法理解这男人还要这老婆。但他关于婚姻中“最坏的部分也一起度过”理论挺上头的(只是现在想想...出轨这也算...?好吧....🥴👌)——另外好喜欢女二啊~!特别活波可爱和谁都配的感觉哈哈哈哈 比女主好玩多了~!