• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧








骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.1骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.2骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.3骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.4骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.5骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.6骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.13骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.14骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.15骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.16骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.17骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.18骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.19骡子(普通话) 剧照 NO.20


厄尔(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)是一名独居的八旬老人,正在面临非常严峻的财务危机,他唯一的住所即将被拍卖用来抵扣债务,在这个节骨眼上,厄尔得到了一份司机的工作,但厄尔所要运送的却并非什么乘客,而是毒品。就这样,厄尔成为了墨西哥贩毒集团中的一员。热播电视剧最新电影山椒大夫R15烈火之下第一季一世之尊巴黎恋人索菲亚威尔和格蕾丝第三季鬼域2006圣夜采得百花成蜜后直到生活让我们分开第三代土豪也绅士鬼整人乡村爱情进行曲下香城艳史时间的答卷第二季被封百万年:我的弟子全部成神第1季 ·动态漫外来者2018马戏之王设得兰谜案第三季勇者胜商战风云又甜又辣


 1 ) 我没什么朋友,幸好认识了你们

Barry Evans这个有着娃娃脸的男人,活了53年后被发现孤独的死在家中,我宁愿相信他是被残忍谋杀也不希望他是太过孤独自杀的

很多Ytube上的评论提到他都是sad face



这就是他,无论在【mind your language】里笑的多开心,他始终在现实生活中和人保持着若即若离的距离,一次被抛弃伤的太重,就再也没有人能走进他的心里


 2 ) 请讲普通话第一季部分摘录

Mind your language S1E1

Ali:I am not going where I am looking.
Mr.Brown: No,no! I wasn't looking where I was going.
Ali: That makes the two of us!

Miss Countney: This is not unsatisfactory! This won't do at all.
I distinctly requested the Local Authority to send me a woman

teacher. Especially after the unfortunate incident involving Mr.

Warburton. I'm afraid he only lasted a month, then he departed.
Mr.Brown: Dead?
Miss Countney: Demented. Yes, the strain was too much for him.

Typical of the male sex! No stamina.

Mr.Brown: I'm Brown.
Ali: Oh no. You are committing a mistake.
Mr.Brown: Mistake?
Ali: Yes, you are not brown! We are brown! You are white.
Mr.Brown: My name is Brown! I'm your teacher.

Mr.Brown: What is your job?
Ranjeet: I'm a very important member of the British underground.
Mr.Brown: The underground what?
Ranjeet: Just the underground. Mind the doors.
Mr.Brown: Oh that underground.(=subway地铁)

Mr.Brown: Apart from one attempted murder and a possible race riot,

I think we're coping reasonably well.
Miss Countney: Well, we have one thing to be grateful for anyway.

Sex won't be rearing its ugly little head.
From past experience, it isn't race or religion that causes problems,

it's usually the presence of some foreign beauty. Jealousies,

intrigues, all sort of thing.

Giovanni: I never notice. You see its my eyes! I'm a little short

sighted. (And also a much big liar.) It's not true. Mr. Green.
Mr.Brown: The name is Brown.
Giovanni: You see! I'm a colour blind as well.

Ali: And you are asking for a kick up your big brown backside?

Su-lee: It is duty of every citizen to overthrow imperial warmongers.

So say Chairman Mao.

Mr. Brown: Ali. You are...
Ali: You are waiting for mu to speak an answer.
Mr. Brown: Well done.
Ali: Unfortunately, I am not understanding the question.
Mr. Brown: I want you to give me a sentence using 'You are...'
Ali: I am.
Mr. Brown: No, not 'I am', 'You are'! For example, you are from

Ali: I am from Pakistan.
Mr. Brown: Yes, but now use 'You are'.
Ali: But I cannot say you are from Pakistan, because you are not, are

Mr. Brown: Repeat after me. You are English.
Ali: No, I'm not! I'm from Pakistan. You are confusing me.
Ranjeet: You are stupid poof.
Ali: Don't you call me poof.
Ranjeet: Poof.

Miss Countney: Job getting you down already?
Mr. Brown: No, no, I'm fine! Never felt better. There's just one thing

rough. That window you nailed down! I think I ought to put a few more

nails in it.

Mind your language S1E2 An inspector calls

Juan: Por favor?
Miss Countney: Are you really as stupid as you look?
Juan: Por favor?

Mr. Brown: So we appear to be some missing, I hope they haven't

dropped out.
Ali: Please, it would notbe surprising me, I am always thinking that

Sikh, son of Guru, was a Punjabi drop out.(laugh at Ranjeet)
Ranjeet: I'm hearing what you are saying, you miserable spawn of a

Mr. Brown: Don't you two start again! Actually, you are late.
Ranjeet: A thousand apologies for this unforgivalbe tardinees. But we

were all unavoidably detaained in the corridor by a lady...Sorry I forget

about her name. She was big lady, very large bosoms!

Su-lee: England is becoming more porriticarry minded, and gladually

more left wing.The overthrow of decadent capitaristic goverment will

soon take place. As working classes become more educated. And

embrace Communism as the true way of life. Workers revolution

getting nearer. With inevitabel collapse of Imperiaistic bougoise

intellectual society.
Mr. Brown: Yes! Well if thats what you like about England. I wouldn't

want to hear what you didn't like.
Taro: Excuse please. May I have small observations on young lady's

discourse, which will also irrustrate increased knowledge of English.
Young lady speak road of cobras!
Su-lee: Attitude typical of Fascist Nipponese!
Taro: Japan civilised country,not like China Ren by peasant.
Su-lee: Chinese not peasants!
Taro: Japanese not Fascist!.......I lose face, not my fault!
Mr. Brown: Never mind whose fault it was! Go and apologize!

Miss Countney: It has taken you 2 min 38 sec exactly to come to my

office immediately. I'm glad I didn't ask you to take your time.

Max: Danielle, what you do after class?
Danielle: I go back home to learn the English.
Giovanni: Hey, I'm going to learn English as well. Maybe we learn

Danielle: Yes but what about poor Max?
Max: Yeah.
Giovanni: What about the poor Max? I'm crying my eyes out.
Danielle: I have an idea.
Giovanni: I have a lot of ideas.
Danielle: Why not you and Max study together?

Mr. Brown: I expect you'll a bit of difficulty finding your way round at

first. Things will seem rather strange.
Inspector: very strange.
Mr. Brown: It must be quite a change coming from one of the under-

developed countries to our more advanced way of life.
Inspector: Oh yes.
Mr. Brown: Still, your people are doing remarkably well. Did you fly

Inspector: Fly?
Mr. Brown: Fly! In a big iron bird. Quite a change from riding an

elephant. Unless you came by Jumbo. haha~ English joke.

Giovanni: Professori.
Mr. Brown: You should call me Sir.
Giovanni: Oh, I understand. You have been to get knotted.
Mr. Brown: come again?
Giovanni: To become a Sir! you got knotted by the queen.
Mr. Brown: The word is knighted! And I'm not that kind of Sir.

Mr. Brown: Taro.
Taro: Aso.
Mr. Brown: Su-lee
Su-lee: present.
Mr. Brown: Ali.
Ali: Gift!
Mr. Brown: Gift?
Ali: I'm surprising you, no? Each day I am learning new English

word.And I am finding that gift is another word for present.
Mr. Brown: Very ingenious.

Mr. Brown: I'd better take down your particulars, otherwise I may get

into hot water.
Ali: You are going to have a hot bath?
Mr. Brown: No, Ali. It's just another way of saying I may get into

Ranjeet: Oh Dear. You have been committing some grievous

Mr. Brown: Not at all.

I do assure you that Mr. Brown will be severely dealt with.
Ali: Blimey you are dropping a clinker.
Mr. Brown: You mean clanger. (Drop a clanger= say sth wrong)
Ali: Yes pls.

Mind your language S1E3 A Fate worse than death

Ali: How about ajelly good shirt? Guaranteed one hundred percent

substandard.(Ali was supposed to say standard.)

Mr.Brown: Now, before we do anything else this evening, I want to

find a monitor. A monitor is a person who can take charge of the

class during my absent, somebody intelligent enough to assume


Mr.Brown: I'm going to ask you each to read a passage from the

newspaper. Then we'll discuss it together, OK? Max,You start.
Max: American Embassy bugged.
Mr.Brown: Good! Now dose anybody konw what that means?
Taro: It means American Embassy full of little insects.
Mr.Brown: No, Taro! They're not that sort of bugs! Listening devices.

Ali: You are putting some innocent lady in the pudding club. (in the

pudding club=pregnancy)

Ranjeet: I am up the creek without a puddle.
Mr. Brown: Paddle.

Ranjeet: This lady, is she resembling an elephant?
Miss Countney: I wouldn't exactly put it like that although she is

rather large.
Mr. Brown: Ask her to come along here.
Miss Countney: That's very irregular.
Mr. Brown: It is rather important.
Miss Countney: Very well,but don't make a habit of it.

Danielle: Prime minister sold a pup.
Mr. Brown: Good. Now that is a very good example of a figure of

speech. It dosen't mean what it says.
Su-lee: Typical of imperial poriticians who distort truth and suppress

working classes.
Mr. Brown: A figure of speech is a way of expressing an idea by way

of contrast or comparison. If you are being sold a pup or sold a

dummy, you are being cheated or deceived. In England, we use

figures of speech quite a lot. For example, we say as quick as

lightning, as light as a feather, as clean as a whistle. As blind as a

bat. As deaf as a ...Max?
Max: Postman.
Mr. Brown: No Max, Posts. Because posts can not hear. (As deaf as

a post)
Max: Neither can my postman.
Mr. Brown: Ali, as sly as a...
Ali: Sikh.
Mr. Brown: Fox. (As sly as a fox) as a mad as a ...Ranjeet?
Ranjeet: Muslim.
Mr. Brown: Hatter! (As mad as a hatter) Taro, as drunk as a ...
Taro: Newt.
Mr. Brown: Lord is more correct. (As drunk as a Lord) Jamila, as

white as...
Jamila: You.
Mr. Brown: Snow! Ali, as smooth as?
Ali: A baby's bottoms.

Mr. Brown: With all due respect, she was a couple on her own!

Giovanni: It's a sheer coincidence.

Mr. Brown: I thought she'd agreed to release you from the marriage

Ranjeet: Yes, she has. But her farther is coming here to see you

about your marriage now.
Mr. Brown: Look, there's not going to be any wedding I've broken it

off. I've written to her parents, explaining that I couldn't possibly marry

their daughter. I pointed out the differences between our religious and

cultural backgrounds. And the fact I have no intention of marrying

anyone. He should've got the letter this morning.
Ranjeet: Oh yes, he did. That is why he is coming. He is hoping to

be slicing you into many pieces.
Mr. Brown: Pardon?
Ranjeet: He say you are bringing disgrace on his daughter.

Mind your language S1E5 The best things in life

Ali: I am coming up on the puddles. the football puddles.
Mr. Brown: The football pools.
Ranjeet: That is typical of that Muslim twit! No brains whatsoever.

Mr. Brown: Do you wish to cash a cheque?

Danielle: How much to post a letter?
Mr. Brown: Is it someone in England?
Danielle: No, no, it's a Swiss letter.
Mr. Brown: Well, it's more correct to say you want to send a letter to

Switzerland, not a Swiss letter. It could be very embarrassing if you

were writing to someboday in France. (French letter = condom)

Mr. Brown: Don't be ridiculous.
Juan: Pretending. Haha...

Mr. Brown: Pretand you have a cold.
Ranjeet: A cold what?
Mr. Brown: Alright, let's forget about the cold. just imagine your have

a pain.

Mr. Brown: There's obviously been some misunderstanding.I'll sort it

out with the police. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Ali, I'll do

the talking, alright? you just leave it to me.

Police: Before you go sir, would u like to make a donation to our

Police charity fund?
Mr. Brown: Well as a matter of fact, you've caught me at a rather

awkaward moment.
Police: What about the five? You remember Sir, the one you thought

you never had. You know what they say, what you've never had you

never miss, unless you knew it was there all the time. In which case

it would come under bribery and corruption. You scratch my back

and I scratch yours.

Miss Countney: Well, untill Mr. Brown returns I shall take the class. I

shall ask you a few questions on general knowledge. Now first of all,

can anybody tell me who said "To be or not to be"?
Su-lee: Chairman Mao.
Miss Countney: It may come as a surprise to you, but other people

wrote things besides Chairman Mao.
Su-lee: He wrote everything.

Miss Countney: Are you not familiar with Shakespeare's works?

Miss Countney: Let me ask you a simple question. Can you tell me

how many P's there are in a pound?
Taro: Depend on size of peas.

Miss Countney: Now look, sir, it was obviously just been a

misunderstanding. I see no reason why we should pursue this any


Police: What is your name?
Ali: Watt is not my name.
Police: I don't want to know what your name is not. What is your

Ali: And I am telling you it is not.
Police: What is his name?
Ranjeet: Absolutely not.
Police: Not what?
Ranjeet: That is correct.
Police: What is your name?
Ranjeet: Wrong again.
Giovanni: He's not here.
Max: Yes.
Max: Watt.
Police: Pardon?
Max: Who is not here and Watt is not here neither.
Police: You are all barmy.
Mr. Brown, if I promise not to proceed with this report, will you do me

a favour?
Mr. Brown: Yes, what is it?
Police: Take these crackpots out of here, and promise never to bring

them back. Even if they've commited a murder.

Miss Countney: Pls don't remind me of last night's unfortunate

incident. I hope you've explained to your Indian lady the difference

between Free and Free Offer.

Mind your language S1E6 Come back all is forgiven

Mr. Brown: If you want to argue argue in English.
Juan: Go back to Italy, you Italian spaghetti.
Giovanni: Your big Spanish omellette.

Giovanni: Maybe she's gonna give you the birthday present.
Mr. Brown: Yes and maybe the pope is getting married.
Giovanni: He is ? I never read that.
Mr. Brown: It was a joke.

Mr. Brown: would you all pay attention pls. I have sth rather important

to tell you. I'm afraid that Miss Countney has terminated my

Ali: That is very big surprise to me.
Mr. Brown: Yes, it was a bit of a shock to me as well.
Ali: We are not knowing that you and Miss Countney were engaged.
Mr. Brown: You don't understand. I mean to coin a phrase I've been

given the boot. No Juan, can't you understand! I've been fired. I've

been given the bullet.
Giovanni: Santa Maria! She tried to shoot you?
Mr. Brown: No, I've been dismissed.

Giovanni: We have a strike.
Max: Yeah, let's have the strike.
Ranjeet: what is this strike? Does this mean we are going to be

Giovanni: No, No, No. It's like a big onions.
Anna: What onions?
Giovanni: The trade onions.
Ali: Excuse me, I am thinking your strike not going to be working.

What we are needing is to be revolting.
Ranjeet: And I'm thinking you are already revolting. (revolting has

dislike meaning too.)

Miss Hardacre: I've come to drum English into your respective alien


Mind your language S1E7 The cheating game

Mind your language S1E13 The final exam

 3 ) one of the TESOL's charms

1.the first lesson 2.the inspector calls 3the fate worse than death(ugly marriage system) 4all through the night(be locked in the classroom) 5the best things in the life(a mistake of lottery) 6come back all is forgiven(the main character is more popular than the new one) 7the cheating game(practice test) 8better to have loved and lost 9hello sailor(a Russian sailor wanted to be English) 10a point of honor(boxing with other teacher for potcting a student) 11how's ur father(a mistake of the main character's father) 12kill or cure(a bad cold and all the students and the headmaster came to visit the main character) although it is not difficult to find that this TV program wanted to say English culture is better than lots of other cultures in the world,this TV program still have many advantages like it makes people do not afraid of English learning in a way.

 4 ) 强烈推荐,太好笑了...



























































 5 ) 政治不正确但温馨的“大团结”

人物塑造确实很多刻板印象,满足大众对外国人的猎奇想象,但思考一下不太平的70年代,Mind your language反映的文化层面的东西要多得多





大部分学生是移民,属于working class。相对底层的有一天打三份工的Ranjeet,也有相对成功的Taro(但父母也死很早,应该是二战一代),是外派的工作人员。Max等大部分欧洲白人也是做餐厅waitor一类基层的工种





 6 ) Mind Your English

太搞笑了,迫不及待就一次性看完了,一个英语补习班上的故事,一集二十几分钟第一季总共也才13集就把每个人物特点都交代清楚,人物特征也很鲜明:极其耐心负责任和倒霉的Brown老师,比较刻薄的Miss Courtney,两个经常斗劲的巴基斯坦穆斯林Ali和口头禅“Thousand apologize!”印度锡克教Ranjeet,喜欢勾引Brown老师的法国美女Danielle,只有为了赢得法国美女Danielle青睐的时候才会争论的意大利人Giovanni和希腊人Maximillian,严肃和喜欢肘击Max的东德人Anna,一直织毛衣的北印度人Jamila和她的把老毛随时挂嘴边的中国同桌Su-Lee,毕恭毕敬每次站起来都要鞠躬的日本老先生Taro,还有个人认为最逗的学生,真没听到或是故意装听不见老是"Por Favor?"的西班牙大胡子Juan,以及Sid和Gladys,出场时间虽然不多也承包了不少笑点。反正是一部笑点密集,吃饭时候慎看的喜剧片,我已经不小心喷过两次饭了哈哈哈……


看老剧最让人难受的不是渣画质 不是糙布景 是喜欢上某个温暖帅气的演员时发现他已经不在了。

  • 三千月相
  • 力荐

Por favor? Blimey! A thousand apologies! Ah so.Santa Maria!1977年冷战背景下能有这种世界各族人民和谐共处的剧,不得不佩服。有人会批评它的刻板印象,可是刻板印象并没有什么事实上的错误。这样的剧以前是不是就这一部不知道,但以后不会再有(拍出来会被白左喷种族歧视、被小粉红喷抹黑天朝)。

  • Grey灰
  • 力荐

看完之后,开始喜欢:笑嘻嘻的说blimey, 笑嘻嘻的双手合十摇摇头说a thousand apologies, 笑嘻嘻的一摊手说por favor,一脸天真的说santa maria!!

  • Akaashi
  • 力荐


  • 微喵的兔姑娘
  • 力荐


  • 怪奇妇女
  • 力荐


  • 杜边生
  • 力荐


  • Geronimoooooo
  • 力荐


  • 大眼袋儿姨娘
  • 推荐

仿佛一下子英语提升了好多,而且学会了好多其他外语。。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,虽然笑点有些刻板,不过看下来真是好快乐,每个人都这么傻傻的好可爱。Françoise Pascal 头几集觉得特别臭美,到后面越来越好玩;Barry Evans 生平真的好凄惨,嘤嘤嘤~~ 谢谢花花❤

  • vivi
  • 力荐

仅以无数次笑声,献给伟大的情景剧演员Barry Evans。愿天堂如课堂温暖,永不孤独。

  • shininglove
  • 力荐

Barry Evans讓我想起誰呢? | 早生了四十年啊barry

  • clrbrt
  • 推荐


  • 米亚mia
  • 力荐


  • mecca
  • 还行


  • 狷介有乌青
  • 力荐

Por favor.

  • 塞腮
  • 力荐


  • 鲍小斯
  • 力荐

Ali:I was looking where I am going.Mr.Brown:I wasn't looking where I was going.悼念Barry Evans,同时悼念《是,首相/大臣》中Hacker、Humphrey的演员。

  • oldniu
  • 推荐

日不落帝国的梦。por favor?

  • 柴犬妹妹
  • 推荐


  • 欢乐分裂
  • 推荐


  • 小能七九西
  • 力荐