










家庭作业 剧照 NO.1家庭作业 剧照 NO.2家庭作业 剧照 NO.3家庭作业 剧照 NO.4家庭作业 剧照 NO.5家庭作业 剧照 NO.6家庭作业 剧照 NO.13家庭作业 剧照 NO.14家庭作业 剧照 NO.15家庭作业 剧照 NO.16家庭作业 剧照 NO.17家庭作业 剧照 NO.18家庭作业 剧照 NO.19家庭作业 剧照 NO.20


本片曾入选了2011年的圣丹斯电影节。乔治(弗莱迪·海默 Freddie Highmore 饰)是一个聪明的孩子,一直逃避学习的他总是在课堂上各种涂鸦,因此从未完成任何一门功课,将要面临无法毕业的困境。而校花莎莉(艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 饰)在极受欢迎的外表下掩藏着忧伤的内心世界。莎莉和乔治发现彼此有着许多相似的地方而成为朋友,并且互相产生了好感。乔治在得知自己难以获得高中毕业证书后不顾一切地想要逃离高中生活,因为有一手绘画的绝活,所以想用此来约束自己,于是做了艺术家达斯汀(迈克尔·安格拉诺 Michael Angarano 饰)的学徒。达斯汀看到了乔治身上的潜质,乔治也似乎找到了人生的方向,但他长期以来的懒散作风却阻碍着他的进步..热播电视剧最新电影翠丝辛巴达历险记2杀死汝伴听说桐岛要退部美人鱼村野潮执法威龙(国语版)红牡丹赌徒:第二代继承者乐园2019日本一张票辣椒教室反恐特警组第一季令人心动的offer第二季一见倾心传奇战士金钱世界2017数码宝贝大冒险tri. 第4章:丧失女税务官1987巴啦啦小魔仙之魔箭公主古田1929亡骸游戏癫佬正传粤语聊斋志异之美人首取单车勇敢往事


 1 ) anything is possible

很想写下自己的感想 看了家庭作业 the art of getting by 总是觉得自己和主人公好相似,我总是能在某些电影中看到自己。但乔治和我真的好像,也是在中学时不爱完成作业,他是高中,我是贯穿了整个中学。但他有自己喜欢的东西,就是画画,而我没有一技之长,更什么都不是了。他也觉得自己好像什么都不是,一无是处,我又何尝不是这样呢?特别是他发现自己喜欢的女生和导师在一起之后,然后也发现家庭的破产之后,我觉得那个打击,我看了都心碎。他后面花了三周时间完成一年的作业我真的佩服,他是有能力的人。我好像应该也是有能力的人。我们都很complicated,但我们就是我们。 这两天看了三部电影,都很精彩,找到了以前疯狂看电影时的感觉了,我喜欢看电影时的自己,也喜欢听歌,从电影中找歌来听的自己。it's really cool. 释怀,勇敢,有担当,随意,复杂,这不挺好的嘛!anything is possible.

 2 ) 生活的意義

首先,我已經很久沒有遇到過讓我哭得稀裡嘩啦的戲了。這是第二部。第一部是入殮師。很明顯,這部戲於我的共鳴很強,強到無法控制情緒。當然下面我要說的都與sally和George的love line一點關係都沒有,如果以為是這個的話,這只能算一部爛片。【對不起,容許我這麼說,我討厭沒內容的片子,尤其是養眼角色的白癡美國式愛情片。一定要說的話,這類型片子也的確適合殺時間的。。。】




看到電影後面,george家裡破產,人財兩失(?),然後他開始用3個星期補一年的作業。但是,看到這裡的時候,感覺我自己的霧有點散開來了。但,可以肯定的是,絕對不是因為房子沒有了,女朋友走佬了,不讀書不行了,這樣的東西。很微妙吧,只是我確實解釋不清楚。i believe i got some insights from it at least hints right.





 3 ) 晒一下几段比较有意思的台词

-Rule number one about cutting school.
-I've cut school before.To shop.
-Rule number one,cutting school is fun.
-That's a rule?
-Rule number two,cut rarely to preserve the specialness.
-Is that even a word?
-Rule number three,do something culturally rewarding with your time to earn it morally.
-Rule number four,you're a dork.
-Wrong.Rule number four,noodles.

-You okay?
-I'm allergic to hormones.
-What hormones?

-Zinavoy,what's with the overcoat?We're indoors now.
-I like layers.

-What were you like as a child?
-I was such a better person than I am now.
-Come on.
-I'm serious.
-I was happy,I was open,I was curious.
-But I'll tell you this,I knew when it was ending.I was overwhelmed with sadness when I realized that I was gonna change and that it was all most likely gonna get worse.Like a nostalgia for the present,I couldn't shake it.

-Get out.
-George?What is going on?Why aren't you at school?
-If you speak even the most rudimentary form of the English language,then you'll understand this,leave me alone.
-What did you just say to me?
-Vivian,my voice is calm.I'm a free-thinking individual who chooses not to be engaged in this discussion.Please.

 4 ) 吸引我的理由是 我不是路人,不是旁观者。

 吸引我观看这部影片是因为刚开始弗莱迪·海默一句话和我小时候看过的一句话异常相识,而我当天晚上也失眠了。"we live alone,we die alone .Everything else is just an illusion .”(我们独自生存 独自死亡 其它都是浮云) It used to keep me up at night .we all die alone.




其中有个影评人使这样说的:“爱情不是他上进的动力。真正触动他,让他奋进的原因是,他后爸破产了,他们家要卖房子了。他想到以后没房子了,没法娶老婆了,觉得必须得靠自己了。这才是他Getting By的原始动力:房子。”我看完觉得这是旁观者给予的最直接的评论了。但是我不得不说你只是路人,他的生活你没有体会。










 5 ) The art of getting by

“I was depressed, cause I realized I’ll die one day”

I love this movie, and I’ve made a decision every single time after one English movie I’ll honestly write down exactly how I fell about the movie. I’ve came to realize as one Chinese and English could be a lifelong study for me and I try to be harsh to myself and I’ll try my best to create some wonderful movie reviews as I can. I know probably nobody will be watching this, and It’s totally ok.

So absolutely I love this movie and I was kind of thinking the way of our life and the meaning of our motivations like George.

Here was my ideas of my life in the past between my 7 to 15.

1. Most things are meaningless and we don’t have to try so hard cause most those treasures are meant to belong to some certain people and they’d came with births, they have nothing to do with your after birth.

2. Life is so tough and no matter how hard I try I just can’t reach my goal even 1 foot closer and I don’t want to waste my time on putting myself together and be sweaty working hard to achieve some honors.

3. We’re all gonna die.

And it turned out I’m not thinking so right now.

It might be a cliche story about a boy and a girl figured out their life and finally made out their minds. But things have long since changed when George drew the paining of Sally and I have to say that’s not bad.

“You are born alone, die alone and everything else is an illusion”

I tried so hard to fit in our society, my neighborhood and none of these worked. I was mean to think that way everybody was pretending to be nice with me and tossed bad shit behind me, which makes me be aware of the face they’re the mean ones. (It’s like an instant thought blew over my mind, it dosen’t stand any idea of me)

I started to hate my parents, even my friendly step father and I can’t put up his sarcastic jokes and pretending hanging outs with me. I had a feeling I should’ve killed myself whenever I was unconscious or ever since I began to remember the firs word I mom told me. I tried to drown myself inside the tiny hot tup in my lousy apartment Just like Nicolas Cage killed himself by poisoned jellyfishes in Leaving Las Vegas.

I couldn’t do it, cause guess what, I was not drunk, and I’ve got a girl I love.

Funny components of human beings’ emotional systems are love and lots of complex emotions. They could depress us in the first place and out of blue it would’ve saved us from thousand miles deep valley and brought sunlights to us over again, they’re warm and felt good.

 6 ) Stop just getting by

I love it, I just love it.
I know even when I was already lost in those beautiful eyes of Freddie Highmore, I was able to find some paragraphs of the story to nitpick upon, But I just can`t resist the urge to love this movie.

Putting the fact aside that Freddie Highmore was the biggest attraction of the movie and kept taking my breath away for a whole hour and a half for being so gorgeous and...simply him( I mean, MAJOR crush here), this movie gets to me. I am experiencing the motivating problem exactly like George except I am having this problem now at the age of 22, which means I am still totally immature and the love of my life is still missing in my life. Sad. Gotta fix that. Second, I also think when i was little I was happy, open and curious, way better than I am now. Now I`m simply being unhappy, closed and numb. Gotta fix this too. If you ask me, George and I have the same issue of not loving our life, and what we have to get to be doing now is starting to love it again. Just like his name, George is just an ordinary boy who got confused during a period but got back up feeling more than nothing again. That`s what I, we all should do, stop just getting by but to live our lives abundantly.

A little side comment on the casting choice, just my 2 cents: Emma Roberts is sophisticated enough to play Sally, but maybe a little too sophisticated. Actually when I see Cathy in We`re the Millers, I think that role totally suits Emma. She has that charismatic idosyncracy in her that when she plays a pretty runaway girl who is mean but meanwhile has a mild heart, it is very convincing. But I have seen so few movies that featured major young actresses, so I am no expert on this, maybe Emma already was the perfect pick for Sally. And no way of denying, she pulled a good show.


Fred 和 Emma

  • 潘达瓷瓷
  • 力荐

boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy loses girl, girl comes back, boy gets girl, end of story.

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  • 小龙
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从《August Rush》到《吐司》,又到《家庭作业》。弗兰迪·海默就这样被电影圈的人活生生的打造成了透着基佬范儿的文艺青年····

  • 饮歌
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许久不见的小清醒,freddie不是音乐美食天才就是美术,鸭梨好大能那么早开始doubt已经很进步了.yes...life is long,they are gonna be together one day.just have to get rid of what they are stuck with right now.it's always kinda hard to confront yourself and be honest to yourself

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我以后也要生个儿子 在我难过的时候会搂我肩膀亲我头顶 ><

  • Alisa爱丽莎
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  • Enjoy_時光機。
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  • baobao_zao
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不太喜欢似乎小清新的剧情,不过非常欣赏男女的表演和原声。Life&Love, Be patient

  • Carf
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  • 咩咕拉斯
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  • 榕十三
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  • 欢子。
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  • 尔黑我!
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  • 米粒
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  • 淡了你就加点盐
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对teenage love已经欣赏不能,只有Freddie Highmore哟~怎么还是那么cute!!!嫩到Emma Roberts在他旁边都显老!对着91,92的俩,内牛满面......

  • 畸零人
  • 较差

这货根本就不是小清新,就是一部俗烂的青春片,配上几首Indie Rock,让长相清新的新生代演个性格孤僻,对白闷透了,其实就是俩早熟的孩子谈场闷骚的恋爱。最后三周搞定一学年的作业简直就像个童话,结尾更是转换的不切实际——少年不知愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁。★★

  • 亵渎电影
  • 较差

i fear life

  • K
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