1.Principle:You think you're special? Ali:Excuse me? P:Do you think you're special? Ali:No,sir. P:You're not.Everyone's family came here from somewhere else and they all had to endure some trouble from people already here.That's the way it works.That'e the deal.And it's worked that way for over 200 years. Now,uh,if you can accept that challenge there's nothing you can't achieve.I believe that. I heard you're a smart kid.Good.Act like that.Stick your nose in the books,keep a low profile,and you're gonna get along just fine.That's it.You get one free pass. 2.Ali:I've endured more pain than anyone in this room. Coach Plyler:Well,the goal is to avoid pain.Wrestling requires dicipline and control. Ali:How do you win without the ability to endure suffering? 3.Plyler:Pin him quick.Don't hurt him. 4.Kristi:Keep up with the losing streak.What are you,zero and seven? 5.Coach Plyler:Wrestling more than any other sport teaches pride.Respect yourself,respect your opponent,and the result will come. 6.Uncle Hafez:If you're going to be irritated by every rub how will you be ever polished?被擦亮. 7.Uncle:These are meels.If you can get through 100 swings without stopping you move on to the next biggest.You swing them like this.逆手腕方向. 8.Uncle:There's no sport that requires more stamina than wrestling.毅力. 9.Ali:Wait,aren't you going to count? Uncle:What,are you Lebanese?黎巴嫩人.You want to crive Mercedes while your children starve?Now you want others to think you're strong when you know you're weak?Count for yourself.Cheat if you don't care to win. 10.P:This is where you make your stand. Coach Plyler:I have somethin' to fight for. 11.Ali:Of course I can believe that. Jimmy:All I ever wanted to do is be as good as my brothers. Ali:Why not be better than them? Jimmy:That's what I love about you,Ali.Good just isn't good enough. 12.Jimmy:Get some hair in your chest.Oh,what a wuss. Ali:Shut up. 13.Coach Plyler:This is what I'm gonna need you to do.Take him down immediatly.Pin him quick.消除rages最好的办法就是速战速决. 14.Ali:A sandwich. Good work ehic.很好的职业道德. 15.Uncle:Knox is strong as a bull.Train bull. His fundamentals tick like a Swiss watch.And he's clearly not afraid of pain.He's merciless. Look at the stance,he's off-balance.You can almost count his steps.You're going to have to use your speed,and catch him off-balance in between steps.That way,you can use your strength against him.Surprise him. 16.Ali:Okay,so,if I push you,you push back. Uncle:Exactly,but watch my steps.One,two,one two. Ali:Okay,so in between steps I go under. Uncle:Yeah,yeah. Ali:What if I miss? Uncle:Then you go over."不及"和"过".It will take a lot of practice because that is danerous.But you will know when to do it. Let the silence lead you.(Method1) 否1:Are you listening? If Knox is in your head,he has already won.You want some pizza?Go ahead,eat.136 is wide open.You will clean up. 否1+:You have no pride,do you?Eat,eat,quitter. Ali:I don't know if I can beat him? Uncle:Look.Released while the Bible was still warm in Reagan's hand.You think it's a coincidence?The hostages were released the exact same day?No,this counry loves a winner.They don't care how you become one.Don't quit,Ali.Once you throw your life away,it is impossible to get it back.You can be the champion,you can be the best.You're scared,so what?You're not the first.You have to do what it takes to be not scared. Ali:But how? Uncle:Is there anyone else you're scared of?(Method2) 17.Uncle:When a hero fights the dragon,is he worried about hurting the beast?No,he takes his sword and drives it straight into its heart,and the crowd loves him for it. 18.Ali:My mother will be shamed. Uncle:Because she wants to keep you weak.To keep you safe,a little azizam,that is all you will ever to be her. 19.Kristi:Damm,Ali,why do I have to do all the work?See,now,everyone knows.Call me when you get back from Mars. 20.Coach Plyler:Always ready to even the score but it never evens out.Not when it's fueled by anger.You don't need that.Do you hear me?You're bigger than that. 21.Ali:Sir,do you knwo what this is? P:It's a key. Ali:It is a paradise key.The revolutionary guard give it to the boys they thought were too small to unfit the combat,and they told us it would open the gates to heaven.And then we were sent to Iraqi minefield to clear a path for the soldiers.It was our duty to die so that the more valuable boys the fighters would survive.I didn't believe that and my parents didn't believe that.So,I came here.If I follow the rules,I would be dead.I know what I did was wrong,and I'm raally sorry.But,when you're fighting for your life,sometimes you don't know when to stop.This jacket,it means everything to me. 22.Uncle:What do you think Knox si doing right now?He was at the match,he watched you.He's home right now,practicing how to break you.You should be doing the same. Ali:Can we just not talk about the wrestling for one night? Uncle:What did that scout have to say? Ali:He said he's gonna watch me at state and if I win,I get a full ride. Uncle:Yeah,that's right.If you win.(laugh)Okay,go,go,go have fun with your friends.I promise Jane I would take her to dinner.(Thunder) 23.不要仪式,心里就是要+ - × ÷才能圆 24.P:We can't disobey the law.My advice,let him go now. 25.Coach Plyler:If he wants to fight dirty,you fight better. 26.Coach:Hey,he thinks he can't make a mistake but he can.Use his strength against him. 27.Coach:Remember your uncle's move tha-that crazy,crazy move. He said don't do it,it's too advanced.Go do it.You can do it. 28.Scout:You see,senator Wilson's an Iowa alumni and a personal friend of your principal's.Apprently,they served together in world war ii.So all it took was a phone call.Now I understand you need someone at the state level to give you a special dispensation. Ali:I don't know what to say.Thank you so much. (Coach Plyler point at Principal.Pricipal point back.) 29.Ali:Over 70,000 iranian boys walked to their deaths in the Iraqi minefields.They were told that their only worth was to die,so that others could live and a better world waited for them on the other side of the battlefield.About that part,they were right. 30.Skinner:What happened out there? Plyler:Well,unrighteous behavior from the windsor boy. Skinner:Unrighteous,huh? Plyler:Yeah. Skinner:Dan,I hate to see you like this. Plyler:I got a lead on a few possiblities. Skinner:That's good.This is no place for you.Are these books helping any? Plyler:It's a process. Skinner:I'm in the middle of one myself.Unfortunately,mine is called the process of elimination.State says I have to make budget cuts.And wrestling is not inspiring anybody,Dead limbs from a tree.That's what they say,Dan. Plyler:Well,I'm producing thoughtful young men. Skinner:Well,get your act together and produce fighting young men.Like you used to. Plyler:I'm not on the battlefield anymore. Skinner:No.You guys had it rough.At least we had a parade or two to come home to. Plyler:Team's coming along.Doing the best I can. Skinner:It's not good enough.Get some wind on the board.Get the community behind the team.Can you do that,Dan?Beause I do have other problems. Plyler:I heard about the troubles about the new kid. Skinner:Yeah,the kid.Damn hostage thing among everything else. Plyler:They say he's trying to get on a team. Skinner:Whoa!You stay away from that.The kid is the last thing you need. Plyler:It's not what I was saying.Coaches were talking. Skinner:Okay.Okay. 31.Plyler:How easily did you get off the balance?
1.Hafes:If Knox is in your head,he's already won.如果他在你脑海里,(他已不战而胜.)你已不战自溃.You want some pizzar? 2.Jimmy:You're a star to me. Ali:Sure.好吧. 3.Hafes:You can be the best.
可能因为《摔跤吧》留下的印象太深了,再次看同一摔跤题材的电影时不自觉的会期望看到相似的剧情,结果这部电影对摔跤的细节描写的较少,更多的在说美国的种族歧视,观赏性不是很强,这大概是导致大多人给差评的原因。 但我对电影的评分只有两种,一种是差一种是好,给这部电影一个五星正是给这种良心电影一个肯定,把美国的种族歧视强烈的展现出来,希望能给那些美国大V留下点印象。
简直励志到爆棚! 摔跤吧,舅舅。
一个伊朗人在美国的摔跤经历,可以跟《摔跤吧,爸爸》媲美,称得上好莱坞版的《摔跤吧,舅舅》。这是伊朗德黑兰“伊斯兰革命”背景下的一部电影,展示了当年的政治气氛与种族歧视。最大的惊喜是扮演教练舅舅的就是影片原型Ali Afshar,其表演也是可圈可点。
本人出演,我的天呐,一开始uncle刚一露面就觉得不是一般人物,那种狠劲和那个面相真不是一般人能有的,然后看最后老录影和照片怎么越看越觉得像,结果一看演员表,果然啊,Ali Afshar,我说那种出戏感哪儿来的,直觉真可怕
摔跤题材励志电影,改编自真实故事。 为躲避战乱,男主从伊朗逃到美国,却不受同学待见,直到他加入了摔跤队