第四还是第五集,那个书店里面的女孩精瘦漂亮,半夜闯进生食店吃鱼片和面包,一路小跑,安置流浪汉,上屋顶的时候回眸一笑,im having so much fun right now 这么漂亮她估计可以心安理得拥有任何东西,但是她还是看起来so sad,路易看着她笑,我觉得又起风了
后来在纽约高楼大厦喊得那一幕,fuckyou letterman,不能够优异到及格,我们小时候被告诉有梦想就能去任何地方,可是不够聪明不够漂亮整天一屁股的事情还是拽回原地,只能在死磕硬碰中得到一点战胜自己的快乐
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1492966/faq Is this based on Louis C.K.'s real life?
Yes, it's very loosely based on his life and career.
Why is his ex-wife played by a black woman in the third season when his children are clearly white?
C.K. has stated that he is not concerned with continuity and will change characters at will to fit the episode's story. In previous episodes, Louie's ex-wife was played by a white actress but only her hands were visible. In response to this, C.K. said on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!": "If the character works for the show, I don't care about the race." He continued: "When a black woman tells you to get a job, its just... more"
In the first season, different actresses played Louie's mother and youngest daughter throughout the season. In the first season, Louie had a brother. But in the second season, he has two sisters and his brother is never mentioned. In one episode, his niece comes to stay with him for a seemingly extended period of time but is never seen again after that.
http://uproxx.com/tv/louies-casting-director-revealed-why-louies-ex-wife-is-black-but-their-children-are-white/Louie is obviously a series that’s always been very experimental in regards to format, subject matter and casting. I won’t get too into that since people who are far more articulate than I am have said many more words on the topic. However, one thing that’s always struck me as odd is that while Louie’s ex-wife, played by actress Susan Kelechi Watson, is obviously African-American — Louie’s daughters, Jane and Lilly, are white.
And not just white, but fair-skinned, blonde haired Nordic-looking white. So what was the logic behind this? Business Insider spoke with Louie’s casting director, Gayle Keller on the subject, and she shed some light onto the decision:
“We play around with ethnicities. Janet is African American, but both of their kids are white and Louie’s white so how does that work? Look, it probably doesn’t make sense but Louie wanted to cast someone to play his on-screen ex-wife who was unlike his real ex-wife,” casting director Gayle Keller tells Business Insider. “He didn’t want that much reality in this show.”
“We auditioned people who were African American and white, we auditioned both,” explains Keller. “We didn’t limit ourselves to someone who was just Caucasian. Louis just felt that the woman who we cast [Watson] was best for the part and she happened to be African American and he didn’t care about that. He didn’t feel like he had to explain that in any way and have two Caucasian children and an African American wife.”
Keller also revealed why they made the decision to make Janet white in the season four flashback, saying that they auditioned actresses who were African American, Caucasian, and Asian. I actually did not even realize that was supposed to be Janet, and figured it was some other ex-wife that came before Janet, which is exactly why I don’t write think pieces on Louie.
“Ethnicity is not what was important for that role,” says Keller. “It was more about the fact that we wanted someone who just understood the character immediately. All of the actors who come in to audition go on tape and they only get the material when they get to the audition. Everything is a cold reading because Louis likes when actors are not that prepared and forced to go with their instincts.”
Anyway, there you go, mystery solved. Louis CK doesn’t see race, you guys, he sees people. We’re basically all just a bunch of neanderthals for wondering in the first place.
EP5: 为什么你不敢靠近死亡?不是因为你恐惧,而是因为你内心深处渴望跳下去。死对你而言是解脱。我不一样,我不跳下去是有理由,我热爱活着。Liz这番话,听得我一激灵。
EP12: 第一,看着对方的眼睛说实话;第二,你有起有落;第三,如果有人让你保守秘密,那秘密就是假的。
EP13: 最深切的孤寂23:59,紧接着是友谊地久天长,热泪盈眶。
你笑了 你也觉得难过了
真的假的……北京人都是活雷锋,请老外免费吃饭和坐车 = =#感情上次去北京不是专程去正乙祠戏楼做standup,而是拍外景是嘛。明年见啊,经常来北京到我家来做客啊~
天呐最后几集太牛逼了!大卫·林奇客座出演的那三集Late Show外加最后圣诞集完全就是一趟情绪过山车,虐到哭的下一秒就是笑尿啊!还特别喜欢第三集迈阿密救生员好基友,两个直男情投意合又怕被误会不敢承认の迷思哈哈哈哈哈
竟然花了这么多篇幅来说relationship,好在有trilogy。下季pamela回来吧!matt kelmer还有Sweetpro赶紧出原声吧
神结尾 现在回头看Louie写的Letterman和Lynch真是忧伤啊
越来越好笑了 而且是一点儿不dirty的好笑 真是奇怪 虽然最后来北京那点儿好不习惯