The reluctant activist stands up for himself
Giles Hardie
Apr 13, 2013
Josh Thomas has become an accidental icon for the gay community.
Josh Thomas is back doing stand-up. It's a relaxing change for the comedian, as he has finally stepped off the promotional circuit for Please Like Me, his first foray into writing and acting for television, and a show that has helped him become an accidental icon for the gay community.
On Monday he will appear in the Sydney Comedy Festival gala after a month-long run at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
"If I do the whole month [of comedy] then no one can take me to a different city," he says with relief.
"I get a whole month at home and I can just hang out with my dog and my chickens."
But it wasn't quite a perfect escape. On April Fool's Day he was flown to Sydney to appear on the ABC's Q&A on a panel that otherwise sounds like the perfect set-up for a joke: an archbishop, an imam, a Buddhist nun and a Jewish atheist. He soon found himself the presumed spokesman for homosexuality and atheism on topics ranging from gay marriage to creationism.
"It was such a divisive show, where you've got religious leaders that dedicate their life to the conversation we had, but to me it's a hobby," Thomas said.
He was also the default target for the religious leaders' comments on homosexuality.
"They were offensive," he said. "Like: gays are sinners. An imam compared gays to alcoholics. [The archbishop said] I was a warp in God's plan.
"It was just a bamboozling hour really, because I'm an atheist. So my response to everything everybody says is 'oh that's nonsense, that has no basis in reality'."
Thomas had agreed to appear on the show as an artist, hoping to provide an "everyman" opinion, but found himself berated on social media for not going on the attack.
"A lot of atheists were like, 'You represented us badly.' And I was like, 'Oh no, I don't represent atheists. I didn't represent you in the way I didn't represent people who don't do ballet. We're not a team.'"
It's not the only community now embracing Thomas. Though not quite biographical, Please Like Me, the show he wrote and starred in on ABC2, featured a central character, Josh, who came out at the start of the first episode.
"Since that show happened, gays have sort of realised that I'm gay," Thomas said.
"I don't get invited to do things during Mardi Gras or to talk at rallies. They always get Ruby Rose. They don't realise I'm a homo. Which is good. I often think with gayness, it's enough I have to deal with homophobia - do I really have to spend my weekends going on about it?"
His position is possibly best expressed through his approach to the development of the show.
"We had these meetings with the ABC where they'd talk about how we're dealing with homosexuality. I was like, 'That's just my life. I haven't thought about how my life plays out as a political statement.'"
The show had no gay themes to begin with, for one very simple reason. "Well, we started writing it when I was straight," Thomas said.
Once Thomas came out, so did his character Josh, and it was the ABC that pushed for the script to deal with the issue. "It became one of the over-arching themes, which I didn't really want, to be honest …
''I had such a dull coming out experience. I didn't know how interesting it was to straight people."
While the show didn't set ratings records, ranking 215th in its first week, it was critically well received. Thomas was happy with the numbers. "It tripled the ABC2 time slot," he said. "It's really popular overseas. My Tumblrs and my Twitter now has a lot of Spanish."
Having pitched a second series, Thomas is relying on DVD sales "so we can give the ABC some money back - and then hopefully they will make it again."
Read more:上班时间的罅隙,看完了一季的澳剧《Please Like Me》。很短,六集,且每集只有二十多分钟,这样算下来,全篇加起来也不过三个小时,真的只看了一下午就看完了。第一次看澳剧,没想到却很是惊艳。这不到三个小时的过程中,很温馨也很惬意,没有大悲大喜,但泪点和笑点都很丰富,消磨时间都能让人通体舒畅。
其实在一部六集的电视剧中,本篇的人物已经算很多了,但没想到编剧竟能把每个人物都表现丰满,不得不承认他是一个才华横溢的人,Josh Thomas。据说他还是主演之一,那个夹着胳膊一扭一扭“Josh”的扮演者。
想看并不是因为LGBT而是因为安利我的人说有一集他们发现有一个叫阿黛尔的鸡是公鸡🐓,但是市区内是不允许打鸣的,如果送出去那只鸡就会被做成鸡肉,不送出去也不行,最后讨论了一整集还是他们自己结束了那只阿黛尔的生命,在吃之前围成一圈为那只鸡祷告并唱了《someone like you》😂😂叫我以后如何安静地面对这首歌和阿呆
没想到这个清新温暖治愈的故事拍摄地竟然在猫本,好喜欢Josh萌萌的澳洲口音还有他的心态,六集看下来真的觉得蛮美好的。。也不知道会不会有第二季了,不过会一直持续关注Josh Thomas这个人的。
4星半 突然发现散漫的结构+轻戏剧性完全是我的那杯茶 看似零碎的故事和时而蹦出的精妙台词 有些设定虽然解释不通 Geo这么就会喜欢上Josh呢 但一切又不疾不徐地发展得合乎情理 Josh对Geo确实没那么动情 他懒散被动自私逆来顺受缺乏判决力又害怕寂寞 可我又在Josh身上看到无数自己的影子 才觉得格外贴切
好喜欢Geoffrey!!!好可爱!!!傻傻的!!!Josh真令人讨厌!Geoffrey deserves a better man!这个就这么结束了?!G做了一个还算明智的选择!
All I want to have and want to be. Josh Thomas自编自演的这部剧很容易让人想起Simon Amstell的在外婆家,希望也能像在外婆家一样推出第二季。
又可爱又真实 又好笑又伤感。请拍第二季!!!!!!!!!快点拍快点拍快点拍(敲碗~~~)!!!!!josh和geo请在一起!!!在一起在一起在一起(敲碗~~~)!!!!!!姐姐告诉乃们!乃们这个样子是做不了朋友的!!!!!!
amazing! 前三集又软又萌后三集笑点泪点萌点虐点大乱炖 josh太棒!