Princess Georgiana is the black sheep of a fictional British Royal Family. A PR disaster, she's spent her spoilt, party-girl life plastered over the tabloids. On the back of her latest scandal her father, the King, makes the unprecedented move of abdicating his Australian throne in favour of his daughter. It is hoped that giving her some real responsibility will finally be the making of her - and if it isn't, at least shipping her off keeps her 10,000 miles away from London. Accompanied by a useless entourage, Queen Georgiana of Australia goes kicking and screaming to a country she has zero interest in beyond the Hemsworth Brothers.
热播电视剧最新电影床底下我最好朋友的婚礼2016旧话不重提安静之地要命的爱9号秘事第一季快乐的单身汉灵魂维修工咱们裸熊第四季金田一耕助:蔷薇王经典咏流传 第三季遍地狼烟山2012酷热人类星球2011《西游·降魔篇》纪录片超棒少年侦探所第二季安全屋被遗弃的萨莉此去,一别经年别墅灾星审死官(国语版)断肠明志铸忠魂利特斯阿奇一家肮脏的约翰:约翰·米汉故事第一季007之女王密使英语
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