1 ) Codes that has been deciphered
Episode 1, Numbers:
1. Pi
2. g
3, Normal Distribution
4. Prime Number, the atom of mathematics
Episode 2, Shapes:
1. Efficiency of the universe, that's how the get the shape for the roof of Munich stadium, and that's how bubbles form hexagon.
2. Fractal and Jackson Pollock. How Fractal is the fundation of animation nowasdays.
3. No snow flake is perfectly symmetrical. There's always some factors, or so called noise
Episode 3, Predictions:
1. Wisdom of the crowd,
2. Big data. Google now is able to predict outbreak of flue based on what people are searching.
3. Professor Geoffrey West and his study of city, number 1.15 seems to be the underlying rule.
4. Simple rules can used to simulate crowd movement. Simulations like this now help out architects for their building design.
2 ) Codes that has been deciphered
Episode 1, Numbers:
1. Pi
2. g
3, Normal Distribution
4. Prime Number, the atom of mathematics
Episode 2, Shapes:
1. Efficiency of the universe, that's how the get the shape for the roof of Munich stadium, and that's how bubbles form hexagon.
2. Fractal and Jackson Pollock. How Fractal is the fundation of animation nowasdays.
3. No snow flake is perfectly symmetrical. There's always some factors, or so called noise
Episode 3, Predictions:
1. Wisdom of the crowd,
2. Big data. Google now is able to predict outbreak of flue based on what people are searching.
3. Professor Geoffrey West and his study of city, number 1.15 seems to be the underlying rule.
4. Simple rules can used to simulate crowd movement. Simulations like this now help out architects for their building design.
3 ) Codes that has been deciphered
Episode 1, Numbers:
1. Pi
2. g
3, Normal Distribution
4. Prime Number, the atom of mathematics
Episode 2, Shapes:
1. Efficiency of the universe, that's how the get the shape for the roof of Munich stadium, and that's how bubbles form hexagon.
2. Fractal and Jackson Pollock. How Fractal is the fundation of animation nowasdays.
3. No snow flake is perfectly symmetrical. There's always some factors, or so called noise
Episode 3, Predictions:
1. Wisdom of the crowd,
2. Big data. Google now is able to predict outbreak of flue based on what people are searching.
3. Professor Geoffrey West and his study of city, number 1.15 seems to be the underlying rule.
4. Simple rules can used to simulate crowd movement. Simulations like this now help out architects for their building design.
节奏稍慢,但是还蛮有趣的。卖萌的大眼睛鹦鹉螺,休眠13年的蝉,蜂窝,北爱尔兰巨人石,旅鼠,胶豆,google & flu,1.15...提到The answer of the universe的时候赫然出现了42, 英国佬你们是有多爱银河系漫游指南!
科普类的内容,有内容,不空洞。下面搬运内容大纲: 第一集:数字。自然界的数字总是有特殊意义——动物寻找合适周期(整数)——音乐和比例(有理数)——神奇的π(无理数)——复数的应用——数学规律和特殊的数字在自然界应用第二集:形状。自然界充满了优美的形状——动物追求高效的形状——利用自然法则创造形状及正多面体——微观物质特殊形状——宏观物质难以拥有完美形状——分形理论和几何应用(计算机图形学)第三集:预测。自然界遵循一定法则——动物看似随机也存在法则——人大多数时候也遵循一定法则——人很难实现完全随机——利用这些法则作预测——混沌理论,难以预测——大数据预测,随机只是表象
#公开探索BBC# 071 数学系同学指导:那个看似一元二次方程的是差分方程。记得高中数学老师还说虚数目前没有实际应用呢。有些简单的知识着墨太多,复杂的概念却没有太多讲解,毕竟是科普片
好看! 要是我读中学时看过这个多好!主持人和一些观点看着逐渐眼熟,才反应过来在Barbican看过他的一个活动,讲《我是个怪圈》。
【和数学有关的影视作品52】中世纪教堂、周期蝉、音乐与整数比、巨石阵与圆周率、正态分布与PI,飞机航线与虚数、螺旋壳、六棱柱石群、蜂窝、神奇泡泡、慕尼黑奥林匹克体育场、正多边形晶体、泼画与混沌,树枝、动画设计与分形,现实版数字追凶专家。数学是解开自然奥秘的密码。 密码 The Code (2011)
第二集中欧椋鸟的飞行模式研究和第三集中用于罪犯地理位置分析的Geographic profiling比较酷。比较有趣的是,第三集中Geoffrey West提到,如果城市的规模扩大一倍,城市居民的收入将提高15%。所以去大城市将挣得更多,这也解释了为什么北上广聚集了那么多人。之前看过Geoffrey West的TED演讲,很棒。
Simple concepts underlie breathtaking beauty~
The chaotic and glorious elegance of this layered fractal world.