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法外情真 第一季


主演:Simon Baker,Dabney Coleman,Wendy Moniz



法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.1法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.2法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.3法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.4法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.5法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.6法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.13法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.14法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.15法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.16法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.17法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.18法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.19法外情真 第一季 剧照 NO.20


法外情真 第一季美剧免费高清在线观看全集。

  Nick Fallin is a hotshot lawyer working at his father's ultrasuccessful Pittsburgh law firm. Unfortunately, the high life has gotten the best of Nick. Arrested for drug use, he's sentenced to do 1,500 hours of community service, somehow to be squeezed into his 24/7 cutthroat world of mergers, acquisitions and board meetings. Reluctantly, he's now The Guardian - a part-time child advocate at Legal Aid Services, where one case after another is an eye-opening instance of kids caught up in difficult circumstances.

热播电视剧最新电影一路向爱神童耶利米她说2022赛尔号第12季焰宇战神毛骨悚然1975淘金男孩:加农电影公司的内幕幽灵医生我要成名粤语最后一个女神真心遇上大冒险黑雪2017真相 ~ 聒噪吊唁的结局肉食猎者第二季医龙2019年中央电视台春节联欢晚会能量唤醒旋风管家第二季死亡女孩鲨海逃生为爱坚强老无所惧言叶之庭日语


 1 ) 一些从这部剧里学到的东西

You know, I never wanted to be a corporate guy. I wouldn’t have been able to, anyway. See, hard to go corporate when your degree reads night school. Harder still when your skin reads the projects, you know what I’m saying?

Laurie Solt, this is not my world, and I am not about to apologize for wearing my uniform.

Listen, you play your role, right? You’re a social worker who chooses to make no money. Instead, you cry poor to the world. You wear cheap clothes so people know where you’re coming from. My world is expensive. I’m not saying its any better. It just has different rules. So be it.

My problem is I didn’t say, hey, you look like crap, so I would appreciate it if you would refrain from beating me up for looking decent.

Money matters.

Now, that couldn’t have gone better.

So you can back up that crap you were spewing out in there.

Listen, this is how business is done. You receive an offer, you respond to that offer. You wait too long; it gets pulled off the table. Take it or leave it.

I don’t know, if I hadn’t run up such huge school loans, I’ll be working in public service.

I think you’re a shark. You just don’t know it yet.

My father always told me not to worry about making money, but to worry about making a difference.

Money makes a difference. All the man-hours scraping around for minimum wage, they can’t compete with the huge influx of money that you are capable of generating. Make the money first, then if you still feel like it, then go make a difference.

I think you’re putting on an act.

She lingers a little long when she looks at you, and sits with her body completely open to you, and smiles even when you say rude things to her.

The law’s a lot easier to understand than life. You just follow precedents, try to interpret things. If someone dies wrongfully, you can seek damages. The amount a person’s life is worth can be measured financially. It doesn’t leave a lot of room for the way people feel.

You have to stop this thing before it turns into a disaster.

Short-term gain, long-term disaster.

I’m not regular? I’m a criminal? But you’re the customer. So the difference is I did it to raise money to put food on the table, and you just did it for the sex.

I’m whatever I want to be.

I know what it’s like to be eager, to want to please those men so much that you forget who you really are.

I don’t think I want to do this.

You like to blame yourself, don’t you? Well, you tell yourself it’s your fault and you think that’ll make me feel better. But you know what? It doesn’t. It makes you feel better.

I don’t think this is going to work. I mean, the truth is, you’re self-absorbed. You know, you sit around wondering why you’re not closer to your son, but you actually like the distance that you’ve created. Because it lets you sit back, do nothing, and spend more time with yourself.

He can be rude, standoffish…when I first met him, I truly disliked him. But of all the imperfect people I’ve met in this world, and that would be everybody, Nick is one of the few who lives by a set of standards. I do think his mind is set on this. I do think he has the right things in his mind. And he’s the kind of person who will follow through. Might be just to prove other people wrong…but he follows through.

You know, I know I meant to say something extraordinary here, but all I can say is that I won’t let Lesley down. I know that I failed myself, that’s true. I admit that. But I will not fail that girl. I will not fail Lesley.

Not in my nature.

If you fell off the face of the earth, I’d then throw a party every year to mark the anniversary.

So what, Nick? Because you’re not the top expert in the western world, you’re just going to blow me off?

I like to know what I’m getting into.

You know, Bill, our firms have gotten along so well over the years. You know, referred clients, just kept out of each other’s business. I’d just like to cut the crap right here. You know, I never poached any of your lawyers. And I would just like your word as a gentleman that you won’t poach any more of mine.

I’ll be up-front with you, Burton. I am not going to give you any promises that I can’t keep.

I thought you would be angry. I know how you feel about me dating boys.

I came to America to live with dignity and respect. If someone decides to insult me, I’m not just going to smile and say thank you. I’m sorry, Salaam, but just because you hurt this boy’s feelings doesn’t give him the right to do what he did!

I’d be very careful before I believed a word that came out of his mouth.

That is so offensive.

What have I done to offend you? I try my best to be friendly, to do good work, and all you do is treating me like I’m some stupid school girl.

Because I don’t think you want to be a corporate lawyer, Amanda. I can see that you don’t like it now, and I don’t think you’re going to learn to like it later. You seem like a good person who wants to do good things with your life. And if that’s the case, I don’t think you’re going to find what you’re looking for here.

Causality, how one thing can lead to another? Yeah. It’s fate. No. I am not a religious man. All right, then, science. No. Logic. No. just chance, you know? You walk through one door instead of another. You meet one person instead of another. What’s that, free will? Ha. No. Self-determination? pbbbt! No. you life is chaotic when you’re walking into it, but its all order when you look back at it. No. you’re blathering. It’s not chaotic. It’s moment. You’re in a moment now and you were in a moment before. You were there in that moment, and now you’re here. It’s just a moment, that’s what it is.

It’s already happened. You can’t take that away. It’s already happened, and I’ve learned to deal with it. What more can I say? It’s just the way it is.

That will be that.

The sooner you stop thinking people should cut you slack because your parents got divorced and sent you away to prep school, or because your mom has cancer. Cause believe me, no one cares about your problems. Believe me.

But maybe because you don’t really want to do this, you’re able to remove yourself and have this kind of objectivity. I actually do wish that I could be like you sometimes. Just automatic. That’s how I know you are. I’ve been around you long enough. You’re Teflon man. See? This is exactly what I’m talking about. Now, I just insulted you, and you just shrug. You sort of move through space, and nothing touches you. I can’t do that. I’m just not that way. I get very attached to things, and everything breaks my heart.

What have I done to you? If you’re unhappy with your choices, then that is your responsibility.

You don’t know me. You don’t know who I am. I can’t see the people at the moment that…cause my life have changed. I have tendencies that I need to control.

I don’t like asking you to do thing for me.

I wanted to go in the arts, but my father told me to think about what I was about to do before I went and screwed up my life.

That’s just the greatest thing to be able to have, to be so successful.

I’m really kind of bad company tonight. Can we do this another time?

I don’t think I want this place. Just all seems like so much, you know? I don’t think I want to do what I’m about to do.

What happened yesterday that was a mistake. I take full responsibility for what I did, but I shouldn’t have done it. I was nervous about the house and about getting married, and I am curious about you. I’ve been curious.

But as rewarding and exciting as public service was, too often, it was about watching your back instead of doing your job.

Need to talk about it? It happens like this all the time. You do your job, you follow your gut, and it blows up in your face. I’ve been there. Want to get a cup of coffee?

This wasn’t supposed to happen. We need to get past this.
All because of what I’m doing you don’t understand.

Don’t let them push you around.

Nick just can’t seem to unwind.

 2 ) 亲爱的小孩







父母离婚,母亲在对父亲的憎恨中死去,父亲本就不善表达感情,又被商业社会洗脑成为一个社会人,他孤身一人,按照父亲的希望成长,在商业上会 游刃有余,但是当意外进入法援,那些人情,特别是那些孩子却让他一下子动摇,或者说回归了那个孩子。






小小的小孩 今天有没有哭 是否朋友都已经离去 留下了带不走的孤独 漂亮的小孩 今天有没有哭 是否弄脏了美丽的衣服 却找不到别人倾诉 聪明的小孩 今天有没有哭 是否遗失了心爱的礼物 在风中寻找 从清晨到日暮

 3 ) arguably the best legal drama

2 cases per episode normally, one with regard to corporate law and the other usually involves a troubled teenager, the longer Nick represents those juveniles, the more aversive he grows towards the coprorate world, finally, at the end of season 2, he took charge of the legal center following Lulu's suit. Simon Baker was truly outstanding in the show and Wendy Moniz was gorgeous.

 4 ) 何等虐的一部戏呀

看到season2 e11,太难受了,圣诞节惨案,nick简直是下凡来受难的。 这戏居然是cbs的,hbo还差不多。 nick fallin的角色设定几乎完全和神棍jane反着来,短发,寡言,不笑,讨厌身体接触,处理不好人际关系,但是但是,他疲惫落寞的样子依然如此的迷人,看得我揪心。 馒头大叔那被埋没的青春啊!

 5 ) 砍剧 砍剧 砍你妹啊



对于工作来说,年龄上的差距和出事经验的差距让两个律师的思考方式完全不同。burton虽然老练稳重,但对于钱的问题从来不会刻意规避风险,反倒是将各种条件逼至至极,老客户们会半开他玩笑说“you cold son of a bitch”,利益拼盘容易不下一颗沙子。


就像好友讲的那样,你总是为我打掩护,总是保护我,帮我保守一切秘密。Nick最擅长的保护方式就是tell no one。做尽力能做的好事,然后接受指责,再把一切都咽在肚子里。

至于造成这种极其封闭式自我的原因大概还是家庭环境吧。欧美剧剧情(甚至现实世界)的人物性格经常源于boarding schools。我倒不觉得这种学校有那么糟糕,对于Nick这种处事能力很强的人来说,学校从来不应该是个问题。但是当你母亲在与父亲离婚的一两年内去世,然后被送到boarding schools听上去就像是你父亲根本不想摊上你这个麻烦而已,而感情能力绝对是Nick的问题。

和nick搞在一起的药厂女律师说,你可以选择任何人,却偏要选择我,是你根本就不想要感情的负担。专挑已婚女性,不是为了什么奇怪的癖好,而是因为对方无法告知实情,因而恋情无法发生实质性进展,说白了Nick要的是“你们永远无法在一起的承诺”, 怯于付出的性格伤害的是一个出轨者而不是一个无辜的单身女性。如此畸形的关系却是Nick心中的perfert。Nick自我封闭程度之深可见一斑,literally “buttoned-up”。


不过与母亲相比,能力认可对Nick似乎不是那么重要。Nick在决定是否要跳槽时质问父亲,你雇佣我是因为我有能力还是因为我是你儿子。这也是Nick和父亲说话时第一次失控,之前Nick和父亲说话总是习惯性的低头,绷着扑克脸,尽可能的服从命令。我原来预想的是Nick期待的回答是父亲认可自己的能力。不过在Burton回答因为你是asset后Nick辞职了。其实他要的还是要父亲体现一点点私心,一种“我给而我儿子一份工作,天经地义啊”的护犊子感情吧。我真的无法说burton不是一个loving father,但比起父亲他确实更像一个导师或长官般的父亲性质的形象,而不是父亲。

另外吐槽一句,把公司弓手让给议员这事儿,不管是为了带来更多的客源还是为Nick而达成协议,连partner都没给Nick,哪来的take over the firm啊,听上去就像是给儿子的一剂安慰剂...当然了,毕竟编剧需要戏剧冲突嘛,欺负儿子就欺负吧。。 再来说说金毛。 年轻时的Baker不太一样,因为短发的缘故看起来发色更深一些,褶子还不太多,笑起来一股浓浓的少年感,典型的海边旅游广告中的beach boy形象,却硬是套在了西装和商务人士标准大衣里,貌似只在一集里被警察没收了衣服当证物,穿过一次白T恤。话说我其实非常西装控,但对于这个年纪的Baker来说真是暴殄天物啊 ̄へ ̄....就应该短袖牛仔裤板鞋,抱着滑板和冲浪板,在阳光和海水中放飞自我。另外,超感警探看了太多遍的我,有一种金毛不笑就是欺负他的老阿姨心理。他眼角那一股笑意变得很快,一点受伤就消失不见了,老阿姨就是不忍心啊不忍心...只想看他高兴甚至得意的样子 。玩笑的说一句“金毛的笑容我来守护!” 最后,这个剧的节奏真是太快了,,留给人物个人感情发展和背景故事的时间非常有限,看了一下第二三季的剧情简介貌似也没有涉及很多。再加上剧情整体压抑,拷问人性的走向,三季被合家欢大佬CBS砍掉也在情理之中。。可惜了一部好剧。 以后有时间搞到生肉大概会做个字幕吧。。。maybe

 6 ) 大爱!

看这部剧完全是因为Simon Baker,没想到是一大惊喜,非常赞的剧。Baker年轻时真帅,看来澳洲出帅哥啊,Hugh Jackman,Chris Hemsworth, etc LOL。Nick和Patrick是完全不同的性格,Nick较为keep to himself,因为经历的缘故有其内向和阴郁的一面,与人交谈时目光时有躲闪,话语简洁有时都是激烈短促了,拿手放在嘴边的姿势,西装加大衣的造型非常的适合他,很吸引。第一次看到Baker其实是The devil wears Prada里的一个配角,那时的感觉只是一个vain而没有力度的角色,后来看Mentalist 才被彻底吸引。看来演员固然重要,编剧对一部戏来说才是更加有决定意义的。

这部剧在Pittsburg,虽然也是大城市,但远不及纽约或洛杉矶曝光率那么高了,主要是室内剧,但还是有一些跟城市相关的内容。视角很独特,两条线,主线是关于孩子监护权的官司,另一条是corporate law,一集里都有两个以上的case在进行,节奏非常紧凑。 说起来这部剧没有太多吸引眼球的因素,完全是靠剧情取胜,故事里涉及的小孩子多数都是来自破裂的家庭,好多事黑人,父母不能承担抚养他们的责任,所以要靠法庭上的hearing决定他们监护权的归属,说起来是相当压抑的。Nick虽然是个非常有前途的年轻律师父亲是个有影响的大律师,但因为父母离异生母早逝一直都跟父亲有隔阂,自己又因为吸毒被抓,后来还倒霉搅进命案里。可能也是因为题材的缘故,这部剧只拍了3季,其实编剧已经相当好的用温情调节了这部剧的压抑成分。Mentalist固然好看,但侦探剧不太会让人有想重温的欲望,这部剧更为耐看一些。



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  • 穆加
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无奈又偶尔温情的现实剧啊 比内些夹带私货的伪热血剧好多了 可惜后半出现的女主设定不讨喜 工作业余又感情虚伪

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  • fish
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这个故事是微微的虐 平淡的虐 莫名的虐。好像总没有什么好的,好像谁都不对。我见多了那种每个人都有问题的剧,却没有一个比这个更让人无力。他笑的那么好看,却那么少笑。生活的现状,困顿及其他。

  • 懊恼的冷鱼
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一个或许你不知道的真实的美国世态. 三季都值得收藏.

  • 心向往之
  • 力荐

除the practice 之外最爱的律政剧,Simon baker 把这个生活中脆弱迷茫工作中专业又富有同理心的角色诠释得完美,不过女主鲁莽和略带婊气的角色设定太招黑了

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  • rosemerry
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  • 吸螺
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s01e05 Aaron演了个小基佬嘤嘤嘤诱死了坟蛋TvvvvvvT!!!!!!!!!

  • 大箱子
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a well put show!!算是我看过的少有的好看单元剧了 把为trouble teenagers辩护当做community service 其实男主角在这里的演技远比在mantelist里自然很多 他真该靠这个得艾美提名

  • cody
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虽然是从超感警探开始粉Simon Baker的,但有句刚句Nick Fallin这个角色比Patrick Jane要真实可爱得多。

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  • 刀疤侦探
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  • moongate
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自从女主那个lulu上线 质量极速下降 要不就不要感情戏 非要跟lulu绑在一起 nick跟谁在一起都好 甚至跟最后那个脱衣舞女都比跟着lulu看着顺眼

  • cy的
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Simon Baker在这部剧的演技其实发挥的更好,比Mentalist来说。也喜欢这部剧的格调。不过女主角不是我的Type, 不喜欢哪类的。

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