The series centres around crime syndicates that temporarily release contracted prison inmates to carry out political assassinations for those in power, except that the crime syndicates are run by politicians. The series also puts a spotlight on the real-world predicament concerning fake news and how easily truth can be manufactured and disseminated to the public in today's age of information.
热播电视剧最新电影伊斯梅尔屋事生非 第二季太阳后裔的保镖彼得罗夫的流感山河披锦绣皮佐法科尼的混蛋们第一季杀戮本性2023灰色:幻影扳机观星者犯罪升级家有外星人惊爆独家新闻第一季钻井生物燕赵刑警真正正义之死亡降临客从何处来尘世女孩最强大脑 第八季三十九风云雄霸天下赵文卓版TOP LEAGUE零界之艾力克斯精灵宝可梦第一季无印篇数字追凶第二季养父志在出位(粤语版)省港旗兵卧底秃鹰相残