The irony made my bloodflow, my day, and everyday in the month.
Everything he said about black people is damn well applied to all minority in anywhere of the world, I mean ur sex ur ethnicity ur gender identity ur sexual orientation and u name it…And that isn't identity politics at all, when it comes to diagnoses or anything could possibly endanger ur health or even ur life, and u have all of the "buff"s... It's just about pure professional ethics and mistreatment under those tags. And, u r in it, u r dying of it. It's TRUE. It's your day-to-day life.
胖了 但是咋就不恋爱了呢
草好好笑!尤其喜欢他的nigga jokes
我就在现场啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊看live更好笑 录播的节奏完全不一样 大概和观看者的环境情绪都有关吧 所以comedy club讲段子和录一小时的special是俩码事
At a whites-only BLM rally? That shit is confusing. They had signs,‘stop racism’ I was like “who are u talking to? each other?” Just call ur fucking dadI like to making fun of the dark shit. That’s just how I process information傾心演繹政治抑鬱哈哈哈哈從來不會政治抑鬱的的看到笑死
Michael Che发福后越来越像李雪琴……
开场有些难以进入,到后来的LGBT和种族笑话渐入佳境。我很喜欢这场的悲凉氛围。有几个笑话是拍大腿的那种好,结尾的抑郁症段子“I say depression is a privileged disease because it implies your life is good enough that you shouldn't be sad." 以及”I don't even know why gays get a phobia and everybody else gets an "ism." If you don't like Black people, that's racism. If you don't like gays, homophobia. I looked it up,
u ever see a homeless guy with a dick so big that u stopped feeling sorry for him笑死我
喜剧的内核就是悲剧 没错。