This new three-part transformational science series follows a group of designers, engineers, programmers and tech experts as they face the challenge of coming up with innovative interventions that will transform the lives of people all over the UK. From a man with locked-in syndrome who wants to communicate with his family, to an 11-year-old boy born without hands and feet who is desperate to ride a bike, the series offers extraordinary insight into the lives of those whose dreams seem to be beyond grasp and who need the help of experts. To solve these and other challenges, the Big Life Fix team, working with presenter Simon Reeve, is on a mission to come up with new inventions using smart but creative cutting-edge technology. The series is a celebration of British ingenuity, design and skill – and its power to change effect huge change in the lives of ordinary people.
热播电视剧最新电影被不良少年迷住天生拳霸非礼勿视2童话法庭飓风比安卡大丈夫阿巳与小铃铛曼斯菲尔德庄园1999肯尼迪家族薄冰上的舞蹈亡命橡胶园车库拍卖神秘案件1股神3之控庄者 (2016)钢铁飞龙捕梦奇兵恋老症风味原产地·湖北人形恶吊大唐小娘子第二季死亡经历石榴坡的复仇法国贩毒网粉雄救兵第三季野蛮比尔撒哈拉重案实录之水箱藏尸军旗飘扬
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