Togo (October 17, 1913 – December 5, 1929) was the lead sled dog of Leonhard Seppala and his dog sled team in the 1925 serum run to Nome across central and northern Alaska.
Togo was one of the offspring of former lead dog, "Suggen".[1] He was named after the Japanese admiral Tōgō Heihachirō.[2] Initially, he did not look like he had potential as a sled dog. He only grew to about 48 pounds (22kg) in adulthood and had a black, brown, and gray coat that made him appear perpetually dirty.[3]
Togo was ill as a young puppy and required intensive nursing from Seppala's wife. He was very bold and rowdy, thus seen as "difficult and mischievous", showing "all the signs of becoming a... canine delinquent" according to one reporter. At first, this behaviour was interpreted as evidence that he had been spoiled by the individual attention given to him during his illness. As he did not seem suited to be a sled dog, Seppala gave him away to be a pet dog at 6 months of age.[4]
After only a few weeks as a house pet, Togo jumped through the glass of a closed window and ran several miles back to his original master's kennel. This devotion to the team impressed Seppala, so he did not try to give him away again. However, Togo continued to cause trouble by breaking out of the kennel when Seppala took the team out on runs. He would attack the lead dogs of oncoming teams, "as if... to clear the way for his master". However, one day, he attacked a much stockier malamute leader and was mauled and severely injured. When he recovered, Togo stopped attacking other teams' lead dogs. This would eventually prove a valuable early experience, as it was difficult to teach a lead dog to keep a wide berth of oncoming teams.[5]
When Togo was 8 months old, he proved his worth as a sled dog. He had run after the team yet again and slept, unnoticed, near the cabin where Seppala was spending the night. The next day, Seppala spotted him far off in the distance, and understood why his dogs had been so keyed up. Togo continued to make Seppala's work difficult, trying to play with the work dogs and leading them in "charges against reindeer", pulling them off the trail. Seppala had no choice but to put him in a harness to control him, and was surprised that Togo instantly settled down. As the run wore on, Seppala kept moving Togo up the line until, at the end of the day, he was sharing the lead position with the lead dog (named "Russky"). Togo had logged 75 miles on his first day in harness, which was unheard of for an inexperienced young sled dog, especially a puppy. Seppala called him an "infant prodigy", and later added that "I had found a natural-born leader, something I had tried for years to breed"[6]
Togo began training, and after a few years filled the lead dog position. He became one of Seppala's most treasured dogs, a close and mutually beneficial relationship that would continue to the end of Togo's life. At the time of the historic Serum Run, he was 12 years old and had been a lead dog for 7 years.[7]
According to the historian Earl Aversano, in 1960, in his old age, Seppala recalled "I never had a better dog than Togo. His stamina, loyalty and intelligence could not be improved upon. Togo was the best dog that ever traveled the Alaska trail."
Main article: 1925 serum run to Nome
In 1925, in response to an epidemic, the first batch of 300,240 units of diphtheria serum was delivered by train from Anchorage to Nenana, Alaska, where it was picked up by the first of twenty mushers and more than 100 dogs who relayed the serum a total of 674 miles (1,085km) to Nome.[citation needed]
Togo and Seppala traveled 264 miles (425 km) from Nome in three days, and picked up the serum in Shaktoolik on January 31. The temperature was estimated at −30°F (−34°C), and the gale force winds causing a wind chill of −85°F (−65°C).[citation needed]
The return trip crossed the exposed open ice of the Norton Sound. The night and a ground blizzard prevented Seppala from being able to see the path but Togo navigated to the roadhouse at Isaac's Point on the shore by 8 PM preventing certain death to his team. After traveling 84 miles (134km) in one day, the team slept for six hours before continuing at 2 AM.[citation needed]
Before the night the temperature dropped to −40°F (−40°C), and the wind increased to 65mi/h (105km/h). The team ran across the ice, which was breaking up, while following the shoreline. They returned to shore to cross Little McKinley Mountain, climbing 5,000 feet (1,500 m). After descending to the next roadhouse in Golovin, Seppala passed the serum to Charlie Olsen, who in turn would pass it to Gunnar Kaasen and Balto.[citation needed]
Katy Steinmetz in Time Magazine wrote that “the dog that often gets credit for eventually saving the town is Balto, but he just happened to run the last, 55-mile leg in the race. The sled dog who did the lion's share of the work was Togo. His journey, fraught with white-out storms, was the longest by 200 miles and included a traverse across perilous Norton Sound — where he saved his team and driver in a courageous swim through ice floes.” Most people make the mistake of saying Balto is the hero, but Togo is the real hero, by over 200 miles. [8]
After the successful serum run, the hero dog Balto became the most famous canine of the run. Many mushers today consider Balto to be the back up dog, as Seppala's team led by Togo covered the longest and most hazardous leg. They made a round trip of 264 miles.[9]
Immediately after the relay, Togo and another dog on the team escaped to chase after reindeer, eventually returning to their kennel in Little Creek. Seppala was dismayed that the champion was neglected by the press, commenting "it was almost more than I could bear when the newspaper dog Balto received a statue for his 'glorious achievements'".[10]
In October 1926, Seppala, Togo, and a team of dogs went on a tour from Seattle, Washington to California; Seppala and Togo drew large crowds at stadiums and department stores, and even appeared in a Lucky Strike cigarette campaign. In New York City, Seppala drove his team from the steps of City Hall along Fifth Avenue and made a pass through Central Park. The team appeared multiple times at Madison Square Garden, which was being managed by Tom Rickard, formerly of Nome, and where Togo was awarded a gold medal by Roald Amundsen.[citation needed]
In New England, they competed in several dog sled races against local Chinooks and won by huge margins. Seppala sold most of his team to a local kennel.[citation needed]
In 1928, Elizabeth M. Ricker, of Poland Spring, Maine, wrote and published the book Togo's Fireside Reflections. This now rare book has attained legendary status among Alaska dog mushers. It is every musher's dream to own a copy signed by Seppala, and the musher's holy grail is to find a copy signed by both Seppala and Togo. Seppala inked Togo's paw and helped Togo sign some of the books.[citation needed]
Togo retired in Poland Spring, Maine, where he was euthanized on December 5, 1929 at 16 years old. The headline in The New York Sun Times the next day was "Dog Hero Rides to His Death" (Salisbury & Salisbury, 2003), and he was eulogized in many other papers. After his death, Seppala had him custom mounted. The mounted skin was on display at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne Vermont. Alaskan students started a letter campaign to return Togo to Alaska. Today the mounted skin is on display in a glass case at the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Headquarters museum in Wasilla, Alaska. The Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University has his skeleton in their collection.[citation needed]
Togo's reputation earned him enduring fame. The popular fictional teen sleuth Nancy Drew named a stray terrier after him in the 1937 novel The Whispering Statue. The dog appears in most of the Nancy Drew novels.[citation needed]
曾有一批哈士奇救了阿拉斯加诺姆(Nome)小镇上的居民。时间回溯到1925年,靠近北极圈的诺姆突然爆发白喉,这种疾病属于一种急性呼吸道的传染病,染病的人可以透过飞沫传染,将病源扩散给其他人,然而一旦患病,病人可能会因为并发症的关系导致心肌炎、瘫痪甚至是有生命危险。 如果想要治愈那么就得注射白喉疫苗,不过当时小镇上的疫苗不足,而且离最近的疫苗存放地甚至远在1084公里远(674英里),又加上当时是冬天造成各地冰封、交通停摆,无疑是雪上加霜的处境。 为了抢救诺姆的居民,最后当地机关决定靠狗拉雪橇的方式运送疫苗,而镇上所有的居民也将希望寄托在这20名哈士奇和狗雪橇驾驶身上。然而如此恶劣的气候,一般想将疫苗顺利运到镇上势必得花25天的时间,不过疫苗的的保存期限却只有六天,因此这场时间和生命赛跑的极地任务就此展开了。 为了增加效率,这群雪橇队决定以接力的方式运送,让个个犬只都能达到全力以赴的效果,因此这段运输过程分了好几段,每一段由不同的哈士奇、雪橇驾驶负责。 队中一名叫Leonhard Seppala的雪橇驾驶与他的伙伴Togo(哈士奇)负责倒数第二棒的任务,他们先是从诺姆出发跑了274公里后接手运送疫苗,为了提升效率冒着破冰的危险穿越结冰的海湾,甚至是途中遭到暴风雪的袭击,让Leonhard一度出现雪盲的症状,幸好最后在Togo的导航下带领着他避过层层的冰川夹缝,排除万难的跑了146公里后顺利将疫苗交给最后一棒的负责人Gunnar Kaasen。 在雪橇队全力以赴的前提下,他们只用了5天半时间就完成了任务,挽救了无数的生命。负责接力的雪橇队中最有名的哈士奇就属Togo和Balto(最后一棒)了。 为了纪念当年努力拯救诺姆的雪橇队,有座哈士奇的雕塑傲然矗立在纽约中央公园,供人们敬仰。而这个雕塑的主角是名叫Balto,纪念当年挽救小镇无数居民的20只勇敢的狗和牠们的雪橇驾驶。
Magnificent! Born to lead.
多哥(1913年10月17日至1929年12月5日)是莱昂哈德·塞帕拉(Leonhard Seppala)和他的狗拉雪橇队的领头犬,在1925年血清穿越阿拉斯加中部和北部流向诺姆时运送距离达到264英里(其它19只队伍平均运送31英里)。
多哥是前领犬“ Suggen”的后代之一。它以日本海军上将东八平八郎的名字命名。最初,它看上去并不像拉雪橇犬那样有潜力。 它到成年时只能长到约48磅(22公斤),并且有黑色,棕色和灰色的外套,使它看上去永远肮脏。
多哥年幼时生病,需要Seppala妻子的重点监护。 一位记者回忆说,它非常大胆,粗暴,因此被视为“艰难而顽皮”,显示出“拥有成为……犬类犯罪的所有迹象”。 起初,这种行为被解释为证据,证明它在生病期间对它的个人关注宠坏了。 由于它似乎不适合拉雪橇犬,因此Seppala放弃了它成为6个月大的爱犬。
在做家养宠物仅几个星期之后,多哥就跳过一扇关闭的玻璃窗,跑了几英里回到它原来主人的狗窝里。 对团队的热爱使Seppala印象深刻,因此他没有试图再次放弃它。 然而,当塞帕拉(Seppala)带领车队奔跑时,多哥(Togo)继续逃出狗窝,继续造成麻烦。 它会攻击即将到来的车队的领头犬,“好像……为他的主人扫清了道路”。 然而,有一天,多哥袭击了一位更矮胖的爱斯基摩犬首领,受了重伤。 当它康复时,多哥终于停止了攻击其他车队的领头犬。
当多哥8个月大时,它证明了自己作为雪橇犬的价值。 它再次追赶车队,Seppala没有注意到,就睡在Seppala过夜的客舱附近。 第二天,塞帕拉发现它在远处,并且明白了为什么他的狗队又不听话了。 多哥继续使Seppala的工作变得困难,试图与工作犬一起玩耍并带领它们进行“对驯鹿的追击”,使它们脱离了足迹。 塞帕拉别无选择,只能束手束脚控制住它,多哥立即安定下来,Seppala感到非常惊讶。
随着比赛的开始,塞帕拉(Seppala)一直将多哥(Togo)上移,直到一天结束时,它与领队(被称为“ Russky”)分享领队位置。 多哥使用吊带车的第一天就行驶了75英里,这对于没有经验的年轻雪橇犬,尤其是小狗来说是闻所未闻的。 Seppala称多哥为“婴儿神童”,后来补充说:“我找到了一位天生的领袖,这是我多年来努力培育出来的家伙。”
多哥开始训练,并在几年后担任领头犬职位。 它成为塞帕拉(Seppala)最珍贵的狗之一,这种亲密而互惠的关系将持续到多哥生命🔚。 在具有历史意义的血清跑步时,它当时12岁,但已经担任领头犬7年了。
根据历史学家厄尔·阿沃萨诺(Earl Aversano)的说法,塞帕拉(Seppala)于1960年晚年,他回忆说:“我再也没有比多哥更好的狗了,它的耐力,忠诚和智力都是最优秀的,多哥是有史以来穿越阿拉斯加足迹最好的狗。 ”。
Togo跑过的452公里是多远?大概相当于北京到呼和浩特,而且是在那样的百年一遇的暴风雪里。哭了好几次。风景壮美无俦,长云流动,巨大的影子飘过雪山下的平原。四处开绽的冰河上驱犬狂奔,冒着李尔王式的酷烈天气,指挥若定如科利奥兰纳斯,而高吟亨利五世的阵前演说,“我们不愿跟那样的狗死在一起……那些躺在床上的诺福的狗,将会埋怨命运,认为它们无缘在此是受了诅咒……” The great Togo!别的宠物无疑美,但总还是想自己多些,不会像狗这样迂,这么一根筋,这么“无我”地去爱、牺牲,违背求生本能,永远做好舍命的准备。人感动之余,名之为“忠”。Togo和Balto所享声名的对比也很有趣。【看片后遗症:坐上小薛的车后座,大喊一声:Hike!
傻孩子 T_T
影19355:这是一条天选的领头者,命中注定要伴随STep左右。虽身材矮小,但智商超群,听得懂人话。小时候从死亡线被救回,之后2次被送人,三次逃脱寻迹。悬崖急停救主,裂冰上果敢的鱼跃领头,卖力的奔跑,真正厉害聪明的狗!它就是我们的孩子,不是工作犬。——my ToGo,run!
中规中矩,但是景美狗可爱。只不过 狗越好越觉得 人类不值得……
年度催泪温情之作 If you are lucky enough to have known a great one,they never really leave.They stay with you as long as you live,harnessed to your heart,giving their all.Always. 最后是流泪看完的
在狗生的最后两年,他有了很多性生活,他生了很多娃。Good for you.
字幕组出来挨打,这也太考验人了I beg you pardon?翻译成我请求你原谅??Haw翻译成山楂?mushers翻译成混血儿?要不是有英文字幕这电影就废了🙂Togo太棒了,纽约的Balto雕像太讽刺了,只看最终的结果的人类否定了一只已经12岁的老狗—Togo 264英里的长途跋涉,致敬Togo!