• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧










新贵第一季 剧照 NO.1新贵第一季 剧照 NO.2新贵第一季 剧照 NO.3新贵第一季 剧照 NO.4新贵第一季 剧照 NO.5新贵第一季 剧照 NO.6新贵第一季 剧照 NO.13新贵第一季 剧照 NO.14新贵第一季 剧照 NO.15新贵第一季 剧照 NO.16新贵第一季 剧照 NO.17新贵第一季 剧照 NO.18新贵第一季 剧照 NO.19新贵第一季 剧照 NO.20



  BBC Two确认预订由Ben Elton执笔的喜剧《Upstart Crow》,本剧主要讲述威廉·莎士比亚的生平,将作为BBC在2016年莎翁纪念节的一部分播出。David Mitchell将饰演早年的莎翁;同时出演的还有Harry Enfield、Paula Wilcox、Liza Tarbuck以及Gemma Whelan。故事主线的一部分将来自于莎翁的灵感源泉,Elton说:“我努力站在莎士比亚的角度讲故事,甚至用一只鸡的羽毛做的笔写剧本,一年都没换过内裤。”2016年的莎翁纪念节将会举行一系列活动纪念莎翁去世四百年。此外,Benedict Cumberbatch和Judi Dench主演的《The Hollow Crown》三部系列以及Russell T Davies执导,Maxine Peake、Matt Lucas、Bernard Cribbins、Elaine Paige以及Richard Wilson主演的《仲夏夜之梦》也将献礼本次莎翁纪念节。

热播电视剧最新电影结婚计念日2021硫磺泉镇的秘密求生这5招55号房间约翰尼·里诺甜木兰第三季生死狙击第三季十二宫杀手受害者1961我唯一的情歌恶魔们危险小宝贝驻院医生 第六季非你不可我的一家人 第一季不要回头斗龙战士玩偶特工朵儿精灵女孩小卓玛终极斗士2沙漠未婚妻斗牛传奇之王苍穹浩瀚 第五季危情代价


 1 ) Young people have such short attention spans these days


葛林的独白Some chink(裂缝) in the armour of his propriety(礼节). Some lewd scandal, or base crime, With which to dispatch him to the dungeon or the gallows.

solvent没有债务的。 Nailed it.搞定了。 By Jupiter's hairy armpit.(完成了十四行诗集)Iambicpentameter is my bitch. A sonnet is like the idle wind when it bubbleth within, you have to let it out.一首诗出来了,就像泡泡一样,你得让它放出来。

A play is but a puff of air. A player's stinking breath doth give it life, but no sooner is it spoke than 'tis lost amid the burps and fartle barfles of the groundlings. But the published poem lives forever.表现莎士比亚还是最看重诗歌的,所以他自称诗人。 groundling特指没鉴赏力的低俗观众。

The sonnets are what the kids are digging and ever shall. Make the epic verse cycle look so last century.使长篇史诗像是过时。

Young people have such short attention spans these days.借古讽今,真是一句经典。

Don't get clever with me. 别和我抖机灵。

每次经典commuter的抱怨: Coach crash at the Watford turnpike. Well, it wasn't the crash that delayed us, amazingly the local watch clear that up with some efficiency. But all who then pass must slow to a snail's pace to gawp at the wreck.看热闹的不嫌事大。

You are so crap.你真烂。

 2 ) 各种角色的来源。




当然威廉的老婆更重要,她的名字叫安Anne Hathaway(她与莎士比亚的情史在第3季的第1集)。虽然是个牛奶工,但是却很会造句子。每一集结束的时候,他们都会在炉火边总结一番。

威廉的母亲Mary Harden,似乎带着那么一点贵族血统。总是在跟威廉的父亲不对付。威廉老爹其实是按历史剧系列中的法尔斯塔夫设计的,一个在乡间抱怨并且在客厅拉屎的老男人,总是想着当贵族。 大反派是Robert Greene,骂莎士比亚为“乌鸦 Upstart crow”的就是他,每次一到他就是阴沉的音乐。

大胖子Burbage是威廉在伦敦 The red lion theatre的老板,挺专横的。在史料中,他原来是女王宫内大臣剧团的主要演员,后来担任詹姆斯一世的国王剧团的首席演员,国王是他的赞助人。

在本剧中的Master Condell,专门演女人,一张臭脸。Kempe是意大利名角,属于那种日常生活经常自导自演的家伙。这三个角色的根据,是1616年4月23日,本.琼森出版作品全集时参加庆祝的原始记录。在历史上Will Kempe(?—1603)不仅去世的比较早,而且作为演员持股人,他因意见不合,很早就从女王宫内大臣剧团中撤出了。但他却以出演早期莎士比亚的戏剧而著名于世,即兴发挥的代表人物。 当然最重要的是Christopher Marlowe,当时剑桥才子派最重要的剧作家。29岁他就因为在酒馆和人殴斗而死。而在我们这里他是一个非常讨喜,人见人爱的家伙。因为他在剑桥时期是人所共知的间谍,那他的老板是伊丽莎白一世的秘密警察头子沃辛汉姆,所以在第1季当中利用了很多这方面的材料。 Christopher简称Kit,1564年出生于鞋匠家庭。 In 1584 awarded the degree of bachelor of arts, there is some evidence that during his time at Cambridge, he was also working as a spy for sir Francis Walsingham, head of the Elizabethan secret service. 2



Emelia是传说中,莎士比亚十四行诗是敬献的神秘对象。在第1季和第3季都出现过。是带着意大利口音的上流人士。 总之,所有的这些出场人物都是来自于历史的真实。熟悉历史的大剧作家,把他们都调侃了一遍。

 3 ) 搬运一点台词



William Shakespeare Quotes from BBC Two’s Upstart Crow – Season 1 (and what they mean):

“The two tunnels that lie beneath the bridge be blocked. “ – William Shakespeare, when he means “snotted nose”.

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo.” – William Shakespeare when he means, “Why are you Romeo?”

“Leaping amphibian caught in the ruby pipe which starts with a swallow but knows not of birds.” – William Shakespeare when he means, “Have you got frog in your throat?”

“We unleash the most parasitic creature in Christendom.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “the English posh boy”.

“If you write a play, I fear it would be like that which stinks but be not fish, fertilizes plants but be not compost, and is the last stage of the digestive process but be not a glass of port in a pipe of tobacco.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “crap”.

“And so am I like the fulsome cleavage of a buxom saucy wench.” William Shakespeare, when he means “much looked down upon”.

“It won’t stay in that which supports a hat but be not a hook, has a crown but be not a king, and is fringe with hair but be not my balling brooks.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “earlobe”.

“You be that which though it have tits have no breasts, and though it have balls be not a game of tennis.” – William Shakespeare, when he means “man”.

Other Quotes from BBC Two’s Upstart Crow – Season 1:

“Love is the angry thorn upon the false rose, and I, am a prick.” – Florian Greene

“Where she breathes, flowers bloom. Where she sings, pixies dance. Her most billowingly flatulent fartle barfle be sweetly scented than all the perfumes of Arabia.” – Florian Greene

“I always think that a sentence sounds better if you mix up the words of it. It’s one of my best tricks.” – William Shakespeare (David Mitchell)

“As a dramatist, I take the view that a fat man with an ax saying, “Close your eyes, love” Thwack isn’t quite as compelling theater as Frigid Liz bitchslapping her cutesome Caledonian cals, Mary, in a bit of queen on queen action.” – William Shakespeare

“You can’t be an actor, you’re a girl. Where will you put the coconuts?” – William Shakespeare

“Clever girl is an ugly girl, Kate.” – Christopher Marlowe (Tim Downie)

“Your name is like a cold sore. It’s one everybody’s lips.” – William Shakespeare to Christopher Marlowe

“I must hasten to insert my nose between the set of the next royal buttocks before other oily courtiers fill the gap.” – Robert Greene (Mark Greene)

“Getting a bad review is much worse than getting the plague, because at least with the plague, the person who gave it to you dies.” – William Shakespeare to Bottom

“The noble peacock does not hang his head. He displays his bumshanks with magnificent feathery plumes.” – Christopher Marlowe to William Shakespeare after the latter receives a bad review.

“If I turn up in form-fitting tights, everyone will see I’ve got balls.” – William Shakespeare

“What is a potato but a starchy tuber? What is tobacco but a dried weed? What is a corn cob but a big yellow bubbly dildo?” – William Shakespeare

 4 ) 台词记录

S1 ep1: insufferable smuglington难以忍受/傲慢的自大狂 the Burst Ballsack爆炸阴囊 brutal love,despised love.Love is the angry thorn upon the false rose,and Im a prick. thuggish interjection凶残的感叹词 wankington神经质 foul trollop We'd thought to be his jailer,but what better chains to keep him close than those of love. It is illegal for girls to do anything interesting. thy.thou你的 bollingbrokes S2 ep2: Quae mihi quia ego stulta..当个无知的女人真羞耻 wold jumpling堆砌词藻 preening supercilious plague pustule得意洋洋 高傲的 瘟疫 脓包 sirrah小子 inadequate不能胜任的,不充足的,不会生活 girlie actor女演员 A girl to play a girl?How rigorous!严肃 clever little bastible(bastard) fartsome baldy-boots烦人的秃子 S2 ep3: lovely-dovey smoochy-woochy 情意绵绵 浪漫又令人扼腕叹息的 it went rumpy-pumpy lovely-dovey to choppy-woppy heady-deady 从情意绵绵的鱼水之欢到令人唏嘘的死亡 Comedy isn't jokes, Comedy is attitude. It's not what you say, It's what you don't say.

 5 ) 吐槽与互黑。




第1集是调侃罗密欧与朱丽叶。想法非常简单,用一个充满演员梦的女仆人,走地窖来哄骗一个狂热爱他的剑桥学生。一对情侣双双死亡,给莎士比亚提供了无限遐想,完成了他的经典巨作。同时又是特色的英式讽刺,把贵族狠狠的恶搞了一遍。“ I tried to shush him, but he would not beshushed.”


第三集马洛《马耳他的犹太人》(意大利的露阴装),其实很有趣,只要你懂得其中的梗儿。特别是里面表现的时装,真的把当时的历史讲尽了。大反派Robert Greene,骂他暴发户乌鸦 Upstart crow,这是历史上的真事。

第4集十四行诗,第5集麦克白,第六集威尼斯商人。他们最喜欢干的事情,就是调动家人的积极性来排练莎剧。威廉的母亲Mary Harden,似乎带着那么一点贵族血统。威廉的女儿Susanna(Sue)13岁,是那么一点傻柴。当然威廉的老婆更重要,她的名字叫安Anne Hathaway(她与莎士比亚的情史在第3季的第1集)。

每次一到他就是阴沉的音乐。大胖子Burbage是威廉在伦敦 The red lion theatre的老板,在剧团里 MasterCondell专门演女人,Kempe是意大利名角。在他伦敦的家里,有一男一女两个角色,一个是房东的女儿Kate在他家里面打杂。男仆叫Bottom,总是被愚弄,却有一种傻傻的聪明。


 6 ) 整理一点英语表达

Timeless is the word as in "feels like goes on for bloody ever."
I thought I was actually outside my own body watching myself die.
What qualifies him to be judge?
a young bud scare yet in bloom 情窦初开
Test the boundaries, challenge the form
Push the boundaris, mash it up
the clothes make the man人靠衣装
relief pours out of me 如释重负
Sometimes it's the only way I have of expressing the breadth and depth of my comic instincts. So live with it, yeah?
live with it (你就接受吧/没什么可抱怨的/事实就是如此)
take the hint 明白潜台词
Minimal is the new epic/less is more
the last straw 最后一根救命稻草
winter knickers 秋裤
picky 挑剔
lengthy/copious 冗长的(用来吐槽莎剧的时长)
bromance 基情 (哈哈哈哈哈哈哈)
appaling 惊恐的
it's mideval很老土
grim business生意不景气
fit and well, also honest, wise, good-humoured, even-tempered and possessed of a sparkling, dry wit.
tummy/front door 剖腹/顺产
light and breezy (用来形容comedy)
relatable 有代入感的,能产生共鸣的,



  • 冥王星的灯笼裤
  • 力荐

梗多却不晦涩,看的时候想起blackadder,一看编剧是ben elton啊。毕竟英国人,对着莎翁不敢大力黑,从头到尾明黑暗褒的路线,最后还让人觉得善良的will超可爱。但足够搞笑就行了。

  • 桑下
  • 力荐

4.5/5 “你有胸不能装椰子,所以你不能上台扮女人。”

  • 墨殊
  • 推荐

编剧是Blackadder的编剧(可以看到一些parallels),基本上每集都以莎or马洛的剧为基础。单upstart crow这个设定就很酷,直面阶级(与性别)政治。有很多段子直接针对文本本身的,还有关于创作者困境的(有一集调侃了critic与作者的关系),这不单需要well-research,还需要精确的洞察才能写出来

  • edie
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  • HHG🥱
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  • 惘然
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  • Woodring
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  • 逋·已休眠
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  • Lycidas
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  • kel
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  • 欢乐分裂
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有意思 用莎士比亚的剧本主线讲述主角为莎士比亚本人的喜剧 莎士比亚本人演绎的罗密欧与朱丽叶 哈姆雷特 威尼斯商人 暴风雨 麦克白 etc 编剧显然是莎士比亚真爱粉 腐国的纪念活动好玩 如果用这种办法来纪念汤显著关汉卿柳永苏东坡曹雪芹肯定火爆了

  • Emma
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据说还有第二季啊~ 心疼汤显祖,硬凑成对位,却没这待遇。

  • Clarke
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纪(吐)念(槽)莎士比亚的新剧。David Mitchell演莎胖!好喜欢Bottom和Marlowe和Kate和wife和大闺女lol 完全期待第二季!

  • 花岛仙藏
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本宝宝看不懂!!嘻嘻嘻看不懂也挡不住好笑~patronizing bastard🤣🤣🤣

  • Cattiney
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  • 年上党怎么办
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  • Chaall
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  • 野沢氿
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  • ANNA
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David Mitchell 演莎士比亚真的太合适不过了

  • Jin
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