1 ) Film Review----The Crying Game (focus on the black elements)
The Crying Game offers a rare and precious movie experience. The film is an unclassifiable original that surprises, intrigues, confounds, and delights you with its freshness, humor, and honesty from beginning to end. An unlikely kind of friendship develops between Fergus, an Irish Republican Army volunteer, and Jody, a kidnapped British soldier lured into an IRA trap by Jude, another IRA member. When the hostage-taking ends up going horribly wrong, Fergus escapes and heads to London, where he seeks out Jody’s lover, a hairdresser named Dil. Fergus adopts the name “Jimmy” and gets a job as a day laborer. He also starts seeing Dil, who knows nothing about Fergus’s IRA background. But there are some things about Dil that Fergus doesn’t know, either. The Crying Game is really two plots in one, the plot with the IRA and the plot with Dil forming separate stories. It begins as a typical civil war thriller and transmutes into an alluring and strange love story. To me, this isn't really a love story in the typical sense. This story is more about loyalty and atonement than it is about anything else.
The black elements in the film:
A. Setting and Atmosphere:
The background of the film is during the British civil war. As we can easily see that violence, death, terrorist, and assassination are the primary mood of the film. In the same way, much of The Crying Game takes place around dingy London streets that are lined with loneliness rather than paved with gold. Dil drinks margheritas in The Metro where, in what is almost a parody of a seedy England, a second-rate singer intones The White Cliffs of Dover. Sexual identity becomes part of this scenario.
B. Character:
Jody: the black British soldier is lured by Jude into an IRA trap, stays in the mind not as a military presence but as a man with savored memories, and real fears of death, which suggest his sad, gloomy, and pessimistic mood.
Jude: the typical femme fatale, the IRA woman (in the second half of the film she resembles a gangster's moll), who uses her beauty to induce Jody in the bar at the very beginning of the film. In the whole story, as we can find that Jude’s brutal treatment towards Jody and her sudden appearance in London reflect her double-crossing, unloving, mysterious and desperate characteristic.
Fergus: the IRA Solider, whose kind natural is encourages by Jody. After the British troops’ attack, he escapes form the IRA in Ireland and ends up in London. He changes his name and wants to have nothing to do with the IRA, but found and asked to do another mission by Jude. Despite the alienation, his kind natural helps he to transform from dilemma to disenchantment.
Dil: Jody’s “girlfriend”, the only good woman is not a woman at all. He is a transvestite, and paranoia.
C. The Black humor in the film:
As the title indicates, music is important in the film as, indeed, it is an essential element in Jordan's work. The song from which The Crying Game takes its name was a Sixties’ hit. Other songs play a central role that becomes more apparent as the film goes on. They include “When A Man Loves A Woman and, in a neat touch at the end, Stand By Your Man . That last song leaves the audience laughing. The film has many other moments of humour and the script is often hilarious. One such moment occurs when Fergus helps Jody, whose hands are tied, to pee. Dil’s friends celebrated in the barber’s as Dil finds a boyfriend. Etc.
To sum up, this film is wonderful on so many levels. The storyline is heartbreaking and suspenseful, and it tugs at your heart too. Keep an open mind - there's a lot more to it than the "secret" that you probably already know about.
2 ) 关于爱情
《哭泣游戏》从开始到结束都在倾唱着同一首歌,都在诉说着同一个故事,关于蝎子,关于青蛙,关于本性。相对于同为北爱尔兰共和军组织中的成员们,影片的男主角弗格斯缺少了那种决绝和刚烈的“革命斗志”,内心对杀戮和战争感到迷失和无奈。看守乔迪时产生的恻隐之心、好感和友情,只是他发现自己、正视现实的开始,隐隐中不可回避不能改变的,是“It's Nature”,是内心真正的愿望和期待的生活。当他眼睁睁地看着朱迪在自己眼前被坦克压死,他内心的歉疚已经无可复加。他唯一能做的就是代替乔迪去堪萨尔高地的米莉发屋找他心目中的爱人,然后带她到托特哈姆公园看一场板球比赛,告诉她乔迪一直在想她。当他见到戴尔,这个迷人的、与众不同的女人,她有着迷人的曲发,性感的红唇,妖娆的身段,那样随意的谈吐,可是已经可以吸引弗格斯,而他也不由自主地深陷其中。其实一开始我并不清楚弗格斯到底是不是真的喜欢戴尔,我觉得他只是把自己当成了朱迪,因为朱迪爱着戴尔,因为朱迪要保护戴尔,所以弗格斯也爱着戴尔,他也想要保护戴尔。于是当一切暴露在弗格斯眼前,他只能呕吐,只能逃避。然而戴尔知道:“你吐的时候我知道,你还是关心我。”这是一种本性,已经爱上了,许多事情便已经改变不了,即使眼前的这个人并不是女人,然而已经爱上了,那么即使再逃避,善良、关心、爱护,仍然是他的本性。
3 ) Who knows the secret of the human’s heart?
I think the film <The crying game > tells a story about human nature. It may hide deep inside one’s soul for a life time silently until the day he dies. But it is always ready to show up as long as there are proper induction factors. And the result is, we never know when a man who just lives around and waves friendly to us at a distance everyday, who loves whistling and telling jokes, who behaves as a gentleman turns out to be a real devil. And we’re never wise enough to tell the kind-hearted by nature from the wicked until something terrible happens on us some day. These suffocating feelings tangled all the way when I was watching the film.
The whole story took place at the time when Irish requested independence from the United Kingdom of Britain and can be divided into three sections.
The first part shows that a black soldier Jody who was kidnapped by the Irish Revolutionary Army (IRA) was imprisoned at their secret base in Irish where he met Fergus, the hero of the film who was actually supposed to kill him. During the watching, they gradually became sort of friends, prattling and laughing happily with no notice of their true identities. And finally, Jody died because of his own fellows and Fergus escaped to Britain pretending as a Scottish. In the second section, Fergus visited Jody’s girlfriend Dil and fell in love with her. When finding out that Dil was a false lady, Fergus felt teased and disgusted. Then Fergus’s former fellowmen traced him and threatened Fergus to finish a murder or they would kill Dil. To protect Dil from risk, Fergus accepted the task reluctantly but found himself tied in Dil’s bed on the exact morning while Peter, the boss, who couldn’t wait any longer took action, got shot and died. Jude took revenge on Fergus only to be shot to death by Dil in his house. Finally, Fergus was caught and sentenced instead of Dil.
To promote the plot, the editor set a series of comparisons and conflicts of which the “scorpion and frog” story plays an extremely important role. It was the story first told to Fergus by Jody and at that time, the mercy sleeping in Fergus’s subconsciousness began to wake up although he himself might pay no attention to it partly on account of his indecisive character. And it drops a hint that Fergus couldn’t make up his mind to break up with his organization at last. At the end of the movie, the story was told again by Fergus to Dil. We could find the intense comparison between the two scenes. Jody was sad and despairing when telling the story but he still believed Fergus had a heart to let him run away, so there was kind of hope in his words. And Fergus had been behind bars when he repeated the story to Dil in an exaggerating voice with laughter around. He was in a tranquil mood after so many tragedies. It seemed that everything had come to an end. To some extent, he realized that he had completed an atonement to Jody be accepting the sentence with good cheer which made him perfectly happy and peaceful in his heart of hearts.
Besides, strong conflicts between the roles are also spotlights of the film which mainly appear in the way of love. The love between Fergus and Jude at the beginning of the film is physical to a large extent. Meanwhile, Fergus couldn’t accept Dil as a gay and transvestist, but still tried his best to cater to him when he decided to protect Dil. On the other hand, Dil loved Fergus with all his heart and soul and promised to do anything for him even cutting down his curly hair while paying no attention to Fergus’s averseness to the pet name “honey”. And I guess this kind of love mixes with feelings some of dependence, closer to spiritual request. And Fergus’s affection to Dil may mostly be clemency. Yet, boy’s love has always been a sensitive subject which glamourizes the movie here.
Like Waiter Col said: Who knows the secret of the human’s heart? Can we simply justify that Peter is totally wicked and Fergus is absolutely kind in nature? We human beings ourselves are affected by our surroundings easily. Life itself is like a cruel game filled with so many changeable factors and accidents. And men may never get what they deserve. That may be what the film tries to tell us: The society is unjust in itself.
4 ) 两只青蛙
5 ) 闲话两三
6 ) 优越感作祟的意识形态文本
根据福柯的说法,任何社会都存在一种处于边缘、颠覆位置而同时又具有折射社会文化功能的 “异类空间”。这个空间虽游离于主流价值观之外,却能够投射出人类文明表面繁盛之外的另类内容,也能勾画出人类生活的生死信仰、文化艺术、历史观念、政治权力、法制思想等内容。因此,存在于发廊、同性恋酒吧这些异类空间之中的迪尔,便是影片离轨者的最佳人选。正是这些离轨者的存在,才能使卫道士们得以确立自己的纯洁与神圣。
迪尔的演员找的真好 http://v.pptv.com/show/Bg0hnwdt3RvhX8c.html
Jaye Davidson原來是Derek Jarman的男友引薦的哦
这个关于爱与救赎的故事至今看来仍精彩异常。Jaye Davisdson在酒吧吟唱CryingGame那场戏美极了,其声线时而沉厚时而娇柔,实在太迷人。
耐人寻味的故事,跨性别演员的美让人想到王小波笔下的《似水柔情》,crying game这首歌美丽又伤感,善良的男主很耐看,越看越有魅力。
Jaye Davidson 他在《星际之门》里面更美 但是这部电影让我很心疼……最早是在王安忆的书里看到过电影剧透 现在看来 并没有让我失望。另 他的声线很迷人……
在未被剧透情况下直接观影,实在没想到《哭泣的游戏》讲的是这样一个故事,前面的内容一度让我怀疑自己是不是看错了电影?后续的剧情才是比较符合我对这部影片的预期。—— 歌词:我知道哭泣游戏的一切,我是哭泣游戏中的一分子,先是亲吻,然后叹息,最后在你知道梦醒何处之前,已到了道别时候。我要告诉月亮,哭泣游戏是什么,若他知道,他或许能解释,为何有烦恼?为何有哭泣?如何才能不再忧郁?当爱情逝去,不再参加哭泣游戏,不再参加哭泣游戏。
怎么说呢、刚开出来是同志片的时候感觉有点尴尬+羞射。但后来 还是渐渐的还是对那种本能的善良所衍生出来的爱而打动、之后又查了下历史、更是被在这种时代政治时局的笼罩下产生的感情而震撼。
当男主说出the pleasure was all mine时我跟他们一样笑抽了。这是一部关于人性的电影,我动机不纯,但电影很好看,惊喜一个。开头Michael Bolton的When a Man Loves a Woman,好熟悉
看之前真的没想到这部片依旧与IRA有关,不仅有民族、种族的冲突和融合,还是这么"unusual"的一个爱情故事——看完这片,不知道还会不会有人觉得爱情一定以性别为前提。Jaye Davidson太妖娆了,他应该可以重新定义“掰弯”这个词,应该是“把谁都掰到我身边”
气质不凡,冷峻忧伤。I can't help it.It's my natural.
IRA、青蛙背蝎子过河的寓言 "I can't help it, it's my nature." 、以酒保为中介的对话、“明知你是骗我的,仍令我开心。”本职时装助理的Jaye Davidson,♫Crying Game